Saturday, April 20, 2024

WWE Smackdown 4/19/2024

WWE Smackdown 4/19/2024 

Last week's show is here:

We see some of the wrestlers arrive.

Winner faces Cody Rhodes at Backlash for the title - LA Knight vs AJ Styles

They lock up. AJ side headlocks him then LA puts him in it. AJ misses a dropkick then LA running boots him. LA clotheslines him then throws him out. AJ's head is banged off the commentary table. AJ then gets back body dropped over the top. LA dropkicks him through the ropes. We go to break and return.

They collide in mid-air with crossbodies. They trade shots and LA hits punches. LA then stomps on him in the corner. LA running knees him in the corner. AJ is up top and LA jumps up to the top rope and superplexes him. AJ moonsaults into a reverse ddt on LA.

LA rams AJ into the corner then AJ rolls him up for 2. AJ pele kicks him then LA powerslams him. LA hits an elbow drop. AJ springboard forearms him and gets the win.

It was a quick match here and far from their best. There was nothing wrong with what we got but if you were looking for some great match, it didn't have the time. It was one of LA's better outings though.

Solo Sikoa, Paul Heyman and Tama Tonga talk outside. Solo says Tama is the newest member of The Bloodline and hugs him. Solo asks if Kevin Owens' is here. Paul says he presumes he is. He says to take him to Owens.

Nick Aldis is out in the ring. He brings out Triple H and there appears to be more new titles under a sheet. Triple H asks Nick to bring the new tag champs out - A-Town Down Under.

Waller and Theory come out. Waller says Triple H awarded the second place championships to Awesome Truth and give the real winners of Mania their new championships. Theory says Truth said Triple H was a magician. He said he doesn't know what magic tricks Triple H has to make them look better than they already do. Triple H congratulates them He said they will be known as the WWE tag team champions. They get different looking belts than Awesome Truth got and I like these better. Triple H goes to shake Waller's hand and Waller shakes Theory's hand again. Aldis says if they ever pull a stunt like that, he will pull a real magic trick and make "A-Clown Down Under" disappear permanently. Aldis then grabs the old titles and said if they want to focus on comedy over wrestling, than one of the teams in the next match will make the title disappear too.

Nick Aldis is always good in these segments. Him and Pearce are some of my favorite GM's ever.

Naomi is interviewed in the locker room. She says Bayley's friendship with her won't get in the way of the WWE title. Naomi said she hasn't had a singles match here for a title in 2 years. She said she looks forward to the WWE Draft next week where she will walk in WWE Women's Champ.

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles - The Authors of Pain vs The Street Profits vs New Catch Republic vs Legado Del Fantasma

Ford and Bate start us off. Bate flips him while behind him then rolls him up. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then kip up together. Ford is sat on the apron and Angel PK's him. Dawkins flying back elbows angel. AOP lariat Dunne over then Ford takes a uranage. We go to break and return.

Ford takes a backfist from Akam. Akam backbreakers Ford on his shoulder. Dunne is tagged in and he and Bate beat up on Razar. Berto is double teamed then Angel takes a german + lariat combo. Razar takes shots from 3 people then The Street Profits help Bate lift Razar for an airplane spin. Legado break that up.

We get a tower of doom spot in the corner then Bate takes a double gorilla press off the top onto opponents. Bate takes a dropkick + powerbomb combo for 2. Bate and Dunne get stereo submissions on LdF. Everyone is down and we go to break. 

We return and Dawkins takes a big powerbomb from Razar. Dunne is powerslammed on Dawkins. Dunne and Bate hurricanrana AOP into each other off a super collider attempt. AOP are then beat up on by the other teams.

Angel hits superkicks and Berto springboard kicks Dawkins.  Dawkins hits a pounce on Berto. Berto takes an electric chair blockbuster for 2. Dunne splits Dawkin's fingers. Bate is popped up into a hurricanrana on Berto. Dunne and Bate moonsault off the buckles while Ford tope con hilos over the buckles.

Berto lariats Bate then Bate is popped up into a kick. Berto topes Dunne outside then Angel 2nd rope moonsaults Bate. Ford breaks it with a springboard splash. Angel takes a sky high + neckbreaker and is pinned.

It was your usual four way match with people coming in and out and some cool spots. I feel like we've seen too many muti-man tags like this lately. I liked the triple dive spot here.   

Bayley is interviewed by Byron. She said she appreciates the title more after Rhea vacated her title. She said she's the only women's champ right now (well, minus Roxanne) and she doesn't take it for granted. She said things could change in the draft but she will stay champ and not change.

Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman can't find Kevin Owens. Paul says they will find him. Solo walks away and waits at gorilla position. Paul says the last person he wants to piss off is him. He said Solo is making decisions that aren't his to be made yet. Paul said these are decisions that can only be made by one man. Solo asks if he's done yet and shows his samoan spike thumb.

Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman come out. Paul says if there's a list of the best backstage maneuvering politicians in the WWE, he thinks he'd be at the top. Paul doesn't get to say much before Solo takes the mic away. The crowd boos Solo when he talks.

Solo said he had to lose a brother last week in order for him to find a new one. Kevin Owens then crawls out with blood dripping down his face. Tama throws him down the entrance way and refs come down to try and help. Tama steps over Owens and gets in the ring. Tama and Solo hold up the one finger pose and Paul does as well. Owens stumbles down to the ring and hits shots on Tama. Solo throws Owens into the steps and into the ring.

Owens fights back but is beat up more in the ring. Tama, Solo and Paul then pose in the entrance way.

Nick Aldis grabs Paul Heyman and asks if he aware of this. We see the remains of a car crash outside. Nick said one of the cars belongs to Owens and the other car belongs to Tama, implying that Tama crashed his car into Owens. Aldis said they settle this stuff in the ring and said he doesn't tolerate this savage behavior. He said The WWE Draft is next week and said the repercussions will be serious. He said losing isn't the only thing that has consequences.

Carlito vs Santos Escobar

It's the feud that never ends. Legado do an inset interview earlier in the day. Santos said they had nothing to dowith the attack on Dragon Lee. He said he will prove he was right all along.

Carlito pounds on Santos then body blocks him. Carlito spinebusters Santos. Carlito bends over and gets kicked then Carlito dropkicks Santos out. Carlito dropkicks Santos into the announcer's table then plancha's him. Carlito puts Zelina Vega on his shoulders and we go to break.

We return and Santos chops Carlito. Santos flying double knees Carlito then enzugiri's him. Santos hurricanrana's him off the 2nd rope then armlocks him. Carlito hits lariats and a back elbow on Santos. Carlito knee lifts him then lariats him.

Elektra Lopez gets on the apron and Vega pulls her down. Vega then jumps off the apron and is caught and swung into the rails. Carlito has the middle rope kicked into his crotch. Carlito is thrown shoulder first in the post then Santos hits a cradle shock to win it.

It was an average match here. Carlito seemed a bit slow here at times. It felt like something got botched here near the end when Carlito was hit on the apron. 

Damage Ctrl are interviewed in the box seats. Kai gets mad at Iyo being called a former champ. Kai says Iyo will take her title back when she's ready. She said she wants to see 2 people they can't stand tear each other apart. She said Damage Ctrl is still the most dominant force in WWE. She said The Kabuki Warriors are still the tag champs and that won't change. We then see Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill appear in the box next to Damage Ctrl. They all argue.

Cody does a taped promo from earlier in the day. He said he won the title and that task is over. He asks what the new task is. He says he is going to bring the WWE Title around the earth. He puts over AJ as his challenger despite the match not happening at the time of the promo. He says he looks forward to facing him.

WWE Women's Title - Bayley (c) vs Naomi

Naomi rolls up Bayley then Bayley side headlock takeovers her. Naomi back rolls her, slides under a boot and is armdragged several times. Bayley shoulders Naomi over then Naomi cradles her. Bayley puts her in la magistral then they trade more pin attempts. They crossbody each other at the same time.

Naomi dropkicks her then uses the ropes to bulldog her. Naomi hip attacks her. We go to break and return. Naomi hits a jawbreaker then bulldogs her into the 2nd buckle. Naomi top rope crossbodies her for 2. Naomi gets her head banged off the top buckle then Bayley backdrops her.

Naomi gets her knees up on a top rope elbow drop. Naomi slingshot facebusters her for 2. Bayley gets her knees up on a split legged moonsault then she jumping knees her. Bayley top rope elbow drops her for 2. Naomi sunset flips her out of the corner then does a double arm and neck hold.

They trade forearms and Naomi pumping knees her. Naomi plancha's her outside then Naomi is belly to belly suplexed on the table.

Tiffany Stratton then comes out and forearms Bayley down causing the match to end. She then bangs Naomi's head off the commentary table and sends her into the post. Tiffany hits a prettiest moonsault ever on both girls.

They were doing about as good as they could together until the interference. Naomi was doing a pretty good job here and it's a shame it had to get ruined.

Overall thoughts: There were only four matches here as often is the case. The Bloodline stuff is interesting and has brought some new life into the stable. Nick Aldis was entertaining as usual. None of the me matches were bad here but none were great either. I do think it's time we start moving past Knight/Styles and The LWO/LDF though. I wouldn't say it was a must-see edition of Smackdown but I thought it was a good show overall.

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