Wednesday, April 24, 2024

WWE Speed 4/24/2024

WWE Speed 4/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

WWE Speed Tournament Semi-Finals - Ricochet vs JD McDonaugh

They trade shots and Ric chops him. JD running forearms him on the ropes then is monkey flipped into the ropes. Ric is uranage'd then JD arabian moonsaults him. Ric rolls and back handsprings into a headscissors. Ric then dropkicks him. Ric superkicks him while he's seated on the apron then Ric fosbury flops him.

Ric top rope ssp's him but JD gets his knees up. JD gets a 2 count then Ric 2nd rope canadian destroyers him to win it.

It was a quick 1:57 minute match. They threw as much action in there as they could but what else can you say? I'm not surprised they had JD lose, but I do feel bad for the guy as he always loses.

Overall thoughts: Only one match as usual here. It was only 1:57 long and you could see it or not see it and I don't think it would do much for you either way.

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