Wednesday, April 24, 2024

AEW Dynamite 4/24/2024

AEW Dynamite 4/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see The Elite arrive. There's audio issues and we can't really hear them. Jack Perry then arrives with them. The security guards say Jack can't be here and The Bucks say he's with them.

Orange Cassidy is supposed to come out but is thrown out onto the stage by Trent Beretta. Trent forearms him on the stage then beats him up in the ring. Trent tells Chuck Taylor to come out here. Trent says he's sorry he didn't do a long time ago. He said he's sorry they spent 5 years hugging this narcissistic prick. He said OC was suppose to be their mascot and they became his lackey's. Trent said OC gave them nothing and said he doesn't care about Chuck.

Trent tells Chuck he cares about him and loves him. He says to do the right thing and give the people what they want. Chuck says he always thought Trent was a piece of sh!t then pushes him. Chuck said he can't be cleared for a match in the ring. He said he wants to fight him in the parking lot though.

Jon Moxley does a promo that's hard to hear. He says Hobbs is a truck of a man and said it will only take one mistake for his world to come crashing down. He says tonight will suck and be a walk through hell. He said he will remind everyone who he is.

Prince Nana brings out Swerve Strickland and the audio is still messed up.

AEW Title Elimination - Swerve Strickland vs Kyle Fletcher

Kyle hasn't won an AEW match in months so it is unknown why he was chosen for this. Swerve hammerlocks him then Kyle snapmares him. Swerve hammerlocks him again and Kyle ropebreaks. They roll around and Swerve keylocks him. They catch each others boots when they try to kick each other at the same time.

Kyle forearms him. Swerve goes up and over then kicks him. Swerve 2nd rope euros the back of his neck. Kyle flying kicks him off the apron then Kyle takes a back body drop on the floor. Swerve boots him from the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. The audio is sounding better. Kyle is backbreakered. Swerve takes a superkick then a michinoku driver. We see The Elite go up to Tony Khan's office in an inset. Swerve neckbreakers him on the apron. Swerve top rope double stomps him on the apron and holds his ankle after.

Kyle ankle locks him and Swerve ropebreaks. Kyle hits kicks to the chest. Swerve rolls him into an upkick then rolls into a flatliner. Swerve then suplexes him and Kyle spinning tombstones him for 2. Kyle face kicks him in the corner then they fight on the buckles. Swerve top rope double foot stomps him as Kyle hangs from the ropes for 2. Swerve jumping kicks him in the side of the head and wins it.

It was just an average face. Nothing too special here but at least they didn't overdo it like Kyle tends to do. I don't like Swerve going so long and even with a guy like Kyle who doesn't win.

Thunder Rosa is interviewed. She's not happy about Deonna Purrazzo getting involved in her match. Deonna walks in and they argue. They then push each other and it's broken up.

Mina Shirakawa vs Anna Jay

They both pose. Anna kicks her and hits forearms. Mina dropkicks her in the knee and back. Mina works the knees and drops Anna on them. Mina kicks her from the ropes then russian legsweeps her. Mina works the leg more and figure fours her. Mariah May comes out. Anna eye rakes Mina then neckbreakers her over the middle rope. Anna tells May to kiss her butt then we go to PiP break.

We return and they trade forearms. Mina spinning forearms her and spinning back elbows her. Mina kneepresses Anna's arm from the top then Anna gori special drops her for 2. Mina figure fours her then top rope dropkicks her. Mina running step up enzugiri's her for 2. Anna puts her in a choke then Mina does a pin combination and pins her.

It wasn't that great. Mina worked the knee some here as she always does before getting the pin on this one. I didn't like the finish that much.

May comes in with champagne after. Anna drops both of them with shots to the back then she puts May in a choke. Toni Storm then comes out. Serena Deeb then comes out. She grabs the women's title and talks but we can't hear anything she says due to the audio issues.

I lost my original review of this but they had a celebration for Willow Nightingale winning the title. Mercedes Mone interrupted and said she would take the title at Double or Nothing. She asked if she was the one who attacked her. Kris  asks how do we know it wasn't Mone. Stokely Hathaway says it was Julia Hart.

Willo asks Mone if she thinks she intentionally injured her at NJPW. She said she feels awful she got injured. Willow said she had questions and doubts after it happened and wondered if she could beat her at 100%. She said everyone else wondered the same thing. Willow sait that title reign has an asterisk to it. Willow said her title reign now has no asterisk to it. She said she wants to beat her and show her why she is the TBS champ. Mone says Willow knows in her heart she can't beat her. Mone gets in Willow's face and walks away. Kris grabs Mone then Money slaps Willow thinking it was her who grabbed her.

It was an okay segment here.

Jack Perry is asked if he is reinstated in AEW. The Elite have no answer. A Buck says Tony will meet with Jack live in the ring.

Casino Gauntlet Match for an International Title Match

Jay side headlocks him  hen wristlocks him. Dante does a standing flip to get out of it then is chopped. Dante headsicssors and dropkicks him. Dante cartwheels over the top then jumping knees Jay out there. Dante is suplexed over the top then bangs his head off the floor.

Penta El Zero Miedo is next in. Penta slingblades him and Dante. Penta hits a spinning death valley driver as we go to break. We return and Kyle O'Reilly is the next guy. Kyle facekicks Jay, hits chest kicks then armbreakers Jay. Dante lariats Penta then Penta gets dragon screwed while holding Dante's leg, causing Dante to get dragon screwed.

