Friday, December 1, 2023

AEW Rampage 12/1/2023

AEW Rampage 12/1/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Evil Uno, 2.0 and Alex Reynolds vs Orange Cassidy, Danhausen, Hook and Chuck Taylor

The faces get jumped from behind to start as Hager distracts them on the apron. OC is sent into the rails. Dan gets his head banged off the buckles then flying hurricanrana's Uno in the corner. Dan northern lights release suplexes Alex. The 8 men all square off then pair off and fight. The heels all get thrown into each other. The faces go to hug but get hit then the heels all take stereo suplexes. The faces then hug.

Hook hits punches on Parker then Hook is put in a backbreaker and takes a running knee. Menard powerbombs Trent then OC tornado ddt's Menard. Dan germans Uno then Alex spinning forearms Dan. Hook exploders Alex and Parker. Hook then hits one on Uno.

Wheeler Yuta's music hits. He comes out with his ROH Pure Title and his glasses. Menard nails Hook rom behind then suplexes him.  Yuta gets on commentary as Parker stomps Hook. Hook is banged off of Alex's boot in the corner. Hook takes corner attacks and a short arm Uno clothesline. Hook is triple teamed in the corner and we go to PiP break.

We return and Menard is tagged in. Hook lariats Menard. Trent germans Alex multiple times when he tags in then Uno accidentally face kicks Alex. Trent half-nelson suplexes Uno then Trent pulls Alex off the 2nd rope and backdrops him. OC does his weak kicks to the Dark Order then does normal boots.

OC double dropkicks his opponents then OC stunners Uno. Uno facekicks OC then flatliners him for 2. Alex running face kicks OC in the corner. Alex goes up top and is german suplexed off the top by Trent. Dan curses Menard then puts on Hager's hat. Hager gets mad, rushes him and is pulled over the top. Parker takes the hat from Dan then Hook puts Parker in red rum. Menard grabs the hat and is rolled up by Dan. Danhausen's team wins.

At least Dan won in his return here. It was a match and nothing too special. They didn't do too much comedy at least despite OC and Danhausen being in there. 

Anna Jay, Saraya and Ruby Soho are interviewed. Saraya said isn't Anna the most beautiful thing you have seen? Saraya said she needed some extra help here and thanks her for teaming up with her. Angelo Parker comes in and says they will be out there with her tonight. Anna says she doesn't want him to come out. Saraya then pulls Ruby away.

Ric Flair and Sting talk with Tony Schiavone in the ring. Sting said he's had great matches with Lex Luger in this building and said he wrestled Bam Bm Bigelow here. Sting thanks Tony Khan, Shiavone and Flair. Flair said he's been here since 1972 andis still alive. He said Dusty, Steamboat and Sting. He said he has been with Sting since 1988 and said they stayed respectful and honest with each other since they met. Flair said they will dance and stay all night and longer and said they will go AEW strong. This was a segment that had no real purpose other than to try and sell some tickets for Sting's last match.

Hikaru Shida, Skye Blue and Kris Statlander are interviewed. Kris says it's been a hard pill to swallow to come back from injuries then have th title taken away. She said she's not even the one who got pinned and looked at Skye. Skye said she had many chances to win but didn't. Shida said she lost her title too and said lets take the anger out on their opponents tonight.

The Don Callis Family (Powerhouse Hobbs, Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita) vs Jah-C and ?

Hobbs bodyblocks one of the jobbers then spinebusters another. The Family picks up their opponents all at once and drops them one after the other. Hobbs picks up the win with a world's strongest slam.

Don Callis gets in the ring after. He says wins and losses matter in AEW but says winning is all that matters in his family. Don says his family will keep dominating until there is nowhere for the Golden Jets to hide in AEW.

