Thursday, May 2, 2024

FREEDOMS 2/8/2024 Go Beyond The Limit 2024

FREEDOMS 2/8/2024 Go Beyond The Limit 2024

Kengo, Takahiro Katori & Toru Sugiura vs. F-SWAG (Gaia Hox, Jun Masaoka & Yuya Susumu)

We get some forearm trades to start. Jun takes a triple basement dropkick then takes a gubuster into a basement dropkick. Hox rakes Jun's eyes with his feet and slingshot swantons him for 2. Yuya snapmares Kengo then kicks him in the back for 2. Jun boots him out of the corner and takes a back body drop.

Toru gets in and shoulders over Jun. Toru slams Hox then Kengo and Toru do stereo tope con hilos outside. Toru corner forearms Jun then basement dropkicks him. Jun dropkicks Toru in the knee and axe kicks him in the head for 2. Toru forearms Jun then suplexes him when he tries to springboard.

Katori and Hox go at it. Katori knees him. Toru slams Hox and Kengo top rope double foot stomps him. Katori backdrops Hox for 2. Katori gets hit with a sign from Jun while running the ropes then he takes corner attacks. Katori takes a codebreaker into a double stomp on the back. Hox hits a neat northern lights bomb type of slam.

Katori hurricanrana's Hox then Hox pumping knees him. Katori backrolls Hox and wins it at 9:53.

It wasn't anything too special here. Nothing wrong with it but it needed more time. Katori didn't even get his stuffed animal toy out here and we didn't see much of Toru.

GENTARO & Tatsuhito Takaiwa vs. HAKKA & Rekka

Hak and TT go at it. Hak wristlocks him then TT grabs his leg. Hak hits some shots on TT then Rek gets some in. Rek and TT trade forearms and chops then TT lariats him over. Gen snapmares Rek and elbow drops him. Gen neckbreakers him then Rek dropkicks him. Rek hits another dropkick then Hak pounds on Gen. Hak slams him then elbow drops him.

Hak is tripped into the buckles then TT hits a chop flurry on Hak. TT corner lariats Hak then Hak suplexes him. TT takes chops from both opponents then lariats both opponents. Hak running lariats TT. Rek hits forearms on TT then misses a dropkick. Gen slaps and hits punches on Rek. Gen gutwrench suplexes Rek then top rope dropkicks him for 2.

Rek springboard dropkicks Gen then corner dropkicks him. Gen takes a sandwich forearm and double suplex. Gen slaps Rek then TT lariats Rek off a piledriver attempt. TT death valley drivers Hak. Rek no sells a Gen backdrop then is backdropped again for a 1 count. Gen backdrops Rek again and wins it at 10 minutes.

It was a solid tag here with both teams getting a little in. They just stuck with real basic wrestling and it was okay for what it was.

Mammoth Sasaki, Minoru Fujita, Takahiro Katori & Takashi Sasaki vs. ERE (Dobunezumi Fukki, Kyu Mogami, Toshiyuki Sakuda & Violento Jack)

Everyone fights at the bell and 6 of the 8 go out to fight. Kyu takes a double boot then a double shoulder from Mammoth and Takashi. Fukki and Katori trade then Katori dropkicks him for 2. Fujita is dropkicked off the apron then Fukki backdrops Katori.

Fukki chairs Katori in the back then Jack hops over Fukki's back to elbow drop Katori. Jack then sentons Katori. Katoi and Sakuda go at it. Sakuda smashes Katori's fingers between legs of a ladder. Kato tries forearms on Kyu but gets nowhere. Kyu low blows him then is suplexed. Mammoth chops Kyu then double arm spinebusters him. Fujita is suplexed by Jack then Takashi tries to lariat battle with Jack.

Takashi ripcord high kicks Jack then lariats him. Mammoth grabs a ladder and swings it at Fukki and Kyu then throws it at Kyu. Mammoth powerbombs Takashi so he can superplexex Fukki in a dumb spot. Fujita chinbreakers Kyu. Sakuda and Katori trade.

Katori boots him out of the corner and is caught with a rolling death valley driver when he jumps off the 2nd rope. Fujita holds Sakuda for a Katori dropkick. Sakuda is bridged on the ropes. Katori top rope dropkicks him and Fujita ddt's Sakuda down.

Katori knees Sakuda in the face then backdrops him. Sakuda drives Katori into the ropes for a Jack kick then Jack running lariats Katori over. Jack sitout powerbombs Katori for a close near fall. Jack does a grounded octopus to Katori that Fujita breaks up.

Kyu cutters Fujita to get him out. Katori does a flying octopus on Jack but is side slammed. Katori goes for a ground submission but is rolled into a pin attempt. Jack chairs him, lariats him in the back of the neck then does a side electric chair driver on him. Jack gets the win at 9:45.

It wasn't a bad 8-man. It didn't have enough time for everyone to really do much here. However, they didn't get to  do stupid stuff and therefore didn't have to sell the stupid stuff, which made the match a lot better.

Barbed Wire Board Death Match - Daisuke Masaoka vs. Yusaku Ito

DM = Daisuke Masaoka

Ito face kicks him and pounds on him at the bell. they try to push each other's heads into the boards, which are made of the thinnest wood ever. DM is driven into the boards first and breaks it with ease. Ito pushes DM's head into the barbed wire. He slams the board onto DM then headbutt drops the board into him.

DM gets his head pushed into the barbed wire then Ito footpresses DM's head into it. Ito pushes barbed wire into DM's head and they trade forearms. Ito knocks him over with a headbutt for 2. Ito chairs a barbed wire board onto DM then Ito is back body dropped onto a chair pile. DM flying knees Ito.

