Friday, May 3, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 5/3/2024 Season 2, Episode 7

Mid-States Wrestling 5/3/2024 Season 2, Episode 7

Last week's show is here:

Jason Jones vs Malo

This is Malo's MSW debut. He's another masked guy who is probably jobbing here. Jones throws Malo with a hiptoss. Jones hits elbows to the arm. Malo rolls out of wristlock and does his own wristlock. Jones reverses it then back elbows him. Jones hits punches and drops him.

We go to break and return. I think Jones hits a dropkick then is jawbreakered. Malo hits shots to the body then chokes him on the ropes. Malo sliding lariats him for 2. Jones atomic drops him then lariats him. Malo pulls Jones' throat down over the top rope.

Malo is hit in the gut when coming off the 2nd rope. Jones hits a bionic elbow then bangs Malo's head off the buckles. Jones corner splashes him then hits a stunner. Jones then wins it.

It was just a squash here with Malo getting nothing in before being beaten.

Jones plays around with the camera after.

Tim Rockwell vs Burt Cameron

Stephen E is with Tim. They lock up and Tim wristlocks him. Tim does another arm submission on him then Burt side headlocks him. Burt side headlock takeovers him then shoulders him over. Burt bangs Tim's head off his knee then swinging neckbreakers him. Burt is pulled down backwards.

We go to break and return. Tim baseball slides him then hits an elbow drop. Tim sleepers him. Burt is able to get out of it it eventually then Tim lariats him. Tim fist drops him then chokes him over the 2nd rope. Stephen E. cheap shots Burt.

Burt is thrown chest first into the buckles then Stephen E. chokes Burt. Tim suplexes him for 2. Tim chokes him over the ropes and Stephen E chokes Burt over the ropes. Tim hits punches in the corner then Burt boots him. Burt lariats him then hits a spear for 2.

Stephen E. gets on the apron with Burt in control. Tim hits Burt with Stephen's cane then flatliners Burt. Tim picks up the win.

It was a basic and average match with the heel cheating to win. It was fine for what it was but not much more.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 matches here. Neither was must see and I wouldn't recommend this. As often is the case with MSW, there were no promos, no real storylines and no build for any future shows.

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