Tuesday, May 7, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/6/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/6/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/wwe-monday-night-raw-4292024.html

We see a long highlight reel from Backlash.

The Judgment Day come out. The announcers say Drew is not cleared for King of the Ring tonight. Priest said France loved Jey USO but he's still the champ. Finn says they are sorry for getting involved. Priest says he needs to address what happened after the match though, as he said he lost his cool. He said his boys helped him stay champ and he said he's sorry. They all hug.

Finn says he gets a buy tonight at KOTR since Drew isn't cleared tonight. He said it's the first step in the prince becoming a king. Adam Pearce interrupts. He says Finn is not getting a first round bye tonight. He said Finn doesn't run Raw, he does. He said if he's gonna win it, he's gonna earn it. He tells Judgment Day to clear the ring and he says Finn's match is next.

Men's King of the Ring First Round - Jey Uso vs Finn Balor

Finn side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Finn armlocks him. Jey takes him down and rolls him up. Jey hits punches on Finn then drops him with an uppercut. Finn hits elbows to the head and stomps. Finn side headlocks him then hits corner spears and chops. Jey topes Finn outside. Jey comes off the steps and is hit in the gut. Jey is sent into the pose and over the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Jey hits corner punches and is pulled down onto the buckles face first. Finn hits corner punches. Finn snapmares him and basement dropkicks him. Jey hits punches then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Jey runs at him and is lariated. Finn hits an elbow slice for 2.

Jey superkicks him then takes a shotgun dropkick. Finn misses a top rope double stomp and is speared for 2. Drew McIntyre comes down. Jey is distracted and Finn slingblades Jey. Jey spears Finn and wins it.

Thoughts: It was fine but not that great of a match or anything. Drew coming down was a nice touch here and added to the storyline of him being screwed constantly. 

We see Zoey Stark and Ivy Nile work out.

We see Becky Lynch walk in. 

Drew McIntyre comes to Adam Pearce in the back about Jey Uso replacing him. Pearce says his arm is not fine and he's not cleared to compete. Drew says screw you and says he's sick of this BS. Drew then drives off in some expensive car that I doubt is his. CM Punk then arrives right after Drew leaves. Pearce says he's late. Punk asks where Drew is and Pearce says he missed him. Punk says he has something to say and asks the truck to play his music.

CM Punk comes out and shakes hands or something with Chad Gable as he passes him. Punk apologizes for being late. He said he got locked in WWE Headquarters in Stamford and drove straight here after. He said he also drove here to get into a fight with Drew but Drew has left. Punk says he should stay here long enough for Drew to come back. Punk tells everyone to tweet at Drew and tell him he's here.

Punk said he tore his tricep blocking a Drew ddt. Punk said Drew delayed his Wrestlemania dreams. He says he's known as a five tool player and says he can do anything. He says Drew is just a took. He complains about Drew and says Drew tries to be him.He asks if Drew hates him or himself.  He says Drew prayed for this and he broke his elbow. He says he will break his face and heart next time. He says Drew fears CM Punk. He says he will break his face if he makes him go to Glasgow Scotland.

It was a long promo that didn't go anywhere despite them teasing that it would.

Ricochet is interviewed. He says his biggest challenge in facing Ilja. Braun Strowman interrupts. He said he got in Judgment Day's business because he can't stand bullies. He tells Ric to remind them why he's King Ricochet and calls him "kiddo".

Women's Queen of the Ring Tournament First Round - Iyo Sky vs Natalya

Nat wristlocks her, Iyo rolls out of it and kips up. Nat then rolls out of her wristlock and waterwheel drops her. Nat rolls her into a leglock. Iyo hits forearms and back elbows. Iyo misses an asai moonsault outside. Nat push kicks her into the apron in the face. Nat has a waistlock and Iyo slides through the ropes to break it. Iyo springboard dropkicks her.

We go to break and return. Iyo hits forearms then is slammed for 2. Nat superplexes her off the top for 2. Iyo crossfaces her then rolls her into a double stomp. Iyo basement dropkicks her for 2. They trade pin attempts. Nat rolls through a jack knife pin and sitout powerbombs her for 2.

Iyo rolls her and misses a double stomp. Nat goes for the sharpshooter but is rolled into the buckles. Iyo corner meteoras her then top rope moonsaults her for the win.

Thoughts: I thought it was a decent match with the two working well together. This was a lot better than Nat's usual offerings here and this didn't have any sloppy moments. 

Damage Ctrl get on the mic after. Kai says they are putting everyone on notice. She said she will fill in for Asuka against Lyra, who is injured. She tells Jade and Bianca to enjoy the tag titles while they have them. they said they will be there to take everything when Becky is done with her charity case Liv Morgan.

We get a video on Ilja Dragunov. He says there's no pain he hasn't felt himself. We see him working out . He says he drinks from the chalice of suffering until hell feels like home. He says he is Ilja Dragunov.

