Monday, December 4, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/26/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 6

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/26/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 6

So they basically fancammed this one. The cons are that you can't see any action on the floor nor can you see up close, but some of the suplexes and such can be seen well.

I saw all but one match.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Fuminori Abe vs. Ryo Inoue

Ryo counters a side headlock takeover with a headscissors and they get back up. Ryo dropkicks him out then PK's him on the apron. Ryo hits forearms out there then gets slapped. Abe then suplexes him on the floor. Back in the ring, Abe hiptosses him. Wada doesn't count the pin right away and Abe argues with him. Ryo rolls up Abe and Wada counters faster for him.

Abe chinlocks him then takes a knee to the gut. Ryo hits a corner kick flurry then running PK's him for 2. Abe spin kicks him in the corner then kicks his back. They trade forearms and Abe counters an enzugiri with an ankle lock. Abe germans him then Ryo does an enzugiri that is mostly blocked.

Ryo spin kicks and buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Ryo hits a forearm combo and Abe slides out, holding onto the bottom rope then forearms him. Abe backdrops him for 2. Abe baseball punches him then does an octopus to win it.

It was an okay opener. Not their best work though and nothing really stood out.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Koji Iwamoto vs. Rising HAYATO

They trade wristlocks. Rising headflips out and chops him. Rising goes up and over in the corner then flying headscissors him. Rising goes to do his pose and is kicked for it. Rising is thrown out but hits his head on the middle rope first then maybe gets ddt'd on the floor. Koji hiptoss neckbreakers him on his knee then STF's him.

They trade shots and Rising flying back elbows him. Rising then springboard crossbodies him outside. Back in the ring, Rising dropkicks him in the corner then bulldogs him for 2. Rising is on the 2nd rope and Koji germans him. Koji then shoulder throws him in the corner and curb stomps him into the turnbuckle pad.

Rising blocks a pop-up knee and single leg dropkicks him. Rising running forearms him and they trade forearms. Rising slingshot ddt's him over the middle rope to the apron. Koji then hits a stiff bridging twisting neckbreaker for 2. Koji dragon suplexes him and lariats him for 2. Koji then hits a cradle shock for 2. Koji hits him on the ropes and the time limit expires.

It was an entertaining match with Koji really beating the crap out of Rising here. Rising took all kinds of stiff moves in this one. These guys went all out and did a good job here. 

Chi Chi vs ZONES

They do a test of strength which Chi loses. Chi side headlock takeovers her then Zones shoulders her over. Zones ties her up over the 2nd rope and bites her hair. Chi bites her arm in return. Zones slams her then bow and arrows her. Chi suplexes her then running facekicks her in the corner. Chi then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

They trade forearms and Chi face kicks her. They trade facekicks for chops and Chi goes down. Chi hits a thesz press then punches. Chi misses a leg drop then takes a sliding lariat for 2. Zones neckbreakers her for 2. Chi puts her in an octopus stretch and Zones ropebreaks.

Chi hits a nice northern lights suplex then runs into a lariat. Zones samoan drops her then dropkicks her off the top. Chi facekicks her then hits a nice exploder. Chi backdrops her and wins it.

Some of Chi's strikes could have been better here but she hit some nice suplexes. Zones was solid as usual and it wasn't a bad match for the girls.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

Oka = Hideki Okatani, HT = Hayato Tamura

Galeno shoves Oka down off the lock-up then shoulders him over. Oka forearms him then takes armdrags and a shotgun dropkick. Yukio and HT go at it. They trade forearms. Yukio knees him in the gut then is hit on the ropes. Yukio takes lariats on the ropes then is splashed by both opponents. Yukio's opponents then stand on his gut together.

HT slams Yukio for 2 then Galeno puts Yukio in a tequia sunrise. HT delay suplexes him for 2. Yukio hits forearms then takes shots in the gut. HT hits a chop and forearm combo thne Yukio flying kicks him out of the corner. Oka running forearms HT then sliding lariats him for 2.

Oka forearm flurries HT then takes a big lariat. Galeno slams Oka then misses a splash. Oka flying lariats him then Galeno is 2v1'd on the ropes. Galeno takes a flying double kick then a PK plus sliding lariat combo. HT takes a kick and forearm combo then hits a double lariat.

Oka takes corner lariats then a sandwich lariat. HT lariats Galeno on accident, takes a pumping knee then Galeno lariats Yukio. Yukio trades with Galeno. Galeno headbutts him then takes a flying triangle + hammerlock. Yukio taps him out.

I didn't love the finish but the rest of the match was good. You could really see them connect on each shot here and everyone stiffed each other good. This was a fun hard hitting match.

 Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Cyrus & Ryan Davidson vs. Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai


Cyrus' team gets jumped before this starts. Cyrus hits horrible bolo punches on Yuma then Cyrus gets blasted by a Honda forearm. Yuma forearms Ryan and takes a euro then dropkicks him. Ryan takes corner lariats and forearms then Honda spears Ryan for 2. Ryan chops Honda and Cyrus gets in. Cyrus shoulders over Honda and no sells his lariats. Yuma runs into the ring and jumping knees Cyrus in the back then Honda lariats Cyrus. Cyrus moves on a double team, making Yuma jumping knee Honda's lariat. Cyrus then double chokeslams both opponents.

Ryan powerslams Yuma then Cyrus hits a nasty suplex on Honda into the buckles. Ryan cannonballs Yuma off the apron then Cyrus vader bombs Honda for the win.

