Wednesday, May 22, 2024

CMLL 5/20/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 5/20/2024 Arena Puebla

Last week's show is here:

CMLL aired 4 of the 6 matches and someone fancammed the 2nd match.

Arkalis, Pegasso and Rey Samuray vs Crixus, Difunto and Raider


Peg = Pegasso, Ark = Arkalis, Crix = Crixus

1st Fall - This is joined in progress. Peg takes a double basement dropkick. Peg is held up in the air and rolls out of a triple team. Peg hits a flying headscissors then corkscrew dives out. Peg's team then gets stereo pins on the heels to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Ark armdrags Crix out off the casadora. Ark headscissors Difunto out. Rey and Crix go at it. Rey trips him and moonsaults over him. Rey pump kicks him, kips down and kips up. Rey hits a spinning headscissors then is nailed from behind by Difunto.

Difunto takes a double jump armdrag from Rey then Rey poses. Peg is launched into a headscissors on Difunto. He hits another headscissors and armdrags Crix twice. Peg double boots out of the corner then sunset flips Crix. Peg's partners hit hurricanrana's and we have a triple pin attempt.

Difunto dropkicks Peg in the nuts. Crix runs the ramp and hits a flying clothesline. The faces take corner attacks. Difunto and Raider run the top rope in stereo and hit corner dropkicks. 2 of the faces take corner lariats. Peg takes a powerbomb from the ramp to the inside of the ring from Raider. The other two faces also get powerbombed but kick out at 2.

The heels take stereo tilt-a-whirl backbreakers, dropkicks then tope con hilos. Crix and Rey botch then Rey gets the pin on Crix to win the fall. The faces win this won 2 fall to 0.

Difunto gets on the mic after then the heels attack the faces. The heels take the faces masks.

Thoughts: It was a pretty good match here that of course CMLL didn't air. They really put full effort into this one and did some creative spots. I was impressed by the stereo top rope running dropkicks. It was a big hard to tell who was who here. It's a shame they botched the finish and I wish we could have seen more of the first fall.

Lightning Match - Zeuxis vs Tessa Blanchard


Tess diving hurricanrana's her off the 2nd rope before intros are done then low topes her. Tess beats her up in the aisle and throws her into the seats. Tess flying kicks her against the 2nd rope. Z high kicks her then is codebreakered while seated on the 2nd rope.

Z shotgun dropkicks her then meteora's her in the corner. Z puts Tess in a seat and kicks her. Z corner euros her then buzzsawkicks her in the corner for 2. Z half crabs her. Z ties her up in the ropes and kicks her chest. Z then hair throws her for 2.

Tess hurricanrana's her while on Z's shoulders. Z rolls her up and bridges her for 2. Z double underhooks her into a codebreaker for 2. Z misses a top rope moonsault then Tess sitout powerbombs her to win it.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special. It started off well but cooled off some when Zeuxis was in control.

Felino, Felino Jr. & Rey Bucanero vs. Los Divinos Laguneros (Blue Panther Jr. & Dark Panther) & Star Black

 FJ = Felino Jr, Fel = Felino Sr.

1st Fall - FJ armbars Star early. Star handstands out of the headscissors and splashes FJ's leg. Star headstands and spinning headscissors him down. Star then does it again. Star armdrags him out of the casadora. FJ shoulsers him over and star standing moonsaults him. Star armdrags him and they stand off.

Fel and Dark go at it. Dark armdrags him, is tripped then armdrags him. Dark legsweeps him. Dark is triple teamed in the corner. Dark corner lariats Rey then Rey is triple stomped in the corner. Blue hits tilt-a-whirls on Felino and FJ then Dark and Blue roll up The Felino's and win the fall.

2nd Fall - FJ and Star go at it. Star goes up and over then backflips and dances. Star armdrags him and dropkicks him out. Star springboard twisting crossbodies Fel. Rey chops Fel when star moves. Star handspring backflip reverse topes Rey. Fel and Rey double team Blue. Blue goes up and over then rolls into an elbow on Fel.

Blue powerslams Rey hten flapjacks FJ onto Rey. Rey shoulders Dark over then suplexes him into Blue. Fel hits armdrags on Star. FJ superkicks Dark then powerslams Blue. Felino's team puts on triple submissions and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - FJ superkicks Dark on the outside. Blue is triple teamed on the ropes then FJ kicks him right in the crotch in front of the ref. Fel throws Blue off the 2nd rope then FJ and Rey hit a double elbow drop on Blue. FJ blocks Star's up and over in the corner. Star is put in tree of woe and takes a triple basement dropkick.

Dark is seated on his opponents knees for a Rey spear. Things break down and we have a triple pin attempt by Dark's team with sunset flips. Rey's team are all rolled up for 2. Rey is laid on the ramp and Star splashes on him through the ropes. Dark hurricanrana's Fel and FJ. Dark and Blue hit plancha's outside on The Felinos. Star reverse springboard topes Rey and wins it.

Thoughts: The 3rd fall wasn't too good as they had problems with the timing on the triple moves. I thought the match lost a lot of its pace here.

