Tuesday, April 30, 2024

TNA Xplosion 4/26/2024

TNA Xplosion 4/26/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/tna-xplosion-4192024.html 

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Havok is interviewed this week. They used to live together. Gia visited during the pandemic and ended up living there due to lockdowns. She also lived there when her house burned down. Havok has a podcast called Bitter Buds with Alex Colon.

Havok streams video games on Twitch and has been doing so for 10 years. She said that's what she does the most in her free time. She said she has 17,000 followers and half the viewers didn't know she was a wrestler. They say they love each other. Havok has 3 cats and a dog. She says her oldest cat has thumbs and has a "cattoo" (a cat tattoo). Gia puts her over, they hug and the segment ends.

Leon Slater vs Zachary Wentz


They lock up and Wentz is backed up in the corner. Wentz misses a corner charge and they lock up again. Wentz grabs him by the hair and flips out of a wristlock then armdrags him. Leon hits a rewind kick off an enzugiri. Leon handspring back elbows him then Wentz goes out.

Leon grabs Wentz by the hair then he is yanked into the ropes. Leon is tripped then Wentz slingshot swantons him. Wentz chops him then chinlocks him. Wentz atomic drops, leg sweeps and PK's him for 2. Wentz chokes him over the middle rope then axe kicks him over the middle rope. Wentz bottom rope coebreakers him.

Leon hits punches and an enzugiri. Leon running face kicks him then plancha's him. Leon top rope crossbodies him for 2. Leon hits a stomp. Wentz strike combos him then handspring jumping knees him. Wentz hits a half-nelson side slam for 2. Leon face kicks him then takes a jumping knee. Wentz handsprings and is caught with a kick in the air for 2. Leon goes up top, Trey distracts and Leon ends up taking a UFO cutter. Wentz wins it.

It was pretty much all flying with not a lot else. It was fast paced and fine for what it was.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match here along with a Gia interview. The sole match was fine for what it was but this wasn't must see.

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