Saturday, May 18, 2024

AEW Collision 5/18/2024

AEW Collision 5/18/2024

Last week's show is here:

Will Ospreay vs Shane Taylor

Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett come out as this is about to start.  Will shotgun dropkicks him in the corner to start then plancha's him. Will springboard forearms him. Shane leapfrogs him and bodyblocks him. Shane headbutts Will. Will hits forearms then Shane forearms him down.

Shane chops Will then goes into the post. Shane blocks a tornado ddt outside and then Shane is pushed into Taven and Bennett. Will throws water at Strong then Anthony Ogogo, who is with Shane, punches Will in the gut. We got to PiP break and return. 

Will hits punches on Shane. Shane chops him and Will bangs his own head off the buckles. They trade chops and Will handspring back corkscrew kicks Shane. Will corner facekicks Shane then top rope forearms him in the back of the neck for 2. Shane knee lifts him then headbutts him. Shane uranages him then splashes him for 2.

Shane hits a big powerbomb on Will then flips him with a lariat for 2. Will standing spanish flies him for 2. Mike and Taven get on the apron. Shane blocks an os cutter and hits a spinning fire thunder for 2.

Will superkicks Shane's head into the buckles then does an impressive stormbreaker to win it.

Thoughts: It was a good match here with Shane doing his usual good looking offense and Will making his come back to win it. It wasn't too surprising - Shane knows what he's doing it.

Will is attacked by Mike and Taven after when Will is distracted by Strong. Mike and Taven are pulled over the top and Will tope con hilos them. Will then leaves coming off the dive.

We get comments from Team AEW after Dynamite. Cash says he's flattered a price was put on their heads. He tells Righteous and Lance Archer to step up. Bryan Danielson said Righteous and Lance should have put the bounty on their heads themselves. Bryan says they will fight night after night and says it will take more than them to take their heads off.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli do a promo. Mox says Takeshita is a blue chipper and says he came after him. Mox says he gets it but he's done worse. Mox says he's used to being a target. He said The Callis Family is in it for the gold and the green. Mox said they don't care about that, this is who they are. Mox says they hunt because they are lions and they like it. He says they play for blood. Claudio says he's the voice of reason in the BCC but says things keep repeating. CC says he doesn't like talking in the camera and says he likes going out there and showing it. CC says the camera talk is fake because they don't live it. He says only they can see it. CC says trying to make a name off of them is a big mistake because they are dealing with the real deal. Mox says Takeshita started this game and they will finish it at Double or Nothing.

Big Bill and Chris Jericho talk after Dynamite. He said he touched a nerve on Hook. CJ says he's not mad as it shows Hook is learning what it takes to be a champ. He says he's glad Hook is in the Jericho Vortex. He says it makes him proud to see him get excited. He says this is what The Learning Tree is here for. He says he will need a few stitches but it shows Hook is learning the lessons he needs to learn. He thanks him and wishes him good luck.

FTW Contenders Series - Hook vs Johnny TV

Hook hip throws him then JTV hits a big forearm. Hook shoulder throws him again and goes for a sleeper. JTV running knees him for 2. JTV cravates him and Hook backdrops him while in the cravate. Hook running lariats him and does another hip throw. Hook blocks a high kick and does a nasty looking capture suplex. JTV jawbreakers him.

Hook hits forearms. Taya gets on the apron and distracts Hook then JTV springboard enzugiri's Hook. JTV misses starship pain then Hook puts redrum on. JTV taps out and loses.

Thoughts: It was a short one but it was fine. JTV got some of his offense in and Hook got the win without exposing himself.

Hook goes up on the stage. Katsuyori Shibata comes out and fist pounds him.

FTW Contenders Series - Katsuyori Shibata vs Rocky Romero

RR goes for the take down and is blocked. KS wristlocks him. KS figure fours him. KS elbows the neck then RR does an octopus on him. KS figure fours him. KS hits euros in the corner. RR boots him in the face then tornado ddt's him off the 2nd rope.

We go to PiP break and return. KS forearms him over then chops him. KS is pulled onto the apron and sleepers RR from it. RR pulls KS's arm down over the top then hits a dropkick off the ropes on him. KS kicks him in the leg  then trips him into a leg lock. RR ropebreaks.

KS hits forearms in the corner then dropkicks him in the corner. KS underhook suplexes him for 2. RR backslides him then rewind kicks him. RR rolls him up for 2. KS hits an ushigoroshi and PK's him. KS then figure fours him. KS taps him out and wins it.

It was a solid match here with KS focusing on the leg some before tapping him out and winning. 

FTW Contender Series Match - Bryan Keith vs Boulder

BK tips his hat to Shibata on the ramp. Jacked Jameson insults the crowd and tells them to shut up. He said the ride down was filled with trash. He says this arena is also filled with trahs. He said he can't wait to leave this dump. He then does his usual lines.

Boulder splashes BK then hits back elbows in the corner. BK hits leg kicks then Boulder facekicks him. Boulder powerslams him. Jacked gets on the apron and Bronson tries to send BK into Boulder's chest. BK stops it though then bites Boulder's chest.

Boulder is on the top rope and BK jumping headbutts him. BK hits a diamond dust and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short match filled with shenanigans. It was nice to see Keith get the win but not at the expense of Boulder. But this is AEW, where the big boys lay. 

Lexy tries to interview Pac about Bullet Club Gold's message to him. Pac says he could care less. He said they are funny chaps. He says their behavior would normally ruffle his feathers, but not today. He asks them to make him feel something and to make him care. He says to try harder and tells Lexy to leave him alone.

Bullet Club Gold are on the ramp and Pac is knocked out below them. Jay White says he beats Pac cares now and calls him a b@stard.

