Friday, April 19, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 4/19/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 4/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

Riley Osborne vs Kale Dixon

Kale wristlocks him then Riley wristlocks him. Kale dropkicks him out then holds the rope for him to get in. Kale oddly lets him get in without cheating. Riley side headlocks him and corkscrew moonsaults over him on the 2nd rope. Riley dropkicks him out then holds the rope for him to get in. Kale then boots Riley out. Riley tiger feints using the ropes from the outside.

Kale high kicks him and Riley does a nice flip for it. Kale kind of botches a slam on him. They trade shots. Kale has him in a side slam then throws him back. Riley lands in a weird way then Kale foot chokes him on the ropes.

Riley armdrags him then hits flying moves. Riley spinning headscissors him then I think they cut ahead. Riley then wins with an SSP off the top.

I can't prove it, but I swear they cut ahead on the finish. It wasn't that great with Kale having some green moments here and them just not working that great together. 

Karmen Petrovic is interviewed. She said there were some ups and downs but what defines us is how we move forward. She said she will enter the ring with extreme confidence, power and overall finess. She said Wren is great but today is all about her. She said get real comfy, get a front row seat and watch what she does best - win.

Karmen Petrovic vs Wren Sinclair

KP side headlocks her. Wren push kicks her, kips up and they stand off. They do a double knuckle lock and KP monkey flips her. KP side headlocks her. KP back kicks her out of the corner then running headhunters her while she is seated. KP lariats her and both fall over.

Wren chinlocks her then does it with her knees in her back. KP gets out of it and takes a forearm to the spine. KP hits kicks to the body then hits a spinning lariat. KP legsweeps her and screw kicks her back for the win.

Karmen's comeback at the end here was nice but they both fell over on a lariat which looked silly and Wren didn't have the greatest night. Wren's supposed to portray being a rookie, not actually look like one.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux

Tank wore a helmet and sunglasses and they both have football jerseys on. Drake came out with a paddle.

JB and Tank lock up. JB side headlocks him then Tank shoulders him over. Drake shoulders Tank over then shoulders Hank over. JB hits shots on Hank. JB is caught with a powerslam on the up and over. Tank slingshot splashes JB for 2.

Drake misses a corner charge then takes corner attacks. Hank corner splashes Drake then Drank takes a sandwich bodyblock. JB is double slammed onto Drake. JB and Drake then take a sandwich bodyblock together. Hank boots Drake out of the corner then Drake hits a nice lariat on Hank.

JB pounds on Hank then Hank hits shots to the gut. JB headscissors Hank then Hank is held over the 2nd rope for a superkick. Drake backdrops Hank for 2. Hank goes up and over in the corner. Tank tags in and cartwheels in. He hits a 2nd rope twisting crossbody then hits lariats on JB. Tank atomic drops JB then twisting shoulderblocks him off the buckles.

Tank takes a blindside lariat over the top by Drake. Drake big boots Tank then JB tope rope crossbodies Tank for 2. Drake is pulled over the top then Hank shoulders him off the apron. JB takes powerslam + a shot to the back and is pinned. Hank gets the win.

It was a good tag here. Drake basically looked like the 3rd of Hank and Tank here with nice lariats. Tank did some nice flying here and had a great outing. This couldn't have gone much better than it did. I liked this.

Overall thoughts: I really only liked the main event here. Riley and Kale had some issues and Wren didn't look that great here against Karmen. Drake Morreaux had his best perfromance to date. I wouldn't recommend it.

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