Tuesday, April 16, 2024

NWA Powerrr 4/16/2024

NWA Powerrr 4/16/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/nwa-powerrr-492024.html

The Fixers (Jay Bradley and Wrecking Ball Legursky) vs Tim Storm and J.A.C.

Jay chops JAC in the corner and JAC chops back. Jay clubs his back and kneelifts him. WBL and Tim go at it. Tim forearms him then hits nice punches. Tim elbows him in the head. WBL clubs JAC's back then spinning full-nelson drops him. WBL hip attacks JAC. Tim hits lariats on WBL then hits corner punches.

Tim hits a kick to the side of the head the neckbreakers him for 1. WBL uppercuts and headbutts him. Tim iron claws him then WBL slams Tim. WBL headbutt drops Tim for 2. Tim is beaten up in the corner then Jay slams Tim. Jay knee drops Tim then clubs him on the apron.

Jay and Tim trade. Jay face kicks Tim in the corner then WBL splashes Tim. WBL misses a headbutt drop. JAC gets in and hits leg kicks on WBL. JAC hits kicks and is hit from Jay. JAC step up enzugiri's Jay then WBL blocks JAC's german.

JAC gets swatted off the crossbody attempt by WBL. WBL hits a world's strongest slam on JAC and wins it.

It was decent heavyweight tag here. JAC has a decent size and if he can work on making his offense look a little better he might be alright. WBL had a good showing here.

Kyle Davis interviews Natalia Markova. She fights Kenzie Page next week. She said she's an awesome wrestling and deserves to be champ, but says she (Natalya) deserves it more. Natalya says Page knows she can beat her. She says let's have a great fight.

Miss Starr vs Taylor Rising

Starr has a neckbrace on with sequin and keeps it on as the match starts. Starr hits forearms and chops outside. Starr is sent int othe post. TR jumps off the apron, Starr can't really catch her and Starr's head bangs off the floor. TR spinning headscissors her then bulldogs her out of the casadora.

TR misses a twisting crossbody off the buckles. TR's head is banged off the mat and buckles. TR spinnign forearms her. She goes for a baseball slide then is powerbombed on the apron. Starr pushes TR's head into the concrete floor.

TR hair throws her. Starr corner splashes her. TR boots her in the gut and ends up rolling her up to win it.

It was an odd one here with Starr wrestling with a neckbrace. They didn't really make what they could have of that situation. The move on the floor here was super dangerous and I don't like them wrestling without real mats out there.

Kenzie Page does a promo. She said Markova is tough, strong and crazy but she can't get the job done when it matters most. She said Markova has been handed everything but dropped the ball every time. She said she's not built like a champ. She said every time Markova thinks she has an idea, she will outsmart her. She said the 1-2-3 will go to Page. She said she will have the title while Markova looks at the lights.

Vampiro is interviewed. He is asked about Alex Misery and Mecha Wolf. Vamp doesn't seem to know what he's talking about and has his finger in his ear. The segment then ends.

NWA World Tag Titles - Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage) (c) vs The Immortals (Odinson and JR Kratos)

The Immortals are the NWA US Tag champs coming into this but have to give up the belts for a shot at the world tag titles. I'm not a big fan of that as it makes the titles seem worthless. BFT come out to a cool song that sounds like a remix of Lex Luger's 1991 theme. Damage has the tattoos.

JR gets on the mic. He said his gear bag was stolen today and blames Aaron Stevens for it (the manager of BFT). JR said The Immortals are here and will fight for the titles.  Stevens tells them to think about reliquinishing the titles. He said the people like them because they don't know when to quit, just like the fans. He asks if they are thinking of giving the titles up and they say yes.

BFT then jumps Immortals. BFT are whipped into each other then take stereo lariats. We go to break and return. Stevens is cornered by Immortals and BFT save him. Carnage is lariated over the top and Damage takes an enzugiri.

JR does a wild suicide dive over the top, taking out both BFT members. Damage hits shots on Odin and misses a splash. Odin jumping euros him in the back of the neck. Odin then does that off the 2nd rope for 2. JR chops Damage then release suplexes him.

Stevens distracts JR then Damage powerbombs JR. Carnage stomps on JR then hits mounted shots. Stevens chokes JR on the bottom rope then Carnage stomps on JR. Carnage corner spears JR then Damage double axe handles JR.

Carnage snapmares and chinlocks JR. JR back elbows Carnage then boots him in the corner. Carnage hiptosses him then JR jumping back enzugiri's Carnage. Odin gets tagged in and euros both opponents. Odin exploders Carnage then F-5's Damage onto Carnage. Odin jackhammers Carnage for 2.

JR powerslams Damage then Damage pulls JR out. Kratos is sent into the post. Odin nails Stevens on the apron then Carnage hits a nice dropkick on Odin. Carnage picks up the win.

It was a solid main here with four heavies going at it. Not great or anything but it was believable and they didn't overdo it. Odin really has weird offense as he mostly sticks to doing euros.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show. The main and the opener were both solid. The women's match was weird and Starr is lucky she didn't really get hurt out there with the bump on the floor. I'm still not sure what they are doing with Vampiro and they did an okay job of selling me on Markova vs Page.

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