Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 5/4/2024 Wrestle Magic 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 5/4/2024 Wrestle Magic 2024

GHC Hardcore Openweight Title Match - Ninja Mack (c) vs. Shuji Ishikawa

Mack ducks a shot and hits a bunch of strikes. Shuji side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Mack hits shots then Shuji throws him over the top. Mack jumps in and does the ninja special onto him. Mack hits him with a trash can. Mack is thrown into the rails and trips Shuji into them.

Mack ties Shuji to the rails then hits him with a chair. Shuji blocks a chair shot and hits him in the gut with it. Shuji chairs his back then slams him on a chair. Shuji is on the apron and Mack does his ninja special onto him. Shuji catches him and fire thunders him off the apron through a table. Shuji then hits him with a piece of a table.

Mack is thrown into a ladder in the corner. Mack drops him with kicks then misses a 2nd rope phoenix splash. Mack sleepers him then does a phoenix splash onto a ladder on Shuji. Shuji sleepers him and Mack ropebreaks.

Mack hits kicks. He climbs a ladder and Shuji chairs it. Shuji catches him as he falls then lawn darts him into a ladder leg. Mack hurricanrana's him for 2. Shuji powerbombs him on a ladder against the ropes for 2. Shuji then hits splash mountain and wins it.

I thought it went on too long and would have just been better as a regular match. They did too much here with the fire thunder through the table not meaning that much and they weren't able to manipulate the various weapons as well as they could have. It would have been a lot better if they just did big man vs small man here.

Daiki Inaba & Ryohei Oiwa vs. Starboy Charlie & Titus Alexander

Charlie in Noah, I didn't see that coming. Oiwa side headlocks Charlie then shoulders him over. Charlie dropkicks him and spin kicks him. Charlie boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Charlie dropkicks him and running ssp's him.

Titus and Inaba fight. They tade face kicks. Inaba elbows him against the ropes then Titus dropkicks him. Inaba shoulders him over then takes another dropkick. Titus hits forearms on Inaba then Inaba flying shoulders him.

Oiwa shoulders Titus over. Oiwa then does a random backflip and then running spears him. Titus superkicks Oiwa and does a package backbreaker for 2. Oiwa backdrops him.

Inaba corner lariats Titus then hits a blue thunder for 2. Titus dropkicks Inaba then throws Charlie's feet into him. Charlie 2nd rope skytwister presses Inaba. Titus hits a handspring cutter on Oiwa then tope con hilos Oiwa outside. Inaba hits forearms on Charlie. Charlie kips down, kips up and backflip kicks Inaba. Charlie hits a top rope 450 on Inaba and wins it.

I was shocked Charlie got the win here. I didn't see that coming. It was actually a good little tag that got the best out of everyone except Oiwa. Charlie did some flips here. Titus had nice dropkicks and a nice dive and Inaba was the fun underdog as usual.

Takashi Sugiura vs. Masa Kitamiya

They charge at each other and shoulder battle. Sugi face kicks him and is lariated while Masa is on the apron. Masa knee drops him on the apron. Masa clips him then sentons him for 2.  Masa prison locks him and Sugi ropebreaks.

Sugi guillotine chokes Masa then is back body dropped. Masa misses a corner spear then Sugi running face kicks him. Sugi running knees him then 2nd rope superplexes him. Masa blocks a running knee and drops Sugi on his knees. Sugi knees and lariats him then hits a forearm combo. Sugi lariats him down then hits an olympic slam. Masa backdrops him.

They trade forearms then slaps. Masa slap combos him then Sugi knocks him down with a big punch. Masa headbutts Sugi and gets busted open. Sugi germans Masa then knees him in the head. Sugi drops him with a punch. Masa pilerivers him for 2. Masa top rope sentons Sugi and gets the win.

It was a good hard hitting match. It couldn't have been much more action packed then it was and it really was a best case scenario match. It was stiff and fiery and the kind of pro wrestling I like.