Men's King of the Ring First Round - Ricochet vs Ilja Dragunov

Ric is flipped and lands on his feet. He kips down out of a move and kips up just to take a chop from Drag. Drag enzugiri's him then taking a flying pumping knee. We go to break and return. Ric enzugiri's him from the apron then springboard lariats him. Ric standing ssp's him for 2. Drag jumping front kicks him then germans him. Drag holds on and hits another.

Ric handsprings and flips out of a german. Ric springboard kicks him off the apron. Ric is german suplexed on the floor outside. Drag does a far springboard dropkick for 2. They fight up top. Drag is crotched up top then Ric top rope hurricanrana's him. Drag then rolls out. Ric topes him outside then fosbury flops him outside.

We go to break and return. Drag is pushed into the buckles then he elbows Ric's neck. Drag hits the constantine special for 2. Drag hits a top rope senton for 2. Drag hits a machine gun chop flurry then hits facewashi kicks. Ric superkicks him twice and 2nd rope asai moonsaults him for 2.

Drag running knees him then Ric poisonrana's him. Ric asai moonsaults and is chopped in mid-air. Dragon powerbombs him and hits an h-bomb for 2. Drag runs into a codebreaker for 2. Drag superplexes him then hits another h-bomb. Drag then wins it.

Thoughts: Drag got busted open a bit here. It was more of an indy style match with a lot of flips and flying. They didn't do overdo it too much but it wasn't the smartest match ever. Dragunov got some reaction but I don't like his chances as of right now to make it on the main roster.

They shake hands after. 

Sheamus is interviewed. He says he has had medical procedures on his neck. He said he doesn't like Gunther and said he gets under his skin. He said he's finally going to kick his arse.

Women's Queen of the Ring First Round - Zoey Stark vs Ivy Nile

Zoey hits shots on her in the corner. Zoey flips over her then lariats her. Ivy shoulders her over and does a grounded choke. Ivy hits a delayed suplex then flying kicks her in the corner. Ivy hits a step up enzugiri then is pulled into the ropes face an dthroat first. Zoey springboard dropkicks her for 2.

They fight up top and Zoey top rope bulldogs her for 2. Ivy totally misses a spin kick. Zoey superkicks her and baseball slides her for 2. Zoey hits mounted forearms. They fight on the buckles and Ivy is tripped onto the top buckle. Zoey hits a release dragon suplex then hits a Z360 to win it.

Thoughts: This one totally died heat wise about half way through. The missed spinning high kick spot here was pretty bad and it was just not a great match.

R-Truth talks to Adam Pearce in the back. He brings in the UConn basketball championship coach Dan Hurley. Truth wants to have a title match with UConn. Truth says Dan's part of an independent wrestling promotion called the "NCAA". He says they are "The Dogs". Dan says they are The Huskies. Miz says they can't fight The Huskies because they are a basketball team. Truth says a sport is a sport. Pearce is confused. Miz says they need to talk.

Bron Breakker goes up to Adam Pearce. He asks why he isn't in King of The Ring. Pearce says to join him in his office and they will talk about it.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Finn says he is apologizing week after week. Priest says he's good. JD says he probably wasn't 100% after Braun Strowman hit him. He says Braun needs to be taken care of and Priest says JD needs to do it. Dominik Mysterio and Carlito walk in. Priest said he's glad Carlito is here. He said he cost him his moment in Puerto Rico. Priest says there's no friends here. Carlito says that's the past. He says they run Raw and that's cool. Carlito says he needs help with the LWO. He says you know how this works and says, "you scratch my back....". Priest tells him to get Carlito out of here.

Chad Gable vs Bronson Reed

They trade chops and Reed running death valley drivers him. Chad delay suplexes him then misses a top rope headbutt. Reed sentons Chad. Reed gets stuck up top and takes a very dangerous looking exploder suplex off the top. Sami Zayn comes down and attacks Chad to cause the DQ. Sami then pounds on Reed too.

Thoughts: It was a short match here. They nearly botched the death valley driver and Reed took a bad bump off the top.

Chad germans Sami after then Sami exploders him into the buckles. Reed uranages Sami and Chad.

Reed walks up to Adam Pearce in the back and asks why they can't control themselves. Reed says all he cares about is the IC title and says Pearce knows what to do if he wants control. 

We get a video on Lyra Valkyria.

We see Becky Lynch walk around in the back.

Gunther does a promo. He says he faces Sheamus tonight. He said he heard Sheamus is concerned about putting on banger after banger. Gunther said he doesn't care about that and is concerned about being the greatest of all time. He says he will be no obstacle to stopping him from winning KOTR.

Michael Cole talks to Becky Lynch in the ring. She is asked about a weird outfit she wore to the Kentucky Derby. She said it was about having the biggest hat possible and said she got it off of Etsy. They talk about the new blood on Raw. Becky said a lot of people want to slap her in the face and she welcomes it.

