Tuesday, May 7, 2024

WWE NXT 5/7/2024

WWE NXT 5/7/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/wwe-nxt-4302024.html

We get a Wes Lee video, then we see him walk through backstage. Wrestlers surround him. He says it's good to be back home but he has one goal in mind. 

Wes Lee vs Josh Briggs

Briggs beale throws him and he rolls through it. Briggs shoulders him over and Wes tries a pin combinaion on him. Wes tries a sunset flip but gets nowhere. Wes dropkicks him out then flying headscissors him. Wes is caught jumping off the apron and he pushes Briggs into the post. Wes wraps around the post and headscissors Briggs.

Wes handsprings but is caught in a backbreaker. Briggs splashes Wes' back. Ivar comes down to watch and Briggs stares at him. We go to break and return. Briggs bearhugs Wes while Ivar does commentary. Wes hits punches to the gut then hits kicks and a double stomp to the back. Briggs sidewalks slams him for 2.

Briggs stomps on him. Wes hits kicks out of the corner then koppo kicks him out. Wes topes Briggs near Ivar. Briggs grabs Ivar then Wes knees Briggs into Ivar, knocking him over. Wes hits a spiral tap on Briggs and wins its.

It was a shorter match that got Wes a win and pushed the Briggs/Ivar feud. It was not the greatest thing ever but it did what it was supposed to.

Briggs and Ivar fight after then Wes top rope swantons onto them outside. Oba Femi appears on the riser and laughs.

We see Roxanne Perez arrive earlier.

Wrestlers talk about in the back. Igwe and DuPont say Frazer and Aziom are champs nd said they want to call themselves champs. Kemp, Dempsey and Borne walk in. They say it's funny since they couldn't even win their debut match. Igwe says they will get better and more comfortable. The heels say they will just feel pain if they get in the ring with them. Hank and Tank then break things up.

The OC walks in to talk to Frazer and Axiom. They talk about getting rid of Raw and SD tag teams and want to do the "too sweet" hand gesture. Frazer and Axiom say no and Doc says that's why they will lose the tag titles.

Shayna Baszler vs Karmen Petrovic

KP = Karmen Petrovic, SB = Shayna Baszler

KP goes for a high kick and SB backs into the corner. SB throws her down off the waistlock. KP high kicks her and SB rolls out. SB puts KP's arm in the ring foundation and stomps it. SB pulls on KP's arm and works the fingers.

SB lariats her over then armlocks her. SB is thrown shoulder first into the buckles then she backdrops her. SB stomps KP's arm into the mat. KP hits forearms and kicks. KP legsweeps her then screw kicks her for 2. KP spin kicks her. KP comes off the buckles and is caught with a choke. SB puts a grounded choke on her and wins.

It could have used more time but I liked it. KP seemed like she was really fighting off SB out there and showed some nice babyface fire.

Kelani Jordan says she doesn't get why Fallon Henley turned on Thea. She asks what kind of friend does that. She said it took everything not to smack her. Fallon walks in and asks why she didn't. Kelani said she thought they were friends. Fallon said she spent her career trying to help her friends and says it's Fallon first now. They argue and the segment ends.

NXT Women's Combine

We see them do speed drills and push a weight sled around. They said Thea Hail and Kelani Jordan put themselves in great positions to advance.

No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne) vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

The ring announcers is told the ref isn't available by Luca Crusifino. Channing "Stacks" Lorenzeo is the special red and he comes down with Rizzo and Tony D.

Borne is double teamed and Stacks watches on. Dupont splashes Borne then Borne punches him. Dupont running euros Dempsey then Igwe shoulders Dempsey over. Dupont double axe handles Borne's arm off the buckles. Borne hits a nice dropkick on Dupont.

Stacks pulls Borne away to save Dupont. Dempsey euros and does an octopus on Dupont. Igwe gets in and hits offense on the heels. Igwe hits a double lariat then slams Borne. Dempsey germans Igwe and Stacks slow counts to get revenge on Dempsey. Dempsey gets mad and pushes Stacks. Stacks decks Dempsey and Dempsey is pinned.