Kyle slaps Jay and legsweeps him. Kyle leglocks Jay then Will Ospreay comes out. He trades forearms with Kyle. Will springboard forearms him then Penta leg kicks Will. Will handspring double pele kicks Dante and Penta. Will armdrags Jay and they stand off.

Jay eye rakes him then Will standing ssp's Dante. Lance Archer then comes out. Will hits forearms on Lance then is dropped with one. Lance chokeslams Dante onto Jay. Lance shoulders Penta over. Lance is holding up Kyle then overhead suplexes him. Lance step up knees Will in the corner then throws him outside with a blackout onto everyone. 

We go to PiP break and return. Komander comes out, walks the top rope and hurricanrana's Lance off the apron through tables. Will flips off of Kom then Kom does it to him. Kom satelitte ddt's Will. Jay uranage's Kom for 2. Will sitout powerbombs Jay for 2. Jay Lethal then comes out.

Jay and Will trade then Jay hiptosses him and cartwheels into a basement dropkick. Jay lethal combinations Dante. Jay hits a lethal injection on Penta. Jay cobra clutch suplexes Jay then Dante top rope dropkicks Jay. Kyle drops Dante with shots then hits shots on Will. Will spin kicks him then Kyle spinning forearms Will. Will hidden blades Kyle.

Kyle armbars Will then Kom rope walk SSP's Kyle to break the hold. Will hidden blade's Kom and gets the win.

It was fast paced chaos here. Only 2 people were in for most of this with everyone else just missing outside. It was fine for what it was.

The Undisputed Kingdom comes out. Strong goes face to face with Will.

Chris Jericho comes out and his theme now says "I am The Learning Tree". He says he's the new FTW champ. He says FTW now means For The World Championship because it's for all the fans. He said Terry Funk told him to teach the next generation and now he's doing that.

He puts over Hook and said there's some things hook needs to take from The Learning Tree. He said he needs to get rid of the dead weight like Taz and Shibata. He said he needs to hear him when he tells him to stay down. He said Hook forced him to hit him with a baseball bat.

Big Bill comes out. He says he has been hearing him and says he needs the guidance of The Learning Tree. Bill says Jericho is the Socrates of wrestling. He said he's always willing to give advice, lend a hand and take a less established guy to the top with him. He says there is no one bigger than him or better fit for The Learning Tree. He says Jericho knows this.

Jericho said he's one of the reasons Bill is here. He said he will think about what he said and will keep his eye on him. Bill says to keep his eye on him and watch him.  

Well, Bill hasn't really done much lately. I don't know if it will help him but it will get him on TV, which is good.

Renee interviews Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis.  Don interrupts and asks why he didn't use the tiger driver '91 on Kyle. Will says it has to go and has caused too many injuries. Kyle Fletcher said he won the match and Don tells Fletcher that this is not the night to talk about winning matches. Don says Hobbs will win a title tonight and Will shall win one at the PPV.

IWGP Title - Jon Moxley (c) vs Powerhouse Hobbs

Mox leg kicks Hobbs then Hobbs boots Mox. Mox hits forearms then backdrops him. Hobbs no sells it and suplexes Mox back.  They fight outside and Hobbs' head is banged off a table. Hobbs misses a kick on the rails then Mox running facekicks him.

They trade forearms outside and they go into the seats. Mox hits punches and is thrown back over the rail. We go to PiP break then full break with the announcers not warning us about it. Hobbs bearhugs him then Mox boots him out of the corner. Hobbs misses a corner splash then Mox topes him outside.

Hobbs is hobbling around and Mox hits corner punches. Mox ddt's him for 2. Mox then wins with a grounded choke.

It wasn't any good. Hobbs seemed to have hurt his knee here and they just had a slower and very unexciting match.

Konosuke Takeshita comes out after and stares him down.

Katsuyori Shibata is interviewed by Renee. He said Jericho called him collateral damage. He says he will damage him at home next week and will challenge him to an FTW Title match under FTW Rules. Shibata did this through a translator as usual.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring then Jack Perry comes out. Jack said he had some of his best nights here but he has business to handle. He said he wants to handle it face to face with Tony Khan. Tony Khan comes out.

Jack says it's been a long road and said AEW has changed the world in 5 years. Jack said he only ever wanted what was best for AEW. He asks Tony to shake his hand and reinstate him. They shake hands and hug. Jack then punches Tony in the gut. The Young Bucks and Okada come out. They ask him what he is doing. Tony then takes a meltzer driver.

Bryce the ref comes down with other refs and asks what is wrong with them. One of The Young Bucks' pants rips. Some of the wrestlers then come out and check on Tony. Tony's dad comes out and then checks on him too in his first TV appearance.

It was a segment designed to The Bucks, Perry and Okada over more as heels. The problem is where does it lead to? It's not clear at this point. Like CM Punk, Tony won't be wrestling (hopefully) and FTR didn't even come out. In theory, Tony could just fire the heels for this though that won't happen and they will have to come up with a good explanation as to why. So, we will have to see where things go. I do remember how Tony said he would never become an on-screen character though and now not only has he become one, but even his dad now is thanks to his appearance here. It felt like a desperate attempt to save a fledgling company that is near its end and is just totally out of line with what AEW usually does.

Overall thoughts: The only thing I liked here was the gauntlet match. I don't know what the Tony Khan angle leads to. Mox/Hobbs was not good with Hobbs getting injured. Swerve/Fletcher wasn't anything special and Mina/Anna was not going to be great. The audio was awful for the first half of this show which made it impossible to hear anything clearly. I don't recommend this one.

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