Friday, December 1, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/1/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/1/2023

Last week's show is here:

We actually get a real show this week unlike last week's clip show.

Von Wagner vs Luca Crusifino

Luca has new music with "The People's Court" theme being featured less. They lock up and Von slams him down. Von hits shoulders on him then shoulders him over. Von flying shoulders him. Luca hits chest chops and gets nowhere. Von then stomps and boots him in the corner. Von knocks him down then does a 2nd rope club/clothesline. Luca jumping neckbreakers him then hits boots and an elbow.

Luca back elbows him then twists his neck. Luca hits punches then Von hits some back. Von hits some lariats then throws him off a backdrop. Von corner splashes him then double underhook twisting neckbreakers him. Von does a big powerbomb and gets the win.

It was mostly a squash as expected. Von has not been on this show for a long time, and it was surprising to see him here. Von didn't look particularly great or anything and Luca did what he could to bump for him.

Brinley Reece is interviewed. She said she was a cheerleader for 16 years and is a fitness coach who runs her own gym. She said she gives 100% in everything she does and says nothing will stop her from working her way to the top. She said she isn't worried about Elektra Lopez and says she will show what it means to get big with Brin. She also said she can't wait to get people Brinactive. 

Brinley Reece vs Elektra Lopez


It's unusual that Reece made her TV debut before her Level Up debut here. Reece is muscular and does push-ups during her entrance.

Lopez shoulders her over early. Brin shoulders her over and armlocks her. Bring forward cartwheels over her drop down then hits armdrags. Brin hammerlocks her then does pushups as she does it. Lopez double cross chops her in the throat then short arm clotheslines and elbow drops her. Lopez gets a 2 count.

Lopez puts her between the ropes and pulls her neck forward and back. Lopez knees her then low dropkicks her. Lopez neckbreakers her for 2 then Lopez hits some downward elbows on her. Lopez cobra clutches her and Brin backslides her for 2.

Brin back elbows her then slams her. Brin backflips into a knee then forward cartwheel lariats her. Brin squats her and hits a TKO off of it for 2. Lopez grabs Brin by the foot then Lopez hits Brin from behind. Lopez sky highs her and wins it.

Brin's still green but didn't have a bad outing. The match wasn't anything special though. I'm interested to see where Brin is within a year's time as she is decent looking, muscular and athletic.

Tavion Heights vs Drew Gulak

Tav = Tavion Heights

Drew comes out with his crew as usual. We really have not seen much of Kemp at all for a while.

Tav grabs him by the leg and then cartwheels off the ropes. Tav steps on his ankle and pulls on his leg. Tav heel hooks him then  hits a big slam. Tav heel hooks him again then Drew rolls him out while in a waist lock. Borne takes a shot on Tav but he blocks it then Dempsey nails Tav from behind.

Drew does a cross-legged heel hook as Byron says Drew "counts his Cheerios" in the morning. Drew dropkicks him in the knee and hammerlocks him. Drew has him in like a backslide and flips him over. Tav kneebreakers Drew on his knee. Drew pulls Tav's neck down over the top then flying clotheslines him off the top for 2.

Drew hits shots in the corner. Tav hits back then is hit in the gut. Tav hits a forearm flurry then does a big belly to belly suplex. Tav slingblades him then lariats him for 2. Tav hits Borne on the apron and flips Dempsey in. Drew then spinning forearms Tav and wins it.

This wasn't anything special and had a dirty finish. Tav got little offense in here.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't anything special and was an average night. No real great matches. Brinley Reece had some green moments but was okay. The main and opener weren't real interesting.

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