Fugaz, Star Jr. and Valiente vs. El Hijo de Stuka Jr., Stuka Jr. and Villano III Jr.

HS = El Hijo de Stuka Jr., V3 = Villano II Jr., Fug = Fugaz

1st Fall - Val and Stuka go at it then HS gets in. Val rolls HS around then Stuka's team triple stomps Val. Val chops HS and HS does a bad chop back. Val is triple teamed. Star flying headscissors Stuka. V3 thesz presses Star and hits mounted punches. Fug top rope diving hurricanrana's V3 out.

V3 and Star brawl in the crowd. Stuka lariats Val then stomps him. Star is sent into the seats. V# corner lariats Star. Star is spinebustered into an HS top rope splash. Stuka's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Everyone fights outside. Fug is sent into the post. Star is tripped and basement dropkicked by Stuka. HS is double hiptossed into the ropes with a splash on Star. Fug is held in the air and springboard double stomped by V3. HS headbutts Val.

Val is double tripped then takes a triple team from the heels. Star is triple teamed and thrown on the ramp. Star is triple gorilla pressed into the ring from the ramp. Star is held and punched. Star superman punches Stuka. Star is popped up and hits a double dropkick. Fug and Star then do stereo dives outside. Val armdrags Stuka into an armbar and taps him out. Val's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - They stall here. Stuka and Star trade chops. Star jumping punches him twice. Star pushes HS into V3. Star runs up the ropes and does an armdrag + headscissors takeover. Star is popped up and headscissors Stuka out.

Fug and HS go at it. Fug blocks an armdrag then clearly misses a kick on him. Fug pump kicks him then hits a dropkick. Stuka throws Fuj into a headscissors on V3. Fug walks the ropes, does rope tricks and springboard hurricanrana's Stuka.

Val and HS go at it. Val knocks him over then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Val double boots HS. V3 dropkicks Stuka then Val tilt-a-whirl backbreakers V3. Stuka jerry bumps to the outside then Val topes him. Fug top rope crossbodies V3. V3 spinning backbreakers him. Star springboard crossbodies HS and V3 does his headstand flipping seated moonsault onto Fug. HS then pins Star. Stuka's team wins the match.

It was just okay. Nothing too special here. Hijo de Stuka didn't look that great here and is probably being pushed further than he should be.

Volador Jr., Esfinge and Flip Gordon vs Soberano Jr., Averno and Euforia

Vol = Volador Jr., Es = Esfinge, Sob = Soberano Jr., Eu = Euforia

1st Fall - Eu and Flip go at it. Flip wristlocks him then Eu trips him. Eu ties Flip's legs up and pulls him by the hair. Flip side headlocks him then handstands out of a headscissors. He htne poses at Eu. Eu headlock takeovers him and Flip headscissors him. Flip side headlock takeovers him.
Eu takes him down then Flip snapmares him over.

Averno and Es go at it. Averno takes him down then is armdragged. They stand off and Es spinning headscissors him. They trip each other and go head to head. Averno double chops him then Es does it back. Es flying headscissors him. Es is lariated over by Eu. Vol flying headscissors Eu. Flip top rope dropkicks Sob and is caught on a tope con hilo and dropped to the floor. Vol's head is banged off the walls of the building.

Es is spinebustered then flapjacked. Averno then pins Es. Sob rolls and enzugiir's Vol. Vol takes a facekick from Eu then Sob tornillos Vol off the top to pin him. 

2nd Fall - Flip is pushed into the post by Sob. Eu lariats Es. Averno tries to rip Es's mask on the buckles. Sob then tries to take the mask too. Sob running kicks Es while he hangs in tree of woe. Sob rolls and kicks Vol in the nuts on the 2nd rope. Vol flying headscissors Eu then is triple stomped.

Flip is triple teamed and Sob hits mounted forearms on him. Sob enzugiri's Flip in the corner. Eu misses a corner spear and Flip hits a springboard slingblade bulldog on Averno. Flip topes Sob then Es springboard codebreakers Eu. Vol and Es get pins at the same time and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Sob and Vol go at it. Vol flying headscissors him. Vol then headscissors Eu. Averno swings Vol on his shoulders and Vol headscissors him. Vol teases a dive but the heels move. Sob and Flip have a pose down. Flip flying headscissors him. FLip does a hiptoss = cartwheel then armdrags Averno. Flip kips down and up then superkicks Eu. Flip top rope 619's Eu.

Flip springboard splashes Eu then hits a springboard stunner. Es springboard splashes Averno then Averno corner lariats him. Es corner splashes Averno then superkicks him. Es superkicks Sob then monkey flips Eu. Es tope con hilos Eu. Flip then topes Es on accident.

Vol top rope crossbodies Sob then superkicks him. Vol takes a triple team powerbomb and is pinned. Averno's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a decent main here. It had a few slow points but Flip really tried hard here and busted out a lot of different moves. Vol gave his usual decent effort and I liked it.

Overall thoughts: It was about average which a mix of good and bad. The second match may have been the best thing on here but CMLL didn't even air it. I don't know why CMLL isn't airing the whole show, but CMLL is a very strange company. It wasn't the worst thing to see ever though I don't know if I'd recommend it.

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