AKIRA, Eita & HAYATA vs. Hitoshi Kumano, Junta Miyawaki & Yu Owada

Akira looks like Poison Sawada Julie these days. Junta and Eita start us off. Junta wristlocks him, Eita reverses it then Junta gets it back on. Junta side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Junta hiptosses him then Eita basement dropkicks him. Haya takes a Junta dropkick. Kumano gets in and shoulders Haya over.

Haya eye rakes Kumano then sliding kicks him. Haya then stands on his throat. Kumano takes an atomic drop then suplexes him off the bearhug. Yu and Akira go at it. Akira wristlocks him and Yu reverses it. Akira cartwheels out of it then Yu headflips out of the wristlock. Yu hammerlocks him and they trade forearms.

Yu dropkicks him. Akira takes a 3v1 and various corner attacks. Akira takes a double suplex for 2. Kumano backbreakers Akira then Akira enzugiri's him. Eita dropkicks all 3 opponents. Kumani pushes his opponents into each other and backdrops Eita. Yu is swept off the 2nd rope by Eita.

Akira gets in and flying corkscrew lariats Yu. Akira slams him then is dropkicked while he goes up top. Yu top rope crossbodies Akira for 2. Haya and Eita do stereo corner attacks. They trip Yu into a legdrop and basement dropkick. Akira top rope splashes Yu and wins it.

It wasn't anything special and we didn't even really get a dive here. But it was fast paced and not that bad.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Three Way Elimination Match - GLG (Tadasuke & YO-HEY) (c) vs. Shuji Kondo & YASSHI vs. Alpha Wolf & Dragon Bane 

Wolf, Tada and Yasshi start us off. Yasshi talks tash and is superkicked. Wolf then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Tada. Wolf superkicks Tada whil he's on his knees. Kondo throws Wolf overhead then Bane and Yo get in.

Bane cartwheels over both opponents. He runs into a Yo boot and is put in a pin by Kondo. Bane headscissors Kondo out. Tad enzugiri's Bane in the corner. Kondo is held for a Yo basement dropkick. Wolf double springboard dropkicks Yo and Tada. Bane splashes both Yo and Tada in the corner. Wolf top rope moonsaults yo then Bane jumps off of Wolf's back and dropkicks Tada. Bane flips off of Wolf into a moonsault on Yo.

Yasshi takes corner attacks then Bane is monkey flip cannonballed into him. Tada throws Bane out. Yasshi grabs Yo and Tada by the crotch then bites Wolf in the crotch. Yo hits forearms on Kondo. Kondo pops up and battering rams Yasshi into opponents. Yo takes a double boot then a double basement dropkick. Yasshi jumps on Kondo's shoulders and is flipped down onto Yo for 2.

Kondo blocks Bane's flying headscissors and lariats Yo while he does it. Kondo goes out and Wolf tope con hilos him. Bane handsprings and is caught by a Yasshi german. Yo dropkicks Yasshi and eliminates Yasshi/Kondo.

Yo takes a double superkick. Bane springboard twisting headscissors Tada by walking up the ropes with Wolf's help. Wolf springboard swantons outside. Bane walks up the ropes and blind corkscrews outside onto opponents.

Bane top rope SSP's Tada for 2. Yo sends Bane and Wolf into each other then double dropkicks them. Tada forearms Bane. Bane superkicks and pumping knees him. Everyone gets a move in  and the sequence ends with Tada lariating Wolf. Tada takes a made in Japan style move from Bane for 2.

Tada flips Bane with a lariat. Bane finlay rolls Yo then tope con hilos Tada through the ropes for 2. Yo superkicks Wolf in the gut then is superkicked. wolf headbutts him then flips him into a driver for 2. Wolf headbutts Tada then Yo rolls him up and pins him for the win.

It was your usual indy style spotfest with fast paced action, dives and little selling. It was pretty much what you would expect here.

YAMATO vs. Kenoh

Ken hits a leg kick and they amateur wrestle. They stand off. Ken armlocks and headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Ken stomps on him. Ken crabs him. Ken hits him with kicks and Yamato goes under the ring. Yamato dropkicks him in the back of the leg.

