Friday, May 10, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 5/10/2024 Season 2, Episode 8

Mid-States Wrestling 5/10/2024 Season 2, Episode 8

Last week's show is here: 

The Ice Man is interviewed. He's not impressed by Big Joe Helms, saying he used to play football like him too. He says he should be champ but instead he is facing a gorilla wannabe. He says the next step is The Ice Man as champion.

The Ice Man vs Big Joe Helms

Joe gets a big pop as usual and Ice is threatened by him. Ice avoids the lockup and struts. Joe talks to the crowd and is hit from behind. Ice hits shots to the gut then punches him. Joe no sells it and stares him down as Ice calls for timeout. Ice moonwalks out of the corner and sends Joe into the post.

Ice hits clubs and elbows on Joe's shoulder/arm. Ice wraps Joe's arm around the ropes then yanks down on it. Joe's arm is wrapped around the ropes and Ice kicks the ropes. Ice tells the ref, "I'll do whatever I want". Ice hits corner punches. Joe running throat thrusts him.

Joe corner splashes him then hits a big powerslam. Joe then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was short but I liked it. Joe speared the post, Ice worked the arm then eventually got put down. Ice is a really good vet wrestler.  

Mid-States Wrestling Title - Luke Langley (c) vs Dan Webber

They wrestle on the mat. Luke gets his back, Dan rolls out of it then is headlocked. Luke wants a test of strength, trips him and then side headlocks him. Dan throws a big punch. Luke cartwheels off the ropes and atomic drops Dan.

Dan hits a nice punch then throws Luke into the ropes face first. Luke whiplashes back and we see Dan hit mounted punches on Luke. We go to break and return. Luke hits a jumping knee and spin kicks him in the gut. Dan superkicks him and slams him.

Luke urakens him then Dan spinebusters him for 2. They trade shots and Luke hurricanrana's him. Luke kicks him out of the corner then superkicks him in the gut. Luke hits an enzugiri then flying back elbows him in the corner.

Dan drives Luke into the corner. Dan is thrown into the rope then Luke heistation dropkicks him in the corner. Dan takes a nice bump for a flatliner for 2. Dan headbuts him then hits a powerbomb for 2. Dan sleepers him then Luke backdrops him to get out of it. Luke spin kicks him in the head and wins it.

Thoughts: The match was just average. I have no idea who the face or the heel was here and neither really did much to act heel or face. I thought that hurt this one.

Luke Langley is interviewed after. Luke says Dan was more than game, but that's what he expects when he's the standard of MSW.

Overall thoughts: The opener was good. The other match was just average. As usual, there weren't any storylines here or any build towards anything in the future and it was just two matches. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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