Friday, May 10, 2024

Southern States Wrestling 3/2/2024 Legacy Episode 58

Southern States Wrestling 3/2/2024 Legacy Episode 58

Note - Episode 57 didn't have any new matches so I skipped it. 

Joe Wheeler interviews CJ Knight who is facing Lawrence tonight. CJ says it's the opportunity of a lifetime. He says he's ready to prove that he can hang with Lawrence and the best. 

Lawrence is interviewed. He stares down the interviewer, Jonathan Darwin. He grabs him, Darwin gets nervous and Lawrence leaves without saying anything.

SSW Legacy Title - "The Fixer" Lawrence (c) vs CJ Knight


L = Lawrence

They lock up and L side headlocks him. CJ gets out and wristlocks him. L throws him off and misses a corner splash. CJ hits forearms and is pushed hard back. CJ hits leg kicks then is lariated. L hits the garvin stomp then foot chokes him.

L slams CJ then elbow drops him. L leg chokes him over the ropes then leg lariats him there. L airplane spins him then slams him off of it for 2. L hits a stiff elbow to the head then twists his head. L pounds on him and hits stiff chops on the ropes.

L hip attacks him in the corner. CJ is put on the buckles and has his 2nd rope crossbody caught. L swinging side slams him for 2. CJ gets a clothesline and flying forearm in. CJ step up enzugiri's him for 2. CJ flying knees him for 2.

CJ 2nd rope crossbodies him for 2. CJ misses a dropkick. L hits a big splash and wins it.

I liked this one. Lawrence was real good here as the powerhouse and worked over CJ well.

Joe Wheeler interviews Lawrence, Lord Murphy, Jeff Murphy and Mike Mann. Murphy says the king is dead and said he did what he said he would do against Beau James. He said Beau tried to impose his will on him and make it as difficult as possible. He said we will never have to worry about him again. Murphy says to be careful if you want to take a shot at him as he has deep pockets. Joe says this whole situation will be looked at by the board of directors and said there will be some surprises.

We see some clips of Marty Clay in action vs various opponents including Lawrence.

Jonathan Darwin interviews PD Hogg. He's facing Alex Adkins and Trey Chaos. He says they are two young guys and will show them what a real man is like in the ring.

Joe Wheeler interviews Alex Adkins. Alex is returning tonight. He said he's been out for a year and is here to prove why he belongs in SSW.

Jonathan Darwin interviews Trey Chaos and Serenity. Serenity says they took a vacation. They trained and strategized and Trey finally learned how to listen. He says it'll be the Trey way tonight and says he's going all the way to the top.

PD Hogg vs Alex Adkins vs Trey Chaos

Trey is huge and just dwarfs everyone. Alex is the son of a wrestler named Wayne Adkins. Alex is double teamed to start. He shoves both guys then PD splashes him in the corner. Trey running back elbows him in the corner. PD charges at Alex but Trey turns on him with a lariat. Alex hits punches on Trey. Trey neckbreakers him then PD lariats Trey.

PD chops Trey down then steps on his chest. Alex suplexes PD for 2. Alex hits a big chop on PD then takes a knee from Trey. Trey running euros PD. Alex forearms Trey then flying shoulders him. PD slams Alex then hits a legdrop for 2. Trey kicks Alex in the head for 2.

PD hits shots on Trey then clubs him. PD lariats Trey then Alex superkicks PD. Alex is caught up top. Trey snapmares PD then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Alex breaks up the pin attempt with a 2nd rope swanton bomb. Serenity gets on the apron as PD spinebusters Alex. PD argues with Serenity. Trey barely hits his big boot and pins him. Trey things he has it won and the announcer thinks so too then Alex rolls up Trey and wins it.

Things were going okay until the finish. I don't know what happened here as Trey was announced as the winner then Alex pinned him.. Trey also missed his big boot finisher and PD had to sell it anyway which made it worse.

Overall thoughts: I liked the first match but the second match had a double botched finish that ruined the match. It wasn't a bad half-hour of wrestling but I wouldn't quite recommend it.

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