Yamato single leg crabs him. Ken wraps his legs around Yamato and Yamato stretches the legs. Yamato footslaps him and chops him down. Ken chest kicks him then flying knees him in the back of the head. Ken ankle locks him and Yamato ropebreaks.  Yamato suplexes him for 2.

Yamato hits running forearms. Ken no sells one and they trade forearms. Ken pele kicks him and ankle locks him. Yamato rolls and reverses the ankle lock. Ken then rolls and ankle locks him again. Ken PK's him. Yamato single leg dropkicks him in the corner.

Yamato puts him on his shoulder and Ken tries to pull Yamato's tights down. Yamato enzugiri's him then Ken release dragon suplexes him. Yamato hurricanrana's him for 2. Ken slap and high kicks him. Ken top rope double stomps him for the win. 

Thoughts: It didn't get enough time. The match they were doing needed another 10 minutes and they were just not going for some classic here with big nearfalls, special moves and so forth.

Kazushi Sakuraba & Ulka Sasaki vs. Hikaru Sato & Shuhei Taniguchi

KS = Kazushi Sakuraba, ST = Shuhei Taniguchi

Sato and Ulka start us off. They trade kicks. Sato shoots on him and they roll around on the mat. Ulka ankle locks him and Sato gets out. ST and KS go at it. ST takes him down and KS does an armlock on the mat. ST ropebreaks. KS goes for a leglock and ST ropebreaks.

ST throws him and does a head and armb triangle. KS gets out and goes for the armbar. ST and Ulka fight. ST takes him down and headkicks him. Ulka drops him with knees to the head. Sato hip throws Ulka when he gets in and Ulka does a grounded octopus. Sato leglocks him to get out of it.

KS gets in and leglocks Sato. They trade legkicks. ST goes for a german, KS ropebreaks and ST refuses to let go. The ref gives ST a yellow card. Ulka hits kicks, knees and punches on ST. ST then germans him. ST punts him in the head. Ulka high knees ST and wins it.

Thoughts: It wasn't as bad as some of the Funaki matches but it had the usual shoot style issues with the match being slow, them not doing that much and the strikes not looking that good.

Giulia, Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita vs. Great Sakuya, Miyuki Takase, Nagisa Nozaki & Takumi Iroha

MT = Miyuki Takase, NN =Nagisa Nozaki, G= Giulia

Giulia's team comes out with a bunch of people from the new Marigold promotion. I held a long grudge against Stardom for poaching. Marigold formed and needed to fill roster spots quick so they have also resorted to poaching from promotions like ActWresGirl'Z and Ice Ribbon. I get the reason for doing it and I get why wrestlers go along with it, but it sucks. I want to see Stardom and Marigold make their own stars, not take other people's stars. And I want to see promotions like ActWres and Ice grow, which they won't do when people take their stars. I'm particularly disappointed with Yuuki Minami over it. Ice Ribbon trained her, worked with her schedule and allowed her to miss tons of smaller shows, then she ditched them for another promotion in less than a year. It was a jerk move. And don't even get me started on Giulia. This girl is the Lu Bu of joshi. She ditched Ice Ribbon for Stardom. She ditched Stardom for Marigold and she's already in the process of ditching Marigold for WWE.

All 8 girls run at each other and fight to start.NN takes over G then headscissors her. G and NN grab each other by the hair.  MT and Utami go at it. Utami shoulders her over then MT dropkicks her. Utami defends herself by holding up her foot and MT backs off.

Great and Mirai go at it. Great spits something at her. Great backrolls then Mirai shoulders her over. Great armdrags Mirai and Mirai armdrags her back. They both then headflip up together and stand off. Mai and Iroha go at it. Mai hits forearms and Iroha snapmares her. Mai ducks a PK then Iroha kicks her in the back.

Mai stunners her then dropkicks and double stomps her. Iroha hits a strike combo on Mai then Iroha octopus stretches her then all of the Marigold girls put submissions on opponents at the same time. MT takes a 4 person basement dropkick. Iroha knees Mai then fights off a 1v4. 

