Sunday, May 19, 2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 4/26/2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 4/26/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see clips from last week's show with Cody Knight picking up a win over Brien Adam.

"The Thoroughbred" Havac vs Julius Jones

This is Jones' CCW debut. Havac poses and they lock up. Jones is thrown into the corner and Havac poses more. They lock up again and Havac is backed up into the corner. Havac side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Jones hiptosses him then armdrags him. Jones powerslams him for 2.

Havac eye rakes him then hits a spear. Havac then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick one here with Jones going down to a spear. Havac did a lot of posing here and this didn't go more than 2 minutes. Not a great way to debut someone new here.

"The Authentic One" Brien Adam does a promo over looking the city. He asks why another wrestler named Kevin Kantrell defaced his headband. He says he has to defend his family and his father's honor. He said you either stand for something or fall for nothing. He says he will stand tall and strong and will stand the victor at the end. 

Odin Davenport vs "The Ice Man" Luke Frost


They lock up. Odin side headlocks him and wristlocks him. Odin turns it into a hammerlock then side headlock. Luke side headlocks and wristlocks him. Luke side headlock takeovers him and they stand off. Odin wristlocks him then Luke wristlocks him. Odin uses the ropes to flip out of it then shoulders Luke's arm. Luke's arm is banged off of Odin's shoulder.

Luke armdrags him and armlocks him then Odin armdrags him. Odin side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Luke hits flying double chops and slingblades him for 2. Luke misses a corner charge and takes a release german for 2. Odin suplexes him and armdrags him. Luke hits shots to the gut then Odin handspring backelbows him with a kip-up. Odin jumping legdrops him.

Odin sleepers him then 2nd rope elbow drops him for 2. Odin armlocks him. Luke superkicks him then Odin atomic drops him. Odin stands on Luke's neck, headbutts him and paintbrush slaps him.  

Odin hits punches in the corner then Luke superman forearms him three times. Luke pulls him down by the arm like a bulldog for 2. Luke hits another bulldog style move for 2. Odin hits a backbreaker and a world's strongest slam for 2. Odin nails Luke with a weapon and is disqualified.

Odin beats up on Luke after. A brawl breaks out with people coming to help both guys. Luke and his partner end up getting beaten down. The Machine then come out and clears off Odin's Diamond Exchange crew.

Thoughts: It was a mostly one-sided match with Odin in control for most of it. It was an average but Odin's offense looked fine and safe and it fine.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 matches here with a promo in between. The opener was a squash and the main was a longer more one-sided match that was fine. The announcing was good but I wouldn't recommend this one.

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