Tuesday, April 9, 2024

NWA Powerrr 4/9/2024

NWA Powerrr 4/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/nwa-powerrr-422024.html

Pretty Empowered talk about The King Bee's. They say everyone knows they will win and the titles will come back home to The Pretty Palace.

NWA Junior Heavweight Title - Colby Corino (c) vs Joe Alonzo

Joe offers a handshake and CC kicks it away. Joe piefaces him then is dropkicked. CC rolls over his back then Joe spin kicks him in the gut. CC flying forearms him then hits a thesz press with punches. CC tiger drivers him for 2 and Joe rolls out.

CC goes for a tope but Joe sends him into the rails during it. Joe throws him into the steps. CC has the rope kicked into his crotch then Joe topes him into the rails. Joe springboard double axe handles him for 2.

Joe suplexes him then takes a step up knee on the buckles.  CC is dropped throat first on the top rope from the suplex position for 2. Joe goes to springboard and CC russian legsweeps him off the ropes, nearly slipping. CC hits a big jumping forearm then spears him on the apron.

CC gets on the camera platform and does a corkscrew dive onto Joe. CC standing spanish flies him for 2. CC sunset flips him and rolls it into a styles clash for 2. Joe superkicks him, goes for a springboard and is lariated. They try pin attempts and run into the ref. Joe low blows CC and hits a stroke to win it.

They did some things right here and Joe has some good instincts. They also rushed things at times and had some sloppy moments.

La Rosa Negra and Ruthie Jay vs Tiffany Nieves and Reka Thehaka

Reka is Leia Makoa from WOW. Tiff and Jay pieface each other. Jay armdrags her. Jay flips out of a hiptoss and dropkicks her. Tiff pushes Reka then Jay dropkicks Reka. Reka and Tiff argue more.

Rosa armdrags Reka then hits forearms. Reka is armdragged and somehow ends up under the bottom rope on it. Reka headbutts Jay then Tiff hits Jay from the outside. Tiff stomps on Jay. Jay fights out of the corner and is backbreakered off a headscissors attempt.

Jay is put in tree of woe and is double teamed in it. Tiff baseball slides Jay then chinlocks her. Jay and Tiff bang heads and go down. Rosa fireman's carry throws Reka then lariats Tiff. Rosa airplane spins Reka into a TKO.

Jay throws Tiff out then Reka hits shots on Rosa. Jay does a meteora off the buckles on Reka. Rosa top rope frogsplashes Reka and wins it.

Reka didn't have a good night here and there were multiple moments that were awkward and obvious miscommunications. I don't think anyone would say this was a good match. Aside from that, I thought Rosa looked good here.

"Magic" Jake Dumas vs Slade

They lock up, go into the corner and the ref breaks it up.  Slade waistlock takedowns him, rides his back and paintbrushes the back of his head. Slade arm and chinlocks him. Magic is sent shoulder first into the buckles then Magic earl claps him.

Slade jumping elbows him for 2. Magic speeds up and bangs Slade's head off the buckles. Magic hits corner spears then low dropkicks him. Slade takes an atomic drop then Magic TKO's him for 2. Slade is pulled out to the floor. Rolando Freeman, who is with Slade, gets in Magic's face and is pushed away.

Slade is dropped face first on the apron. They fight on the apron and Magic fallaway slams him into the ring. Rolando grabs Magic's hat. Magic grabs him on the buckles then Slade 2nd rope air raid crashes Magic. Slade then wins it.

It wasn't that special or anything and was mostly about Rolando being annoying and screwing the match up for Jake.

2/3 Falls - NWA Women's Tag Titles - The King Bees (Charity King and Dani Bee) (c) vs Pretty Empowered

1st fall - King is the heavier one. Ella slaps Dani to start. Dani cradles Ella and wins the first fall!

2nd fall - Ella throws a fit between falls and tags out. Dani crossbodies Kylie then Kylie throws her backwards.  King sentons Kylie then Kylie takes a double suplex. Dani takes a face kick from Kyle then Kylie stomps on her. Ella running face kicks Dani then Dani takes a double hip attack and double stinkface.

Ella leg lariats Dani on the ropes then sends her into the corner. Dani is caught off the ropes by Ella then takes a fallaway slam. Kylie face kicks King then basement dropkicks her in the corner. Kylie then picks up the pin on Dani.

3rd fall - Dani is thrown into the buckles and takes a double team stomp. Dani top rope crossbodies Kylie. King hits lariats on Ella then fisherman suplexes her. King samoan drops her for 2. Dani codebreakers Kylie then King michinoku drivers Kylie. Kylie hits forearms on King then King takes a double legsweep. Ella shining wizards King then uses the ropes to try and pin here. The ref sees it.

Ella and the ref argue. Ella pokes at the ref then King powerslams Ella for the win.

It was a fun main here. I liked the heels getting pinned right off the bat here. Pretty Empowered, especially Ella, were real good here as usual and King's power spots were good.

Overall thoughts: Joe Alonzo has the right idea but his match felt rushed and him and CC had some issues at times. The women's tag match that followed it was a mess though Rosa Negra looked good. Slade/Magic wasn't anything special. The main was good as expected with Ella Envy really having a good night. I'd probably give it about a 4-5 out of 10 and it wasn't the NWA's best show.

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