MT dropkicks Mai then MT cutters her. Mai hits forearms on MT. MT runs up to the 2nd rope and dropkicks Mai. Mai takes a double boot then her 4 opponents team up on her on the ropes. Mai flying kicks Great. Mirai shoulders Great over then makes NN ddt MT. Mirai dropsaults MT. Great teases doing to the green mist to Mirai then spin kicks her. Great does a weird dance and superkicks her.

MT corner lariats Mirai then 2nd rope forearms her. Mirai suplexes her and tags out. Utami basement dropkicks MT in the back then uranages her. MT lariats Utami then slams her. Iroha misses a top rope swanton then Utami lariats her. Iroha bridge pins Utami while doing a german to G. Utami forearms Iroha then germans her. Iroha spinning high kicks her and superkicks her. Utami powerbombs Iroha.

NN band G trade facekicks. G dropkicks her. NN suplexes her then MT 2nd rope legdrops G. Iroha sitout powerbombs G then Great asai moonsaults G. NN flying dropkicks G for 2. G top rope double underhook suplexes NN then NN takes a high/low combo. Utami air raid crashes NN then G falcon arrows NN for 2. 

NN flying kicks G then ripcord facekicks her. NN basement dropkicks G. NN cobra clutch suplexes G and Utami germans NN.  Utami takes a headkick + cradle shock combo. G fights off a 2v1 then Great green mists NN on accident. G backdrops Great then hits a northern lights bomb on NN to win it.

Thoughts: This was a really long match and the non-Marigold girls were not protected well here at all. Nagisa in particular just felt like their personal jobber. I couldn't wait for this one to end as it just dragged and was far from their best work.

Hajime Ohara & Naomichi Marufuji vs. Jake Lee & Tajiri

Tajiri has gray hair here as he didn't dye it for some reason. Taiji avoids a Maru lock up early then Maru avoids his lock up. Taijiri ducks a chop and hits a kick. Ohara gets in. He armbars Taijiri then Tajiri takes him down with a wristlock. Ohara ties his legs up then does cattle mutilation. Lee gets in. Lee clean breaks Ohara then Tajiri slaps Ohara in the back of the head. Maru slaps Tajiri and rakes his eyes with his feet.

Tajiri ducks kicks then Lee knees Maru in the gut. Lee backdrops him for 2. Lee goes to chokeslam Maru. Maru falls out of it, dropkicks him and is shouldered over. They trade forearms for chops. Maru hook kicks him and pumping knees him. Jake then running knees him in the gut.

Tajiri and Ohara get in. Tajiri wants to do Lee's kick but Ohara elbows Tajiri over. Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then does a tequila sunrise. Lee breaks it up. Tajiri pushes the ref into Ohara and green mists him. Tajiri then buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Tajiri hits another buzzsaw kick and wins it.

It was a short and stupid match with a dumb finish. The ref got pushed which should have been a DQ and I don't get why Ohara needed to take 2 buzzsaw kicks to be put down instead of just one. We didn't see much of Lee at all here.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Daga (c) vs. Alejandro


I lost my review of this. I thought it was a decent lucha match up until they did a canadian destroyer spot. Naturally, that meant nothing and they kept on for about 2 minutes after, ruining what was a fine match otherwise. Daga ended up winning this one with a double underhook backbreaker.

GHC Tag Team Title Match - GLG (Anthony Greene & Jack Morris) (c) vs. TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima)

AG = Anthony Greene

What a random one this is and in the semi-main spot no less. AG side headlocks Tenzan and they shoulder battle. Tenzan shoulders him over then hits mongolian chops. Kojima hits a back elbow and forearms on AG then AG takes mongolian chops and forearms from both opponents.

AG is shouldered over then Jack forearms Tenzan over. Jack and Kojima fight. Jack shoulders him over then Kojima hiptosses and shoulders him over. Jack running back elbows him then AG hits mounted pounces on Kojima. AG pounds on Kojima in the corner then Jack stomps and spears Kojima in the corner.

Jack basement dropkicks Kojima for 2. Jack beats up on Kojima and slams him. Kojima running forearms him and tags out. Tenzan beats up on both opponents and hits headbutts on Jack. Tenzan corner lariats AG and suplexes him. Tenzan lariats him then puts him in an anaconda vice. Kojima then puts Jack in a submission at the same time. Kojima hits machine gun chops on Jack then top rope elbow drops him for 2.

