Tuesday, April 16, 2024

TNA Xplosion 4/12/2024

TNA Xplosion 4/12/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/tna-xplosion-452024.html

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Rosemary is this week's guest. Rose gives her a black rose. She talks about letting Courtney out, which is her former in-ring name. She talks about that name as like an inner demon. She said her and Courtney are the heir to the  throne of the undead realm. Gia tells her she wants to visit the undead realm. Rose tells her she would be devoured there without a guide.

Rose shows her cane which has a bunny's head on it. Gia then kisses it. Gia then thanks her for joining her.

It was tour to follow this one as they don't really talk about all of these things with Rosemary's character. 

Steve Maclin vs Kevin Knight

Steve side headlocks him then shoulders him over. They botch a spot and Steve knocks both of them over. KK springboard armdrags KK then armdrags him. Steve back elbows him and hits chops. KK springboard twisting crossbodies him then Steve hits punches and boots in the corner.

Steve gets chopped then hits some chops back. KK chops and euros him. KK jumps over the top to the floor for some reason then Steve topes him. Steve uranage backbreakers him for 2. Steve kneels on his back and facelocks KK.

KK hits shots then lariats him out of the corner. KK slams him then hits a standing frogsplash. KK corner pslashes him then gets some near falls. Steve hits a big punch then KK dropkicks him. KK planchas him then springboard lariats him for 2.

KK gets put in tree of woe then Steve spears him as he hands. Steve hits an elevated double underhook ddt and wins it.

It was a decent match here with Steve's offense looking real stiff and good. It's just a shame that it was a throwaway because a longer match between these two would have been good.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match shown here and one new interview segment. I liked Knight vs Maclin but I wouldn't say it's must see. Rosemary's interview got too far into the hocus pocus stuff and was hard to follow.

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