Tuesday, April 9, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/6/2024 Season 4, Episode 30

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/6/2024 Season 4, Episode 30

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/wow-women-of-wrestling-3302024-season-4.html 

Abilene Maverick comes out on crutches with her head taped out. David McClane says the hoax is up and said he saw that she was a veterinarian and not a real doctor. He said the doctor's note she gave wasn't real. He said she has to defend the WOW title and said The Beast wants a rematch. Ab says she has an opponent and a contract signed up, but Dave can't know who it is. She says it's not The Beast. The Beast then runs in and beats her up. Beast spears her and refs have to hold Beast back. Dave said he doesn't know who this opponent Ab has lined up. Ab and Dave do a tug of war over the belt, Dave falls over and Abs run with it.  Dave tells Beast will get a shot at the title if it's the last thing they do. Beast says she will get ab and when she does, the belt is hers.

Reina Del Rey vs Princess Aussie

Adrianna Gambino is out there with Reina after they were scene discussing business in a room a few weeks ago. Aussie hits a forearm and backs off from one from Reina. Aussie leg kicks her then hits forearms. Reina pushes her back and catches a shot. Reina arm throws her down then hits shots on her on the ropes.

Reina does a snake eyes from the electric chair position. Aussie hits forearms and is pulled down backwards by the hair. Reina grabs her by the mouth in the camel clutch and puts hero n her shoulders. Aussie gets her back and chokes her. Reina backs her up into the corner to break it.

Aussie tornado ddt's her then hits corner punches. Aussie superkicks her while she's down then pump kicks her for 2.  Aussie grounded chokes her then hits a bad cutter. Gambino grabs Aussie's leg from the outside then Reina hits a bridging twisting neckbreaker. Reina then gets the win.

It was a fine, average match. Reina got the edge on her, Aussie made her comeback then Gambino cheated to help Reina win. 

The Brat Pack (Gigi Gianni and Lil J-Boogie) vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

We haven't seen The Might's for about a month. BK does a rap before this starts. She says Sugar and Spice is a recipie for disaster and says it will be a quick night as it is their spotlight.

Spice and Gigi start us off. They lock up and Spice rolls her off the casadora. Spice then springboards and twisting rolls her up. Space elbows her off the bottom rope then knees her in the gut for 2. Spice back elbows Gigi then Sugar hip attacks her in the corner.

Sugar headscissors takeovers Gigi then does a sweeping upkick. Sugar is pulled off the top into a backbreaker. Gigi bangs Spice's head off the mat and stands on the back of her neck. Sugar takes a double back elbow then J suplexes Sugar for 2. J pulls Sugar's arms back then throws her over. J leg lariats her while she's seated. 

Gigi does a nice over the back backbreaker on Sugar. Gigi throws her into the corner and poses. Gigi corner spears Sugar then double knee presses her down. Sugar takes a hip attack on the ropes and stunners Gigi off a 2v1.

Spice is hot tagged in. Spice hits shots on both opponents then walks up the ropes and flops into a double armdrag. Spice hits a double crossbody and running knees J. Spice pulls J down backwards and Sugar hits a big dropkick on Gigi, sending her out.

Spice does some weird springboard codebreaker and sentons J to win it.

Sugar and Spice had a ton of energy here and the crowd liked Spice's comeback, but everything Spice did looked really bad here. Sugar had some sloppy moments as well. That obviously can't continue.

We see Lana Star and Miami's Sweet Heat steal something from a locker room.

Miami's Sweet Heat (Laurie and Lindsay Carlson) vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike)

The Dojo Defenders are doing a martial arts gimmick. Lindsay is the blonde. Tara is in the silver and Kara is in the black. Tara armdrags and rolls her into a pin attempt. Tara headscissors her over then hits forearms. Kara running knees Lindsay and gator rolls her on the mat. Kara rolls her up then hits kicks to the leg. Kara step up enzugiri's her then takes a tilt-a-whirl slam.

Kara's head is banged off the buckles and she is footchoked. Laurie chokes Kara then Lindsay pulls on Kara's arm. Laurie dropkicks Kara against the ropes then she backbreakers her. Lindsay elbow drops Kara then pulls both of her arms back.

Kara tries to fight back on Lindsay but Lindsay stomps her. Kara takes double boots in the corner then Kara takes a double suplex. MSH then does push-ups after. Lindsay misses an elbow drop and Tara is tagged in. Tara hits kicks on Laurie then leg lariats her. Tara running knees her then Lindsay boots her. Lindsay throws Kara down by the arm. Kara takes a side slam + top rope elbow drop and is pinned.

The Defenders didn't get a ton in here and the heels mostly controlled it. It was an average match. I don't like The Defenders losing in their debut here and I think they needed more hype here.

Lana Star comes in with the bag they stole. It turns out to be The Mother Trucker's hats and jackets. They talk about how nasty the gear is and says it stinks. Lana said they need a title match. The Mother Truckers then come out and beat up the heels. Laurie takes a great bump when she is thrown out with the hat she has flying. The Truckers then hold up the titles after and get their gear back. The Truckers do a promo after. They said the heels tried to grab their titles but grabbed their gear instead on accident. Holly says they can get a title shot whenever they want it and they don't have to steal.

Tormenta and Las Bandidas vs The Island Dynasty (Tiki Chamorro and The Tonga Twins)

Sofia Lopez is on commentary. She said Las Bandidas don't know what to do and is here to evaluate her team.

The 6 girls all stand off then trade forearms. The Twins go for dives and get hit then Tormenta lariats Tiki. Tor pounds on Tiki then bangs her head off the buckles. Tiki is whipped into a superkick then takes a codebreaker and bulldog variation. Tor is thrown out by Kona. Kona has the green laces, Kaoz has the red laces. Tor pounds on Kaoz then Kaoz take an enzugiri. Kaoz then takes a short flatliner and a knee drop from Tormenta for 2.

Kona hits a belly to belly on Angel then hits a chokeslam.  Kona hits hip attacks on Angel then Tor takes a double flapjack. Tiki gets her 619 on Tor blocked then Tiki topes Sanchez and Tor. Angel takes a tonga twist and is pinned.

It was a quick one here with the faces winning. We haven't seen that crew a ton this season so it's good to see them back. They kept this match moving and it wasn't bad.

Tormenta and Bandidas argue after. Sofia Lopez gets in the ring and breaks it up. She yells at them but we can't really hear what is said. Sanchez ends up slapping Lopez and knocking her down. Tor gets mad at Sanchez over it and Angel breaks it up.

This is one of the few times a WOW angle really failed. They said Lopez was not happy with her crew on commentary but didn't do anything to mention that in prior episodes. So, Lopez getting slapped felt out of nowhere and didn't really hit. We also couldn't hear what was said when they were all arguing which might have helped explain it better.

Overall thoughts: This was not one of WOW's best episodes. I liked the opening angle with Dave/Ab/Beast. I liked Reina/Aussie. The Mighty Mights had a real sloppy match where Gigi Gianni had to be the glue to hold it all together, though the crowd got real into it. The Dojo Defenders lost in their debut which sucked. The main was okay but the angle with Lopez and her crew having issues was not well built up to and we couldn't hear most of it which hurt it.

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