Tuesday, May 7, 2024

NWA Powerrr 5/7/2024

NWA Powerrr 5/7/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/nwa-powerrr-4302023.html

No Disqualification - AJ Francis vs Bryan Idol

Idol says he has the looks that kill. He said he's excited to be here. He brings out AJ Francis, who he says is his close friend. AJ gets on the mic. He says these people know who he is and said they paid top dollar to see dolla. He said they are only friends because he is easy to manipulate like the country bumpkins. He said he doesn't matter anymore and is the past. He says he's the future of wrestling and NWA. He said he needs to retire like Nick Sabin. He said the show will be called N-W-AJFrancis going forward. Idol gets on the mic says to shut his big mouth before he shuts it and says he doesn't care if there's rules to it or not. This is then made No DQ. 

AJ knocks him out of ring. Idol forearms him off the apron and topes him. Idol is caught off the apron then takes a nasty apron edge powerbomb which didn't look fun. AJ foot chokes him then running knees him in the corner. AJ pulls him against the post.

AJ misses a leg lariat on the ropes. Idol hits punches then Idol dropkicks him. Idol flying knees him in the corner then hits corner punches. AJ face kicks him then grabs a door from the outside.

AJ puts a door in the corner. Idol dropkicks him in the leg and AJ rolls through the door. Idol hits a jumping flatliner and hits kicks for 2. Idol goes for a double jump moonsault, is caught and dropped then tombstoned for 2. AJ gets a table. AJ tries to attitude adjustment him onto it but Idol flips over it. AJ chokeslams Idol and gets the win.

Thoughts: The whole thing really wasn't any good. Idol's mic work wasn't good here and they had some sloppy moments.

Thom Latimer is interviewed. Thom says there's only 2 people in this world, him and the life. He says they are saying "new national champ". Thom says there's been no respect and honor towards the title and that changes tonight. He says where he goes the belt goes and says you need to be one tough guy to get in the ring with him. He says he will be the new National champ.

NWA National Title - Blkae Troop vs Burchill vs Zyon vs Thom Latimer

The four pair off and fight. Troop push kicks Zyon over then axe kicks Thom. Troop goes for a choke on Burch then Troop takes corner attacks. Thom and Zyon trade euros then Zyon takes a double suplex.

Troopis thrown shoulder first into the post an Thom rolls up Burch for 2. Burch snapmares him and kicks him in the back and chest, he then knee drops him. Burch brainbusters him and Zyon. Burch suplexes Troop.

Zyon spinning neckbreakers Burch. Burch is chopped by Zyon. Thom superplexes Burch then Troop hits karelin's lift on Thom then figure fours him. Burch and Zyon fight on the apron then Zyon lariats both off. Chris Silvio (Troop's manager) gets on the apron and says something to Troop. Troop misses a high kick and Thom sitout powerbombs him to win it.

Thoughts: This wasn't that interesting. These guys aren't exactly the best fit for these type of matches and they didn't get enough time here for the amount of people that were involved.

Chris Silvio goes up to Troop after. He asks what that was and pokes him then Troop chokes him out. 

Vampiro says he told ya. He says we just don't get it. He says he doesn't know why he's paying so much attention. He said you should have taken the flowers.

NWA Title - EC3 (c) vs Silas Mason

EC really hasn't been on this show much at all and it's hard to build matches like this when that's the case. NWA's gigantic roster also limited much time Silas got.

They lock up and clean break. Silas side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Silas misses an elbow drop then is side headlocked. Silas shoulders him over then pounds on him in the corner. Silas headbutts him. EC3 back elbows him in the corner then Silas gorilla press drops him. EC3 is on the apron and is lariated.

We go to break and return. Silas suplexes him in off the bottom rope. Silas rakes the face. EC fights back with punches then is headbutted. EC hits a weird STO with his hand over top of Silas' head.

Silas catches a crossbody and fallaway slams EC. Silas chokes him on the ropes and superplexes him. EC is thrown out. Silas lariats the post when EC moves. EC is thrown into the steps. EC is put in a bearhug and is bleeding.

EC chinbreakers him then hits punches. EC running lariats him then does a thesz press. Silas lariats him over the top and goes with him down to the floor. Silas is sent into the post and russian legsweeped into the apron.

They trade shots. EC double knees him out of the corner and does a headlock driver for a 1 count. Silas does a thrill ride (black hole slam) for 2. Silas misses a corner charge and lands on the apron. EC bridging ddt's him over the 2nd rope then does another headlock driver and wins it.

Thoughts: It was long, slow and heatless. EC3's offense looked really bad here. I really don't have anything positive to say about this one and it did nothing for either guy. It's not even like they botched moves or something. It just didn't work on any level.

Overall thoughts: This episode was pretty much a disaster. None of the matches were any good and the main was really bad. I don't recommend this one.

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