Monday, April 29, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 4/28/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 4/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abbenhaus and Stephen E. are on commentary. The announcer's table is covered in a Saudi flag. E says SICW has hit its peak and said he has arrived. Drew points out th blood on it and E says it's the blood of Gary "Night Train" Jackson. Glenn Williams vs Bobby D is the main event tonight.

Wrex Amadeus vs Bull Bronson

Bull's looking big and bad here. They lock up and Wrex is pulled down. Wrex hits shots on him and Bull headbutts him. Bull hits a punch flurry in the corner then misses a corner charge. Wrex 2nd rope euros him then is caught off the buckles with a chokeslam. Bull running butt drops Wrex (called the bullseye) and wins via 10 count knockout.

The knockout finish was pretty cool here as we don't see that one a lot. It was a short squash here.

We see clips of Stephen E. hitting a fireball on Curtis Wylde.

Curtis Wylde does a video with his eye patch on at home. He said he doesn't know what Stephen E. was thinking. He said he had to know eventually he was going to come back and get his redemption. He said Stephen E. has done everything he can to set SICW on fire. He said he set SICW on fire first though. He said he's been running rough shot on everyone.

He said the fans got behind him and he had more respect for the fans and locker room. He said Stephen E has no respect and talks about him hitting Big Texan and Gary Jackson with fireballs. Wylde says when you fire at him, he fires back. He says when you play with fire, you get burned. He said he'll be back on May 4th and said he's not the only one who can play with fire. We then see Wylde blow fire in a cool promo. Wylde looks pretty cool with the eye patch and should consider keeping it.

Stephen E. says he should do Promoter's Corner since he eventually will be the promoter.

We see Herb Simmons appear on the Wrestling Roadtrip After Hours podcast with Teddy Long and Mac Davis. He talks about SICW and says he's the mayor of East Carondelet, Illinois, which I didn't know. Herb talks about Bob Orton Jr. being elected to the St. Louis Hall of Fame. They talk about rumors of Randy Orton possibly appearing. 

Herb said he's been in wrestling for 51 years and talks about SICW Fan Fest 2. He talks about the creation of Fan Fest and said Buck Robley got screwed on a deal to set it up. He says 60 legends will be there at Fan Fest 2 and said JBL will be there. He says they are also raising money for Black Bart.

Herb talks about being mayor for so long. He said he believes in term limits. He said he's either doing a heck of a job or nobody else wants the job and it's probably the latter of the two.

Lucky P. Larson does a promo. He asked if we missed him and he says he knows we have (he's right). He says he's been on a vacation and says vacation, suspension, what's the difference? He said no one can replace him on commentary and says it's not the same without the brilliant fair play and managerial strategy. He says he'll be back on May 4th. He says The LA Hustlers will dispose of The Top Guns and become tag champs.

Larson said he's not afraid of Big Joe Helms. He said Kowalski assured him he won't lose against Joe. He said Kowalski beat him twice and said he beat him with his own weight belt. He said Helms as little to no brains, but he has lots of brains. He then shows his diploma's and legal certificates. He said he has more brains in his finger than Joe does in his body. He said he doesn't need to worry and he believes in Kowalski. He says "In Kowalski, We Trust". He says there's always a chance Joe gets lucky. He said he doesn't want to think about that and Kowalski's gonna win.

Peyton Ayers vs Gary Jackson

Peyton side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Gary hammerlocks him and takes a back elbow. Gary armdrags him then gets side slammed. Peyton hits some shots and corner spears him. Peyton misses a splash then Gary rolls him up for 2. Peyton suplexes him.

Gary hits a back elbow then bangs Peyton's head off the buckles. Gary takes a big boot to the face then Peyton chinlocks him. Gary elbows his way out then is bearhugged. They say Peyton used to be from Cape Gerado but was relocated to Cairo, Egypt. Stephen E. says it's due to the US dollar and slipping Saudi money is very green.

Peyton corner splashes him then Gary neckbreakers him. Stephen E. leaves commentary and heads to ringside. Peyton is handed a chain and drops it. Gary gets the chain and the ref sees it. The ref sees Peyton is down and the ref awards Peyton the match via disqualification.

It was a so-so match here and the finish was a little different with the face getting caught with the weapon. The ref did a good job here catching the weapon and DQ'ing Gary for it.

Drew interviews Bull Bronson. He says Wrex Amadeus isn't the reason he's here. He said he wants The Big Texan. He said Texan cheapshotted him when he was trying to help him. He said he's coming for him and says to pay attention as his hands will be laid all over him.

Big Joe Helms does a taped promo. He said he's making his return after being suspended for 2 months due to Lucky P. Larson. He said he gets 5 minutes with Larson if he beats Kowalski. He said the little granular sands are falling through the hourglass and said his protection order is no more. He said if he's going to hell, he's taking Larson with him.

"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams vs Bobby D

We come back from break and The Uber Destroyer jumped Bobby D. Peyton Ayers comes out to help and Stephen E. directs traffic. Bobby takes a big bump into the post, landing hard on the floor. Ref's come out to check on Bobby and help him to the back.

Glenn Williams goes to the commentary table. He says he has an open contract and he wants it right now. He asks Bobby D if he can go. Bobby gets in the ring and it looks like the match will proceed.

Glenn hits punches to the gut and the head. Glenn back elbows Bobby in the corner then camel clutches him under the middle rope. Sean Vincent then chokes Bobby while the ref isn't looking. Glenn guillotine legdrops Bobby over the middle rope.

Bobby kicks out of a pin attempt then takes a single arm ddt. Glenn throws him back into the mat then rakes his eyes with his foot. Glenn legdrops him for 2 then pump kicks him for 2. Glenn misses a 2nd rope dropkick to the knee then Bobby sharpshooters him. Glenn is pulled into the middle of the ring and taps out.

I was surprised they had Bobby get the win here after getting beaten up. I thought it hurt Glenn some to lose like this. Shogun, Wrex, Bryce or someone else probably would have fit this role better.

Drew said Glenn made a mistake and should have listened to Sean Vincent. Glenn gets mad and has some words for Drew.

Drew interviews Bobby D. Bobby says he doesn't back down from a fight. He said no matter how people are in there, he's getting in and competing. Bobby said him and Big Texan always have people after them so they are teaming up against Steve Fender and Atila Khan. Bobby says you train hard and never stop to deal with these things and you focus on one match at a time.

Overall thoughts: It was a bit of a longer episode than usual here. I thought Curtis Wylde's promo was the best thing on the show. I thought they hyped up Kowalski vs Big Joe Helms up well. There was nothing too great in-ring wise on this one but I did enjoy the show.

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