This was obviously a goofy match here. How Stacks got appointed the ref is unknown. It wasn't the greatest match here as Igwe missed on most of his strikes and the faces were hardly likeable for essentially cheating here.

Arianna Grace, Chelsea Green and Gigi Dolin talk in the back. Green is overtanned here. Grace is happy to have Green here and says it warms her heart to imagine her as champ. Green rips Pearce and Nick and said she found someone as perfect as her. Grace says she must win the title tonight. They say it's for the locker room, every little girl and Georgina. Grace says she must deal with her Michin problem but will be victorious. Gigi says she can't take this anymore and says she's done.

Roxanne Perez is interviewed. She says tonight is about her. She says when you are the main event and the champion, they call you the prodigy. She says no one likes Green on Raw or SD and she doesn't like her here. She said she sent Tatum and Lyra packing and will send Green packing too.

Michin vs Arianna Grace

Michin stomps Grace's feet then forearms her. She kicks her over an ddropkicks her. Michin then PK's him. Grace hits corner spears then shoulder throws her. Grace suplexes her then elbow drops her. Grace goes for the armbar then Michin deadlift powerbombs her out of it.

Michin lariats and superkicks her. Michin shotgun dropkicks her. Michin hits a corner facekick then slingshot sunset flips her. Grace holds onto the ropes and gets caught. Grace argues with the ref then Michin germans her. Michin hits a soul foot and wins it.

It was a short match and wasn't much of anything really.

Triple H says WWE is on fire and says they are bringing Wrestlemania to Las Vegas. He asks, "are you ready?".

Thea Hail talks to Ridge Holland in the back. She thanks him for checking in on her. She says she feels no one thinks she makes any sense. Ridge says his daughter reminds her of her and says he hopes she has the passion she does. Chase U and Lexis King come in. King asks if this is a terrible Lifetime movie. King says this business isn't for everybody. Ridge says it looks like King needs his face kicked in. Duke says King is an airhead and has no right talking to Thea that way. King calls him a white knight and says he just p!ssed off the king.

Supernova Sessions

Dar says to welcome tonight's guest Trick Williams and Lash calls him a very special guest. Trick comes out. Dar says things are doing well for Trick and it must be nice to be him. Dar then shows a video of Trick visiting the WWE headquarters. Trick talks about Shawn Michaels giving him advice.

Trick says he wants to see whats in the envelope they have. The envelope has a picture of Trick pinning Dar with Dar's foot under the bottom rope. Dar says the victory gave Trick the momentum to become NXT champ but it's evidence that everything he has is built on a lie. He says Trick is a no good trick and he says he will expose him. Trick says, "that's it?" and can't believe he was brought out here for this. Trick asks what's wrong with Oro's voice and said he talks like he has been eating dogfood. Trick asks if Lash wants to tell them something. Lash calls him "babe" and says it's not the time. Trick says they have nothing to be scared about. Trick told her to say that she called him "Trick Willy Wonka". Dar then nails Trick from the side and knocks him out. Dar stares at Lash and holds the NXT Title up.

It was a disappointing segment. They made it seem like we were headed towards some big storyline with Trick and we didn't get it. Trick's sentiments about the whole thing fit my thoughts on it.

We go back to the women's combine. Jaida Parker seems to have won the high jump contest.

We go to a black screen with someone sleeping. This was likely Wendy Choo.

Natalya and Karmen Petrovic talk in the back. Nat says wrestling is about finding your edge and being the aggressor. Someone walks up to Nat and tells her the NXT Underground Match was sick. Someone goes up to Karmen, says something smart and is high kicked.

Fallon Henley vs Kelani Jordan

They lock up and Fallon rubs her forearm in KJ's face in the corner. KJ armdrags her. Fallon trips her then drops her with  a forearm. Fallon shoulders her over. KJ trips her then armdrags her while doing a tiger feint on the ropes. KJ dropkicks her then cartwheel back elbows her.

KJ is thrown back into the buckles. Fallon stomps her then KJ hits chops and forearms. KJ flips into a legdrop on her. KJ side headlocks her then does a nice spinning headlock takeover. KJ's head is pulled into the top rope. Fallon slides out and punches her. 

