Tuesday, April 30, 2024

NWA Powerrr 4/30/2024

NWA Powerrr 4/30/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/nwa-powerrr-4232024.html

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz welcome us to the show.

The Kidz (Alexander Lev and Jackson Drake) vs The Slime Ballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant)

Lev has the blonde hair. Sage is the shorter and smaller one of his team and Rant is the heavier one.

Sage and Drake start us off. Sage spits in his hand and offers a handshake. Drake slaps him then Sage hits forearms.  Sage then spits in his hand and shakes Drake's hand. Drake goes for a face kick and ends up kneeing Sage hard in the face. Drake backdrops Sage for 2 then Sage takes a legsweep + russian legsweep combo. Lev stomps on Sage then sliding lariats him.

Sage's head is banged off the mat then Drake hip attacks him on the ropes. Drake suplexes him then Lev stranglehold chokes Sage. Lev running STO's Sage then Drake handspring moonsaults Sage. Sage is thrown off a tornado ddt attempt and is thrown into his corner for a tag. Rant slams both opponents then spinebusters Lev.

Drake bites Rant. Drake is caught off the buckles then Rant fire thunder's Drake onto Lev, while hitting a butt drop on Lev. Rant is stuck on the 2nd rope and Lev 2nd rope sunset bombs him. Drake then swantons Rant. Sage tries to break the pin up but Lev gets the pin on Rant.

I think they botched the pin here as it felt like it was supposed to go longer. I would have liked a better hot tag here from Sage but it was acceptable overall.

Austin Idol is interviewed. He says he's not part of the last call match between AJ Cazana and Anthony Andrews tonight. Kyle Davis said The Cazana's get to choose someone from Idol's crew to leave the territory tonight if they win. Idol says he's not leaving and says the NWA can't afford to lose him. He says to back up the friggin dumpster now.

Chris Silvio and Bulletproof Troop are interviewed. Chris says the harshest penalties go to the most violent offenses.  He says tonight is Troops' personal playground. He said Troop will prove he belongs in the major leagues of wrestling and is in the future. Chris says he never makes a promise he can't deliver. He said he guarantees Troop is the next National champ.  

Last Call Match - AJ Cazana vs Anthony Andrews

AA = Anthony Andrews

Zyon and Idol are with AA. KC Cazana is handcuffed to the post. The loser of this has to leave the NWA forever. AJ double boots him out of the corner then hits mounted shots. We go to break and return.

They fight outside and AJ's head is banged off the steps. AA hits punches then stands on AJ's neck on the apron. AJ's head is banged off the rail then he hits a big lariat. Zyon takes a cheapshot on KC Cazana. AJ spears AA through the ropes then slams him on the ramp.

AJ runs into a boot in the corner then AA dives off the 2nd rope with a codebreaker. AJ powerslams him and gets the win.

We didn't get to see enough of this. We maybe got less than 7 minutes total of it. What we saw looked okay, but this was not the big match I was expecting or if it was, we didn't see it.

Joe Cazana gets on the mic after. He tells Austin Idol and Zyon to get in the ring with AA. He said he's been waiting a long time and threatens to fire Idol. He said Idol has done nothing but sucker punches. He asks Zyon why he should keep him then asks AA the same thing. Joe pulls the mic away and says "it really doesn't matter". Joe then asks Idol and says he talks too much before Idol says anything. Joe says Idol is a backstabber and no-good yellow belly dog. He said tonight's the night for Idol, then says Anthony Andrews is fired.

I knew this would happen and unfortunately, it doesn't make much sense. Joe said Idol was the mastermind behind all of the issues and has been such a thorn in his side, yet he fires Andrews instead.

We see a video on Ruckus. He talks about his back. He said he couldn't even stand up. He said he was diagnosed with cancer. He said he was mentally gone and said he didn't want to live anymore. He said cancer took wrestling from him and said he thought it would take his five year old daughter from him. He said the NWA wrestlers and fans kept him positive. He said he's cancer free. He then said he came home and got shot by a group of four guys. He said he had to fight and battle again. He said it feels good to be back home in the NWA. They never said it was Ruckus here so if you didn't know it was him, you wouldn't know.

Cage Match - Knox and Trevor Murdoch vs The Southern Six (Alex Taylor and Kerry Morton)

Ricky Morton is with The Six. The four stare down in the cage and The Six try to escape. They get beaten up for it in the corners. Kerry takes a big beale throw and Alex's head is banged off the buckles. The Six dosey-do then take stereo slams. The Six are sent into the cage.

Alex's gets his head banged off the cage and Trevor to rope crossbodies him. Knox top rope crossbodies Kerry. Alex takes a double back body drop. Ricky Morton throws powder into Knox and Murdoch's eyes. Alex backstabbers Trevor then Trevor takes a double russian legsweep.

Alex tornado ddt's Knox. Knox fights both members of The Six on top of the cage. They do a dumb spot where Alex sunset bombs Knox while Knox superplexes Kerry, with Alex hurting his own partner. Trevor spinebusters Alex then Ricky slams the cage door in Trevor's face.

Alex gets a belt and hits Knox with it as the screen goes to black and white due to Trevor bleeding. Alex whips Trevor with the belt then hits Knox with it too. Eric Smalls comes out and pokes Ricky Morton. He low blows him. Smalls climbs the cage. Kerry is knocked off the top by Smalls then Smalls top rope plancha's The Six off the cage.

Rolando Freeman comes out and attacks Smalls. Trevor is double teamed by The Six. The Six miss a high low (which is Murdoch and Knox's move). Trevor sends both members of The Six into the cage. Kerry Morton takes a high/low then Knox swinging side slams Alex. Ricky Morton tries to bang the door on Trevor's head but Trevor pushes the door into Ricky and escapes. Knox and Murdoch win.

It was a good cage match. I'm not real sure why Silas Mason didn't come down since anyone could enter the cage and interfere at any time. We got a couple of big spots and they continued the Freeman/Smalls feud, which even though I'm not into, they did a good job of following up on. I didn't like the tower of doom spot here as Alex ended up hurting his own partner with it. It got a lot of time and Murdoch bled.

Overall thoughts: It was a good wrestling show here. All 3 matches were fine and the main was good.  It had the usual issues though with people not appearing on the show or being on it despite not being on it for weeks, making it hard to follow through with storylines.

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