The Patriarchy do a promo. Christian says Nick will face Swerve. He says he's ready for it and will have their support. Nick says he was just a boy when Swerve jumped him. He said he's changed and has become a man thanks to Christian. He says tonight is just a warm-up but he knows he can beat Swerve on his own.

Orange Cassidy vs Isiah Kassidy

OC trips Zay then armdrags him off the hiptoss attempt. Zay armdrags him back then OC backslides him. Zay rolls him up for 2. OC trips him then bow and arrows him. Zay then backs down off of an OC punch attempt. OC topes him and we see Don Callis watching this on TV in the back. OC puts his hands in his pockets and dropkicked him on a chair outside. Zay is sent into the rails. Trent Beretta comes down the steps to ringside. Zay clubs on OC outside. Zay spears OC into the rails and backdrops him on the rail's edge. Zay tilt-a-whirl backbreakers OC. OC is sent into the buckles and goes down to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Zay is back body dropped off the steps onto the floor. They trade punches. OC cutters him out of the suplex attempt. OC tornado ddt's him. Zay susnet flips him then corkscrew kicks him.

Zay misses a corner charge. OC does as well. Zay's head is banged off the buckles then Zay bottom rope springboard cutters OC over the top rope. They trade boots on the apron and boot each other at the same time. Both then fall down to the floor. Trent distracts OC and Zay dropkicks OC into the rails. Zay uses the ref to do a silly string ddt on OC. Zay then kind of does a reverse ddt off a tilt-a-whirl. Zay top rope swantons OC's back for 2. OC beachbreaks him and wins it.

Thoughts: I wasn't a of this. They did too much here, didn't sell enough and it went on too long.

Lexy interviews Trent Beretta in the front row. He says he's a better wrestler than OC. He said OC only beat him because he cheated. He calls him a sociopath. He goes to challenge him to a match and OC attacks him.

Serena Deeb vs Anna Jay

Deeb throws a shirt at her and attacks her. Deeb hits a spinning neckbreaker for 2.

Deeb puts her in a paradise lock and dropkicks her out of it. Anna back elbows her then running headhunters her. Deeb neckbreakers her over the middle rope. We go to PiP break and return.

Deeb has Anna in an octopus and Anna hiptosses her out. Anna cradles her then flying forearms her and back elbows her. Anna spinning heel kicks her out of the corner. Anna flatliners her for 2. Deeb flying neckbreakers her then dragon screws her.

Deeb rebound germans her then hits a pepsi twist for 2. Anna side kicks her and is speared in the back. Deeb drops elbows on her leg and Anna grounded chokes her. Deeb does a piledriver then half-crabs her to win it.

Luther comes down to steal with Deeb's flag and walks away with it. Mariah May and Toni Storm then come out. Toni pretends to take her clothes off and wraps herself in Deeb's flag. Deeb then runs them off.

Thoughts: It was slower, the crowd wasn't that into it and it wasn't that interesting of a match.

Nick Wayne vs Jack Cartwheel

Nick running facekicks him and stomps on him in the corner. Jack cartwheels out of charges then spinning headscissors him. Jack handspring kicks him off the apron then gets no one on a flying space tiger drop outside. Nick hits mounted punches  then rakes his eyes with the feet. Nick hits an os cutter off the 2nd rope. Nick teases a pin but doesn't pin him. Nick does Swerve's "who's house" line and then hits a house call kick to win it.

This was a totally random match here. I didn't like Jack continuing to wrestle after the missed dive outside. That should have finished it.

Bryan Danielson and FTR vs Lance Archer and The Righteous

Vincent and Dax go at it. Vincent hits punches in the corner then chokes him. Dax suplexes him and legdrops him. Vincent takes a double team gordbuster for 2. Cash headlock takeovers Vincent. Vincent back elbows him. Dutch pounds on Cash in the corner then slams him.

Cash hits punches on Dutch then dropkicks him. Dutch takes a double russian legsweep for 2. Dax jumsp off the buckles and bulldogs Dutch. Everyone fights in the ring. then 4 of the 6 go out. Bryan sends Vincent into the rails. We go to PiP break and return.

Vincent chinlocks Dax then flatliners him. Lance running back elbows Dax in the corner. Dax bites Lance's head. Lance misses a corner charge. Dutch misses an elbow drop then Bryan gets in. Bryan hits forearms and chops on Dutch. Bryan hits a chest kick flurry on Dutch. Bryan flying lariats Dutch. Dutch is pulled out then Bryan topes him into the rails.

Bryan top rope dropkicks Dutch. Cash and Bryan hit corner dropkicks on Righteous. Bryan lebell locks Dutch and Lance breaks it up. Lance spinebusters Cash then chokeslams Dax. Bryan takes stomps from the heels. Cash is pushed over the top by Lance. Lance goes into the steps outside. Vincent take a powerplex for 2. Cash is facekicked by Lance. Bryan stops a blackout attempt. Dutch blackhole slams Bryan. Vincent rolls up Cash for 2. Vincent then takes a shatter machine and is pinned.

Thoughts: The Righteous and Lance lose almost every week in trios action on this show in the main and this was no different. Them being the bounty hunters here basically for The Elite was silly. The match was fine but they didn't really have enough time for it and the outcome was never in doubt.

Bryan and FTR get beaten up after. Bryan and Dax get hit with a chair. Cash takes a blackout on the chair. Daniel Garcia then makes the save for the faces which is kind of silly with how small he is.

Overall thoughts: I liked the first hour and didn't care much for the second hour. There were a lot of random matches here with little effort put into them story wise. The main also had a real obvious outcome. I wouldn't recommend this.

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