Prince Nana, Brian Cage and The Workhorsemen talked earlier in the back. Nana says it's an unbelieveable time for the Mogul Embassy. Nana says The Gates of Agony are breaking necks and bringing back money while competing in Japan (he's referring to the World Tag League and they lost multiple matches there so far). Nana said he needs to hire people for tonight and says he's been watching The Workhorsemen. He said he needs their services tonight and says it could be a huge opportunity for them tonight. He tells them to do the job tonight and see if they can be part of the team.

Anna Jay, Ruby Soho and Saraya vs Kris Statlander, Skye Blue and Hikaru Shida

Kris takes down Jay to start. Jay is tripped into a running forearm. Kris and Shida then double elbow drop Jay. Skye sweeping kicks Jay on the mat then Kris tags herself in. Skye hten tags herself in and Kris tags herself in. They argue then Shida tags herself in. Saraya boots Shida in the gut then takes an enzugiri.

Shida does a bad samoan drop move on Saraya then suplexes Ruby onto her. Skye step up knees Saraya in the corner and Ruby kicks Skye while she's there. We go to PiP break and then full break.

Kris knocks Ruby off the apron then ki krushers Saraya for 2. Jay drags Saraya over to tag herself in. Jay side kicks Kris then Saraya running knees Kris for 2. Kris backdrops Jay then Ruby sto's Kris. Shida flying knees Saraya then Jay flatliners Kris. Ruby superkicks Anna on accident. Ruby gets dropped chest first then Skye hits a nearly botched code blue on Ruby to win it.

It was short and nothing too special. I thought they had a good reason for the faces to lose here with Skye and Kris having issues but that didn't happen. Anna and Ruby end up pushing each other and arguing after.

Brian Cage and The Workhorsemen vs Penta El Zero Miedo, El Hijo del Vikingo and Komander

Vik = El Hijo del Vikingo, Kom = Komander

Kom handsprins and backflips off the ropes and Cage blocks his flying hurricanrana. Cage hits a crackerjack on him. Penta gets in and superkicks Cage. Henry low dropkicks Penta in the back. Vik springboard dropkicks Henry then hook kicks him. Vik goes up top and does an inverted flip into a hurricanrana. Vik corkscrew kicks him and JD gets in.

Vik chops JD then JD chops Vik down. JD belly to belly suplexes Vik then Vik headscissors him. Penta and Kom superkick Henry and Cage then Kom is popped up into a dropkick on Cage. The lucha guys then hit triple tope con hilos on their opponents. JD then throws Vik into the ropes from the outside and lariats him.

We go to PiP break and return. Penta slingblades Cage Penta rolls age and hits a double ddt off of it on JD and Henry. Kom top rope dropkiks JD then Henry is popped up into a Vik top rope dropkick. Kom jumps off Penta's back and dropkicks JD in the corner. Cage is bent over and held while Vik top rope double stomps his back. Penta then top rope double stomps Cage for 2.

Cage jumping knees Penta in a silly spot then he shoulders Kom off Kom's springboard. Cage monkey flips Kom into JD then Henry top rope double stomps Kom while he is against JD's knees. Vik is thrown out by JD. Cage F-5's Penta then Vik does a springboard crucifix driver to Cage. Henry piledrivers Vik then Penta hits a made in Japan on Henry. JD double underhook twisitng neckbreakers Penta then is spinning high kicked by Kom.

Henry step up enzugiri's Cage on accident then Cage spinning lariats him as payback. JD gets mad and Cage pushes him. Vik corkscrew kicks JD then Nana tells Cage to go. Cage leaves with Nana and Penta package piledrivers Henry. Kom rope walk ssp's Henry then topes JD outside. Vik 630's Henry and picks up the win.

It was a total spotfest as expected with them rushing through moves and spots near the end. Cage looked so dumb doing the jumping knee. We'll have to see if anything is followed up on with Cage and The Workhorsemen.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't that great of a show and I wouldn't recommend it. I didn't think any of the matches were good. They maybe started programs with Cage/Workhorsemen and Kris/Skye, but we'll have to see if anything becomes of those.

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