She said Alba Fyre was the longest reigning NXT UK champ and is the longest reigning champ in modern history. She said she doesn't trust Kiana James but says she would trust Lyra Valkyria. Cole says they are both irish and fought for the NXT Title. She said Lyra is the most gifted competitor she was in the ring with. She said she knows Zelina Vega is hungry and has passion.

She said the better woman won when she fought Rhea Ripley. She said it will make her a better fighter. Liv Morgan comes out. She said she's insulted Becky didn't mention her. She said she's tired of being overlooked and underestimated. She talks about her accomplishments and said she took out Rhea Ripley. she said it blows her mind that she still can't get an ounce of respect out of her. Liv said Becky promised her a title match. Becky said she has it at the King of The Ring show. Becky said Liv never beat her.

Live said she's glad she brought that up and said she never beat her. She said she's been missing purpose all along. She said she has purpose now and can finally beat her. She said her purpose is getting revenge on Rhea Ripley and becoming the new women's champ.

Damage Ctrl (minus Asuka) come out. Kai said Liv did nothing to earn a title shot. She said they should fight it out. She said Iyo made it to the 2nd round of the Queen of the Ring Tournament and she will do the same. She said she wants to remind them who runs Raw. Damage Ctrl surround the ring. Becky and Liv stand back to back. Liv leaves the ring and says it's not her problem. Becky then has to fight 1v3. Lyra Valkyria then comes out to help Becky and they clear the heels off 2v3.

Sami Zayn is interviewed by Jackie in the back. She asks where the feud with Gable ends. He says it should have been over weeks ago when he beat him. He says he now needs to deal with Reed too and says Reed only wants the title. He says he's juggling the personal and business side. He said we need a triple threat match at King of The Ring. He says when the pressure is on, he's at his best. He said he will walk out IC champ. 

Women's Queen of the Ring First Round - Lyra Valkyria vs Dakota Kai

Lyra armdrags her down then side headlock takeovers her. Kai hiptosses her and we cut to PiP break for a movie commercial. Lyra goes up and over in the corner. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Kai cradles her for 2 and sends her into the buckles. Kai boots her out of the corner and Lyra is whiplashed back onto the buckles. Kai pump kicks her as she hangs off the apron.

We go to break and return. Lyra hits a strike combo then spinning high kicks her. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes then top rope crossbodies her. Lyra fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kai throws her back then curb stomps her over the 2nd rope for 2.

Kai is rolled up for 2. Lyra running forearms her in the corner then is facekicked in the corner for 2. Kai misses a go to sleep then scorpion kicks her. Lyra hits a cradle shock and wins it.

Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to and the crowd wasn't into it. It was average though I liked some of the strikes here. Lyra had her hair up here instead of having it down, which I think looks better on her.

Kofi Kingston talks in the locker room. He said Xavier Woods was supposed to run it back and become a 2x champ here. He said Gunther took it from him. He said he can't wait to face Gunther if he advances. Kofi said he needs to get through Rey Mysterio first. He says he respects him and has to put him down. He says he has to win the tournament for Woods. 

Men's King of the Ring Tournament First Round - Gunther vs Sheamus

Kaiser is with Gunther. Will Vinci interfere? They stare down. Sheamus is backed up on the ropes and in the corner. They trade chops. Sheamus backdrops him then they trade chops for forearms. Gunther face kicks him then clubs him on the ropes. They trade shots while Sheamus is on the apron. Gunther lariats him on the apron then Sheamus back body drops him on the apron. Sheamus flies on him off the apron.

We go to break and return. Gunther hits a face kick and chops his back. Gunther twists Sheamus' neck with his feet then elbows and kicks him. Gunther cravates him then hits chops. Sheamus tells him to give him more. Sheamus hits forearms. Gunther boots him in the corner then is uranage backbreakered. Gunther running lariats him for 2.

Sheamus hits white noise for 2. Sheamus grabs him by the nose and his throat is pulled down on the top rope. Sheamus powerslams him for 2. Sheamus hits chest clubs. Kaiser ties up Sheamus' leg in the ropes then dropkicks the leg. The ref ejects Kaiser for it.

We go to break and return. Gunther leglocks Sheamus then kneedrops the leg. Sheamus hits a big lariat and he jumping knees Gunther for 2. Sheamus' knee gives out and Gunther powerbombs him. Gunther then does a half crab. Gunther stomps the knee. Sheamus hits a razor's edge for 2. 

Gunther germans him. Sheamus no sells it and pumping knees him. Sheamus hits a pump kick and both go down. Gunther half crabs him again and submits him.

Thoughts: I would have rather they just beat the crap out of each other with strikes but they did get some of that in atleast. Gunther worked the leg a bit here and won via submission. It made sense and was a solid main, just why change what works?

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a boring show. Not that much happened and the women ate up a lot of the time here. The main was solid but I wouldn't recommend this.

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