Thursday, May 2, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling TV 1/11/1998

All Japan Pro Wrestling TV 1/11/1998

Last week's show is here: 

This is from the 1/2/1998 show.

Asunaro Cup Tag League Match - Akira Taue & Kentaro Shiga vs. Jun Izumida & Tamon Honda


We join this in progress. Jun tries to shoulder over Taue but gets nowhere. Jun and Taue do sumo then Jun does a sumo chest slap flurry. Taue throws him and boots him in the back of the head. Taue hits a stiff lariat for 2.

Jun and Shiga go at it. Shiga sunset flips him and Jun just buttdrops him multiple times. Honda airplane spins Shiga into a gutbuster. Shiga was thrown out and sent into the rails by Jun. Jun stomps on him outside then slams him on the floor mat. Honda throws Shiga hard into the buckles and Jun does a strangle hold alpha to Shiga.

Honda chest clubs Shiga and headbutts him. Shiga hits a nice running tornado ddt. Jun STF's Shiga then headbutt drops him. Shiga is sent into the buckles shoulder first and Honda yanks on the arm. Honda throws Shiga down then armbars him. Taue breaks it up with a boot.

Honda hits a nice belly to belly on Shiga for 2. Taue comes in and ddt's Honda. Taue face kicks Honda and Jun. Honda flying neckbreakers Taue. Taue takes a headbutt into a chokeslam then a 2 person headbutt drop for 2.

Jun pump kicks Taue then takes a boot in the corner. Taue jumping face kicks him. Shiga top rope dropkicks Jun then springboard splashes him for 2. Shiga tornado ddt's Jun for 2. Shiga double boots him in the corner then is powerslammed for 2. Jun hits a stiff lariat on Shiga then Taue drops Shiga onto Jun for 2. Shiga dropkicks Jun.

Shiga running forearms Jun then Taue nodowa otoshi's Jun. Taue backdrops Shiga onto Jun and wins it.

We sadly saw most of this one. It was long and it front of a totally dead crowd who wasn't interested. Jun was pushed as someone of a threat here which didn't really work considering he's dressed up like Kamala. Shiga did some flying here but was still green at this point. Honda got little in. This wasn't good.

Gary Albright, Ricky Santana & Steve Williams vs. Jun Akiyama, Maunakea Mossman & Mitsuharu Misawa


Kea = Maunakea Mossman

This is joined in progress, though likely not by much. Kea and Ricky go at it. Rick hits chops and Kea hiptosses him. Ricky upkicks him then spinning lariats him. Ricky face kicks him, hits forearms then is dropkicked. Kea side headlocks Ricky then Kea is backdropped. Ricky STF's Kea.

Gary snapmares and rolls Kea into a pin attempt. Jun gets in. They lock up and Jun is taken down. Gary chinlocks him and is put in a hammerlock. June is spinebustered and Steve elbow drops him. Steve and Jun stand off. Steve takes him down and armlocks him. Misawa gets in. Steve drops him with some shots for 2. Steve side headlocks him at 5 minutes.

Misawa arm throws Steve then arm and wristlocks him. They trade shots and Steve falls down after a forearm. Kea running boots Steve in the gut then hammerlocks him. Steve hits a big punch on Kea then throws him out. Kea is whipped into Ricky's lariat outside. Doc brainbusters Kea for 2.

Gary clubs on Kea then throws him on a suplex. Gary then throws him on a double underhook suplex. Kea fujiwara armbars Ricky and Steve breaks it up. Jun hits forearms on Ricky then jumping knees him. Jun snapmares and chinlocks him. Ricky slips out then Steve running double axe hammers Jun's back. Gary sends Jun into the rails outside then Jun is lariated by Steve outside.

Steve bangs Jun's head off the buckles and hits a corner lariat. Steve hits corner spears on Jun then Jun backdrops Steve. Misawa top rope springboard forearms Steve. Misawa flying corkscrew lariats Steve for 2.

Steve spinebusters Misawa and tags in Gary. Misawa takes a double shoulderblock for 2 then Gary does a big abdominal stretch slam. Misawa 2nd rope dropkicks Gary then Kea gets in. Kea hits strikes on Gary then is slammed down hard. Ricky flying forearms Kea then corner lariats him. Ricky tornado ddt's Kea for 2. Ricky misses a top rope splash. Kea hits a TKO for 2.

Jun corner forearms then northern lights suplexes Ricky for 2. Misawa forearms Gary out then Jun exploders Ricky for the win.

We saw almost all of this 14:12 match. It wasn't that good. The crowd wasn't into it and it ended before it really got going. Steve and Ricky really did try here but there were too many tags and Misawa didn't get to do much. 

We then see slow-mo highlights of Hiroshi Hase & Takao Omori vs. Johnny Ace & Johnny Smith.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 matches. The crowd was totally dead for both. Both went long and neither were good. I wouldn't recommend this.

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