I would have liked for this to go longer but it was short sprint that was good. They hit some stiff shots here with Honda taking a nasty suplex into the buckles. Ryan's cannonball off the apron was nice too.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima


KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

Seigo and Omori start us off. Omori side headlocks him then shoulders him over. They do it again and Omori flatliners him. KN maybe throws Seigo in the seats outside but we can't see it. Omori then forearms Jiro off the apron.

Omori chinlocks Seigo and camel clutches him. They trade forearms and Omori running forearms him for 2. Omori hits forearms and Seigo fires back. Omori jumping forearms him then takes an STO. Jiro gets in and hits jacket punches on Omori.

Jiro spinning jacket punches him then step up kicks him in the corner. Jiro slingshot arabian moonsaults him. Jiro back elbows him and is dropped with a forearm then Omori grabs his jacket and germans him. KN running face kicks Jiro then drops him with a chest kick. KN takes a oduble hiptoss then Omori is pulled over the top.

They fight into the crowd and Jiro is sent into a door. They trade forearms outside and Omori is sent into the post. Jiro is sent into the post then KN foot chokes Seigo. Seigo hits forearms and takes a chest kick. KN running facekicks him then double foot chokes him. Jiro helps out Seigo then KN is double teamed. KN takes stomps from both opponents then Jiro pushes Seigo off the top onto KN.

Seigo facekicks KN and forearm flurries him. Seigo b-drivers him for 2. Jiro grabs KN's leg so he can't kick Seigo then Jiro superkicks Seigo on accident. KN superkicks Jiro then PK's Seigo. KN northern lights bombs Seigo and wins it.

It went longer than it needed to. It had some entertaining moments though.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Naruki Doi vs. Dan Tamura

Dan takes him down and hooks his leg. Doi headlock takeovers him and Dan headscissors him. They then stand off. Doi goes up and over in the corner then is shouldered over. Dan suplexes him. Dan comes off the top and gets nothing then is rolled up. Doi flipping sentons him for 2.

Doi does some foot slaps and Dan hits forearms back. Doi slaps him then Dan samoan drops him. Dan hits corner shoulder blocks and flying shoulders him. Dan hits Karelin's lift then Doi suplexes him. Doi rolls him up and cradles him. They trade shots and Doi hits doi fives. Dan hits a big lariat then another for 2. Dan death valley drivers him for 2. Doi rolls him up for 2 and they go to the time limit draw.

Time limit draws always work to some degree because the wrestlers hustle and the crowd gets excited to see if there is a winner. It worked here. Both guys spend things up towards the end. Dan could have showed a little more fire here but he did a decent job as a face.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Hikaru Sato vs. Atsuki Aoyagi


 AA = Atsuki Aoyagi

Sato wristlocks him, AA rolls, kips up and side headlocks him. AA shoulders him over and Sato goes for an armbar. AA enzugiri's him from the apron and 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. AA back elbows and low dropkicks him. AA then standing moonsaults him. Sato armbars him and leg kicks him. Sato then kicks him while he is seated on the apron.

AA hits some forearms and takes boots. AA is popped up and dropkicks Sato. AA cartwheels and backflips out of the corner then 2nd rope armdrags him. AA then dropkicks him. AA handspring back enzugiri's him then corkscrew kicks him. AA then hits three fisherman suplexes. Sato gets his knees up on AA's top rope moonsault then he goes for another armbar. Saot enzugiri's him and PK's him for 2.

Time is running low and Sato ankle locks him. AA gets out and Sato rolling ankle locks him. Sato kimura's him then taps him out with a fujiwara armbar.

It was okay with Atsuki doing his flying around and Sato working the arm and leg before tapping him out.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Rei and Suwama start us off. Rei backs him up and Suwama clean breaks him. They shoulder battle and Rei shoulders him over. Suwama ddt's him. Suzuki gets in and forearms Jun off the apron.  He pulls Rei's arms back. Rei avoids a double team then throws Suzuki out. They all fight outside and Suwama takes a chair to the body and back. Rei chokes Suzuki with a rail and Jun chokes Suwama with a towel. Suwama sends Rei into the rail and is sent into the post.

Rei chokes Suwama with a towel in the ring. Suwama his forearms on Rei then Rei grabs his face. Jun stands on Suwama then steps over him. Rei chops Suwama then stands on him. Rei shoulders him over and splashes him for 2. Suwama flying shoulders Rei. Suzuki gets in and neckbreakers then knee drops Rei. Rei slams him. Jun gets in and running face kicks him then running lariats him. Jun suplexes him for 2.

Suwama gets in and hits chops on Jun. Suwama running lariats him and belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Suwama and Suzuki put their opponents in submissions at the same time. Suwama takes a 2v1, taking corner attacks. Suwama is then double chokeslammed. Suzuki then gets 2v1'd and takes a double shoulder.

Suwama fights off the heels and lariats both. Rei takes adouble dropkick and his wristband goes flying. Suzuki then grabs the ref. Dan Tamura and Sato interfere then Suwama backdrops Jun for the win.

I didn't like the ending here and the heels heat section just ran too long, getting this off to a bad start. It got better in the 2nd half, but I was mostly checked out of it by then. I also didn't like the heels being allowed to cheat in front of the ref with the ref not caring.

Overall thoughts: A lot of decent matches with bad finishes her. It was a long show at over 3 hours. I thought the juniors maybe upstaged the heavies here. I would not recommend this.

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