Monday, April 29, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 4/28/2024 Champion Carnival 2024 Day 6

All Japan Pro Wrestling 4/28/2024 Champion Carnival 2024 Day 6

Day 5 is here:

I skipped one match here:

Champion Carnival 2024 Block A Match - Yuma Aoyagi vs. Cyrus

Cyrus is attacked before the bell rings. Yuma hits a bunch of forearms on him then climbs his back for a sleeper. Yuma lets go, charges at him and is lariated. Yuma is knocked off the apron into the rails then Cyrus chokes him on the rails. Cyrus walks on him outside then sends him into the rails. Yuma is thrown over the rails then Cyrus chokes him over the rails with his leg.

Cyrus throws the ref out of his way and butt drops Yuma's spine. Cyrus hits shots on him against the post then headbutts the post when Yuma moves. Yuma climbs his back for a sleeper then is rammed into the post. Cyrus powerbombs him on the apron.

Yumma rolls Cyrus up in the ring then Cyrus suplexes him. Cyrus splashes him for 2. Cyrus takes face kicks on the apron. Yuma tries to battering ram him but misses and takes a guillotine legdrop over the 2nd rope. Cyrus charges at him outside and ends up going into the rails. Yuma baseball slides him and wins via countout.

This was bogus. They were out there for a good 5 minutes or so and nobody was counted out then Cyrus couldn't get in by the 10 count later on in the match and was counted out. The match was the usual Cyrus offerings otherwise with slow and so-so brawling outside the ring.  

Champion Carnival 2024 Block B Match - Lord Crewe vs. Rei Saito

They lock up and Crewe is driven back. Crewe hits some shots and they shoulder battle. Rei knocks him over then Crew back elbows him. Rei is pulled over the top rope and Crewe cannonballs him off the apron. Rei drives Crewe's back into the post then shoulderblocks him against the post.

Rei stomps on Crewe then shoulders him over. Rei slams and elbow drops him for 2. Rei slams him then stands on him. Rei shoulders him over and hits a splash for 2. Crewe hits a punch combo to the body then samoan drops him for 2.

They trade chops for forearms and Rei sumo palm strike flurries him. Rei hits a chop flurry. Crewe goes up and over him in the corner and hits a german. Crewe then runs into a lariat. Crewe hits two corkscrew kicks for 2. Crewe hits another bad looking corkscrew kick and wins it.

It was short and not that good. They just did a standard match here with a shoulderblock battle and some strikes. Crewe's corkscrew kicks here were not good either which is a real problem since those were used for the finish. 

Hikaru Sato, Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Ryuki Honda vs. Jun Saito, Ren Ayabe & Rising HAYATO

Jiro does his usual pre-match screwing around, doing a long entrance and dancing with the fans.

Sato and Rising start us off. Rising wristlocks him then Sato spin kicks him. Rising hits a big chop then spinning headscissors him. Rising teases a dive out but asai moonsaults back in. Sato then gets behind him and kicks him.

All 6 men fight outside and go onto the stage to fight. Jiro gets on Honda's shoulders then Rising gets on Ren's shoulders. Rising and Jiro then fight and Rising steals Jiro's jacket. They head back to the ring and Jiro is on his knees begging for his jacket. Ren face kicks Jiro while he's on his knees.

Ren slams Jiro then Jiro is triple teamed in the corner.  Jun slams and elbow drops Jiro. Jun then thries to pin Jiro with his foot on Jiro's chest. Rising chokes Jiro with his own jacket then whips him with it. They tug of war over the jacket. Jiro armdrags him with the jacket then whips him with it.

Jiro then takes the tag to Honda with his jacket. Ren shoulders Honda over then Ronda chokes him on the ropes, counting along with the ref. Honda and Ren trade then Ref big boots him. Honda germans Ren then Ren dropkicks him.

Jun running face kicks Honda then hits corner punches. Honda suplexes Jun. Jun takes corner attacks from huis opponents then takes an enzugiri from Sato. Sato waterwheel drops him then is slammed on his kimura attempt. Jun running back elbows Sato then suplexes him.

Honda and Jiro double team Ren while Jun claws Honda. Ren hits a double lariat on Honda and Jiro then Rising springboard plancha's Jun and Honda outside. Sato enzugiri's Jun then Jun running face kicks him for 2. Jun does a bad cobra clutch chokeslam on Sato and wins it.

It was fine with them goofing around some, Rising doing a dive or two and Jiro getting his jacket stolen.

Jiro chokes Ren outside with a towel after.

Champion Carnival 2024 Block A Match - Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Hokuto Omori

DBS = Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Fake Omori comes out with the horse mask. DBS thinks it's the real Omori then the real Omori top rope dropkicks him. DBS is double whipped into the rails outside and the match officially starts. They go through a door and Omori and Fake Omori try to lock DBS out of the arena. DBS then gets in through another door, which Omori doesn't see.

DBS beats up on Omori outside and bangs his head off the apron. Omori is sent into the rails then Davey stomps him on the floor. DBS drops him with forearms in the ring then chinlocks him. They trade forearms. DBS stomps and foot chokes him.