We go to break and return. Fallon boots her then cobra clutches her. Fallon armdrags her. KJ hits forearms then cartwheel back elbows her. KJ spin kicks her. Fallon goes to hand spring and is kicked while doing it. Fallon does a tornado suplex then pulls off the turnbuckle. KJ monkey flips Fallon then is popped up into the exposed buckle. KJ shining wizards her and wins it.

It was good at first with Kelani's athletic offense. The finish really stunk though and brought it down.

Charlie Dempsey talks in the back with his crew. He said he will give Tony D'Angelo what he wants but he will regret it. He says the NQCC has all the power in the catch clause. He says Tony will have to wait to see who he is facing and asks how it feels to hold none of the power.

We go back to the NXT Women's Combine where they are testing strength. Lash Legend won the medicine ball throw and Wren Sinclair did good as well. Izzi Dame won the hip deadlift. We then see some of the conditioning drills.

Ava Raine talks about the NXT Women's Combine. The Top 12 are in order: Sol, Thea, Jaida, Brinley Reece, Michin, Fallon, Lash, Ivy Nile, Izzi Dame, Kelani Jordan, Tatum Paxley and Wren Sinclair. She said they will compete in qualifying matches for the NXT Women's North American Title next week. 

Duke Hudson vs Lexis King

King hits forearms in the corner then Duke hits gut shots in the corner. Thea puts on Duke's headband. Duke lariats and slams King then he side slams King. Duke hiptosses King then suplexes him. King snapmares and elbow drops Duke. King double foot chokes Duke in the corner. Duke rolls him up out of the corner for 2 then hits shots to the gut.

King chopblocks Duke then running knees him in the back of the head. King goes outside and argues with Thea. Andre Chase and Ridge get involved. Ridge throws a chair in, the ref moves it and King hits his coronation neckbreaker. King then pins Duke.

It was a quick one here that was used to push whatever is going on here with Ridge and Thea. I'm sure we haven't seen the end of this one. The match was nothing of note.

Meta-Four is interviewed as they leave. Dar says Trick got his lights put out and doesn't want to talk about Lash. Je'Von Evans walks into them  and asks about what they did to Trick Williams. Oro says to move. Dar yells at him to get to the point and says now is not the time. He tells him to ask Trick when he wakes up if he doesn't believe him.

Chelsea Green looks at Mr. Stone in the back.

Jazmyn Nyx talks about Thea Hail. She said Thea showed who she was last week, calling her animal with no remorse, when she broke Jacy Jayne's nose. She asks Ava where the suspension is. Nyx says Jacy is recovering from surgery and says she will do everything in her power to take care of Thea for committing a heinous crime.

Chase U talk in the back. Ridge walks in. Thea is flipping out. Ridge says he's so sorry and never meant to cost them the match. He says he can't help but see his little girl in Thea. Duke says they know it was Lexis King. Duke says to get them dinner tonight and they will call it even. Riley Osborne said he cost Duke the match and says a leopard never changes its spot. Ridge says he will earn their trust and respect if he has to.

NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Chelsea Green

RP wristlocks her. Green trips her then la magistrals her. Green trips her and slaps her on the apron. We then go to PiP break and return.

RP russian legsweeps Green then running euros her. RP stomps on her and Green hits slaps. They trade forearms. Green push kicks her back and leg lariats her. Green hits lariats then snapmares her. RP drops her with a forearm and basement dropkicks her. Green stomps her over the middle rope and RP hurricanrana's her off the buckles.

RP running euros her then Green germans her. Green top rope dropkicks her. Green backrolls her and rolls her up. RP sunset
flips her and wins it.

They botched the finish here as Perez was supposed to hit pop rocks but missed. The match was average and not that great. It was also weird as both girls are heels and Green was essentially being the face here.

We got to the parking lot. Tony D and Stacks are shoving Kemp and Borne in the back of a car. Tony says "How about that catch clause now, Sir Charles?". Charlie Dempsey walks out and can't find his friends.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show at all. The Trick Williams envelope thing turned out to be nothing and the Women's Combine was also nothing. The women heavily dominated the show and their matches were really not that good overall. I wouldn't recommend this.

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