Thursday, May 23, 2024

WWE Main Event 5/22/2024

WWE Main Event 5/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

Kiana James vs Natalya


Nat takes KJ's purse during KJ's intro. Nat skips around with it and KJ gets mad.

Nat rolls her up. KJ pushes her and is rolled up. Nat side headlock takeovers her. Nat rolls over KJ and rolls her into a pin attempt. KJ clubs on Nat then knees her in the gut. KJ hits boots to the gut in the corner then hits corner spears. Nat rolls KJ up and Nat takes a knee to the gut.

KJ chokes Nat on the ropes. KJ cobra twists her then Nat hiptosses her. KJ hits corner spears then Nat spinning lariats her. Nat hits punches. Nat swings KJ down by the leg then Nat low dropkicks her for 2. Nat hits a big release german then they trade pin attempts. KJ then rolls her up and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just an average match. Everyone hit their stuff and did fine. It went a little longer than it needed to though and maybe needed some strong offense.

The Authors of Pain vs The Creed Brothers


BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed

YEAHHHHHHH. This is why you watch this show as you might get something good like this.

JC gets pounded on in the corner then takes a running knee. JC runs the ropes fast and slides out getting an AOP mad. BC double axe handles an AOP off the top then hits a big forearm. BC moonsaults off the apron onto Razar. Akam lariats BC and we go to break.

We return and Razar has BC in a guillotine. BC takes knees to the gut from both AOP. Akam back elbows BC then twists his head. Razar spears the post when BC moves. JC is tagged in and hits forearms on Akam. JC northern lights suplexes both AOP members and kips up in between.

JC hits a running ssp for 2. BC is thrown out. Akam uranages JC. JC takes a neckbreaker + powerbomb combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: I wish we could have taken a few minutes from the women's match and gotten a few more of this. This sadly wasn't even a fraction of what it could be and was largely forgettable. It did not look good for The Creed's to get put down here without even taking a super collider.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. Neither were that great with AOP/Creed's not being long enough and disappointing me. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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