DBS suplexes him then hits a gutwrench suplex for 2. DBS headscissors him then grabs the arm. DBS legdrops him and Omori back body drops him on a piledriver. Omori hits forearms, trips him into the 2nd rope then basement dropkicks his back. DBS face kicks him then backdrops him for 2. DBS crabs him.

DBS misses a charge and is rolled up. Omori cradles him off a suplex attempt. DBS is nearly sent into the ref. Omori low blows him in front of the ref and gets a 2 count. DBS ddt's him. DBS powerslams him for 2. DBS hits a stiff lariat then a stiff sitout powerbomb before the win.

I didn't like the fighting before the bell had rung thing as DBS got double teamed and nothing could really be done about it. Omori low blowed DBS right in front of the ref and the ref didn't care. Omori kind of needed to do more cheap tactics here and DBS needed to be more rough with him for it.

Champion Carnival 2024 Block B Match - Hartley Jackson vs. Yuma Anzai

Hart = Hartley Jackson

Hart running lariats Yuma at the bell then death valley drivers him on the apron. Yuma is out for a bit, gets in then is thrown back out. The same thing happens again. Yuma is sent into the rail for chops then sent into the post. They then do that spot again too.

They trade shots in the ring and Hart chops him down. Hart gets on his back and chinlocks him. Yuma's double underhook suplex is blocked and Hart chops him down. Hart slams Yuma then sentons him. Hart corner splashes him then hits a big lariat for 2.

Yuma ducks a lariat and hits forearms. Yuma hits a belly to belly suplex. Yuma forearms him then double underhook suplexes him for 2. Yuma grabs a sleeper and Hart drops him backwards out of it. Hart misses a senton then Yuma germans him. Yuma puts him in the facelock and wins it.

The idea was okay here but I didn't like Yuma throwing Hart around with ease and I don't him using the facelock as a finisher. It's just not a strong enough finisher. It was an average bigger guy vs smaller guy match here.

Champion Carnival 2024 Block A Match - Kento Miyahara vs. Shotaro Ashino

They lock up and clean break on the ropes. Ashino wristlocks him. Kento rolls through it then Ashino side headlocks him. Kento hits a face kick then Ashino does a fireman's carry style takedown. Kento misses a face kick and they stand off.

Ashino clubs Kento's back on a break then Kento basement dropkicks him over the 2nd rope. Kento headbutts him outside and Ashino tries to fight back with forearms. Ashino thinks he is fine then he flops over. Ashino takes more headbutts outside then is thrown in.

Ashino dragon screws Kento over the middle rope, dropkicks his knee then does his pose. Ashino ties up Kento's leg in the rails outside then bangs his leg off the post. Ashino stretch mufflers him, karelin's lifts him then does another stretch muffler. Ashino stands on Kento's leg. Kento dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head.

Kento hits a flying pumping knee in the corner then Ashino ankle locks him at 10 minutes. Kento boots his way out of it and they fight on the apron. Kento face kicks him there then apron piledrivers him. Kento pumping knees him on the ropes and is caught with an ankle lock. Kento cradles him for 2 then Ashino germans him. Kento no sells it and germans him.

They trade forearms and Ashino clubs on Kento's back. Kento germans him then Ashino hits a nice lariat. Ashino backdrops him then Kento flying pumping knees him. Kento delay straightjacket germans him and wins it.

It had a little of everything with Ashino working the leg for the ankle lock and Kento doing his usual offense. I liked Ashino firing up some and clubbing all over Kento. I would say it all did flow together in the end but it could have been done smarter. 

Champion Carnival 2024 Block B Match - Suwama vs. Hideki Suzuki

HS = Hideki Suzuki

They do some grappling to start. HS rolling kimura's him and breaks when he has the mount. Suwama trips him and is headscissored. HS grabs the arm then Suwama full nelsons him. HS reverses it then Suwama trips him into a front facelock. HS cravates him and Suwama ropebreaks on his chickenwing attempt.

Suwama rolls him into an armbar attempt. HS hits shots to the gut. They stare down and Suwama forearms him. They trade and HS hits various strikes. Suwama belly to belly suplexes him then sleepers him. HS rope breaks and is chopped up on the ropes.

HS dropkicks him then hits a dragon suplex. HS does a cobra twistthen Suwama hits germans on him. Suwama running lariats him then HS backdrops him out of the sleeper. HS hits an enzugiri then hits downward elbows. HS does an octopus stretch to him and taps him out with it.

They mailed this one in here. The match was not long enough for the style of match they were doing and it was over before it really even got started. The highspot of this one was a weak dragon suplex and the finish was an octopus stretch of all things. Maybe it beats a 30 minute Suzuki borefest, but that's about it.

Overall thoughts: It was not a great day at the Champion Carnival. The main was a pretty lame effort. Ashino/Kento was a casserole of various things put together that somehow worked in the end. Yuma/Hartley was average. I didn't like Davey/Omori. The 6-man was fine and I didn't like the other two CC matches. I'd probably give it a 4-5 out of 10.

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