AG superkicks Koji then walks the top rope and twisting crossbodies him. Jack top rope frogsplashes Kojima then Kojima hits a double clothesline on his opponents. AG takes a 3D for 2. Kojima suplexes Jack for 2. Jack gets a back body drop from Kojima then a cutter for 2. Jack flying knees Kojima then tiger drivers him for 2. Jack top rope SSP's Kojima and gets the win.

I wasn't a big fan of this. It was a real simple match to do with the young guys dominating and then the legends making their comeback and either losing or winning or the legenbs making a mistake and the young guys cheating to win. Instead they did more of a back and forth match and it wasn't as good as it could have been.

Jack says Tenzan and Kojim are legends after. He says it's a privilege to wrestle them and thanks them. Jack said it was an open challenge and it started on Monday Magic. He says they can't thank them enough. AG said they have proven why they are the best GHC champs.

GHC Heavyweight Title Match - El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. (c) vs. Kaito Kiyomiya

Doc = El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

Doc wore an awesome gold outfit here. They lock up. Doc flips him him over his back and Kaito flips out of a snapmare. Doc legtrips him then Kaito spinning headscissors him. They trip each other then kip-up and stand off. Kaito rolls out of a wristlock and wristlocks him back. Doc side headlocks him and shoulders him over.

Kaito back elbows and does an elbow drop for 2. Kaito dropkicks him in the knee then bangs his knee off the mat. Kaito buttdrops the knee and Doc tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Doc basement dropkicks him in the back of the head, then hits chops and eye pokes. Doc monkey flips him. Kaito lands on his feet on the 2nd one and is forearmed. Doc tries to monkey flip him on the apron and is thrown over the post to the floor.

Doc is thrown back in then topes Kaito into the rails. Doc jumps off the top and armdrags him into a bridge pin attempt. Kaito flying neckbreakers him. Kaito hits armdrags and dropkicks him out. Kaito tope con hilos him at close range. Kaito top rope dropkicks him for 2.

Doc backdrops him for 2 then Kaito dragon screws him. Kaito hits dropkicked to the knee then dropkicks him off the top. Kaito figure fours him then Doc puts him in a gori special. Kaito tries to get out and takes a sitout powerbomb. Doc hits splash mountain for 2.

They fight on the buckles. Kaito hurricanrana's him out of a 2nd rope splash mountain attempt. Kaito tiger suplexes him for 2. Dco rolls him up then dragon screws him. Doc hits a shining wizard then michinoku drivers him for 2.

Doc misses a top rope moonsault. Kaito shining wizards him on the ropes then does another while he's standing. Kaito hits a 3rd shining wizard for 2. Kaito jumping knees him then Doc lariats him. Doc hits a cradle shock for 2. Doc gets on the buckles and Kaito running powerbombs him.

Doc blocks a shining wizard then hits headbutts him. Kaito dropkicks him then Kaito walks up the buckles and twisting shining wizards him. Kaito shining wizards him in the back of the head and then does a normal one to win it.

Thoughts: I liked this one. They busted out some big stuff for the big match. Doc was put in control of this one and Kaito was the fiery underdog all throughout. Doc used his bigger size to his advantage and tossed him around here which further pushed that. I didn't know what to make of this one going into it but I ended up liking it far more than I had expected and thought it was a good match. I just don't know why we couldn't have had this Kaito for the last year instead of the stupid story arc of him losing to Okada and being treated like a young lion.

Keiji Mutoh gives Kaito the belt after and poses with him.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show with 12 matches. Noah's bigger shows generally give you a good variety of things and this did with the women, some hardcore action, some shoot style stuff, some flippy stuff and some other random people. I liked the main, I liked Sugiura/Kitamiya match and I liked the Starboy Charlie tag but I didn't like the rest that much. The hardcore match would have been better as a normal match. The women's match went long. Kenoh/Yamato needed more time. Kojima and Tenzan shouldn't have been in the semi main and the Taijiri tag was short with a stupid finish. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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