Ito is slammed on the mat and DM vader bomb corkscrew elbows him. DM slams Ito then hits an asai moonsault for 2. Ito throws a chair at DM's head then Ito michinoku drivers him for 2. A chair is bridged on 3 chairs. Ito sitout powerbombs DM through the contraption for 2.

A board is bridhed on chairs. Ito gets stuck up top with barbed wire wrapped around his head. They fight up top and Ito gets headbutted. DM 2nd rope rolling snapmares Ito through the bridged board. DM fire thunders Ito onto the barbed wire board for 2. Ito crucifix drivers DM for 2.

Ito wraps his fist in barbed wire and punches DM. They trade forearms and Ito face kicks him. Ito hits a big headbutt then DM headbutts him back. Toru Sugiura is seen enjoying this as they headbutt each other move. DM rolls Ito and pins him.

It was going okay until the rolling snapmare spot through the board. They didn't sell the spot much and just kept going. The finish wasn't too good either and didn't really hit what they were doing here.

Razor Cross Board & Bamboo Skewer Cross Board Death Match - Jun Kasai vs. Crazy King

They lock up. Jun side headlocks him and they shoulder battle.Jun cradles him and headlock takeovers him. King headsicssors him and they stand off. Jun gives him the middle finger then chairs him. King uses the chair on himself then 2nd rope dropkicks a chair into Jun.

Jun is sent right into both sets of cross boards and has a skewer sticking out of his ribs. King shoves skewer sticks into Jun's mouth then pump kicks them. King powerbombs Jun. Kin nudo's Jun then shoves the sticks in Jun's head and poses.

Jun piledrivers King onto chairs then pulls the sticks out of his own head. King and Jun each let each other hit the other with razorboards. Jun headbutts a razorboard into King's head then running lariats him. Jun corner spears and suplexes King.

Jun top rope headbutt drops King for 2. King puts sticks in his own head and Jun puts sticks in his own head. They forearm the other. Jun then hits a sitout elevated pedigree for 2. Jun gets caught up top. King 2nd rope death valley drivers him at 10 minutes.

King sentons Jun for 2. King spinning forearms and death valley drivers Jun for 2. King heatseeker piledrivers Jun over the 2nd rope. King goes for another heatseeker but is thrown back onto the skewer stick board. Jun runs the ropes fast and lariats King for 2. Jun slams Jack then top rope splashes him for 2.

Jun forearms King then does a jay driller. Jun kisses King then does a cross-arm pilerdriver for the win at 13:23. 

It wasn't good for several reasons. They put sticks into their own heads to show it didn't hurt. King didn't sell much at all  and there was just not a lot there besides the hardcore spots. That's nothing new and I expected it.

King Of FREEDOM World Title / Barefoot King Title Barefoot Fluorescent Lighttubes & Thumback Alpha Death Match - Masashi Takeda vs. Takayuki Ueki

Both of these guys are indeed barefoot here. Both avoid going into the light tube ropes to start. They swing tubes at each other and Ueki gets hit with a tube in the foot. MT is sent into the tubes then bdropkicks Ueki into the tubes. Ueki then sends MT into the tubes again. Uei goes headfirst into the tubes and MT hurts his foot after stepping on one.

MT bangs a tube off Ueki's foot then presses a tube into Ueki's foot. Ueki is hit in the head with a tube. MT hits Ueki in the head with scissors. MT then stabs and scraps Ueki's foot with the scissors. MT slams Ueki on tubes.

Ueki drops MT feet first on the tubes. Ueki avoids being dropped feet first into tacks then cartwheels to avoid the tacks. Ueki is headlock takeovered onto the tacks. MT tries to double stomp him but just stomps the tacks. MT has a whole bunch of tacks stuck in his feet.

Ueki does an octopus on MT while his foot is in the tacks. Ueki carves lemons onto MT's head. MT is put in tree of woe with his head on the tack board then Ueki presses down on him, forcing tacks into MT's head.

Ueki chairs the tacks into MT's head. MT shotgun dropkicks tubes into Ueki but hurts himself since he is barefoot. MT chairs Ueki. MT bulldogs Ueki then bangs his head off the tack board at 15 minutes. MT chairs a chair, pushing Ueki's head into the tackboard. Ueki has about 15 tacks stuck in the side of his head.

MT dominators Ueki. MT goes for a dropkic, misses and dropkicks a gusset plate board. MT is then battering rammed head first into tubes. Ueki drives himself into tubes and hits fist drops. Ueki uses tubes as canes to walk around then stomps tubes into MT.

Ueki takes his pants off then jawbreakers MT. Ueki ddt's MT into the tacks then misses a falling headbutt drop, going into the tacks. Ueki misses a dropkick and goes into the tacks then is release german'd. They each grab the same set of tubes and headbutt each other.

Ueki puts a gusset plate in his head, as does MT. They trade forearms and headbutts. Ueki blocks a knee and puts Mt inot the tacks feet first. Ueki flying headbutts him then death valley drivers him onto tacks. Ueki comes off the 2nd rope and headbutts tubes into MT. MT uraken's a tube stack into Ueki's head then knees him for 2.

MT top rope swantons tubes into Ueki for a 1 count. MT knees a stack of tubes into Ueki's head then does an elevated lifting reverse ddt for 2. MT knees more tubes into Ueki's head then does an abdominal stretch suplex on Ueki into tubes. Takeda wins it at 19:59

It went on longer than it needed it. It straddled a fine line between creativity and stupidity. They didn't sell a lot in the final stretch but they did keep it entertaining. I liked it overall but it was flawed and was not the smartest match.

Overall thoughts: It was your typical Freedoms show. The undercard was watchable. The hardcore matches were mostly stunt shows with little wrestling. The main wasn't the smartest but it was entertaining and creative. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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