Sunday, December 3, 2023

AEW Collision 12/2/2023

AEW Collision 12/2/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Brody King says he's here to prove why he's not just an upset win and the most dominant wrestler in the tournament. Claudio Castagnoli says the time for talking is over and says he's taking King's head. CJ Perry says Andrade will destroy Garcia tonight and take home the fat check. CJ says he's Andrade the Idol and he says he's El Tdolo. He says he will see Garcia tonight. Daniel Garcia says he's tired of people like him thinking they can walk over him. He says that stops tonight and he wants to put someone like him in his place. Bryan Danielson says he doesn't want depressed Eddie Kingston, he wants the Eddie that won the ROH title and is confident enough to put up both titles in the tournament. He said he wants the best version of him and he will get hurt if he doesn't. Eddie Kingston says he's 0-1 and doesn't want to go 0-2. He says he doesn't have time for this. He says he doesn't care about his eye or arm and just cares bout winning. He says he will bust him up.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Brody King vs Claudio Castagnoli


Brody hits facekicks and thye trade forearms. Brody hits chops then CC hits some back. They trade lariats then lariat each other at the same time. They lariat battle outside then trade forearms inside. Brody misses a face kick but it is sold anyway.  CC slams him then lariats him over the top. CC then running euros him outside.

Brody is sent into the rails then rebounds off and lariats CC. They trade forearms on the floor and CC is sent into the rails. We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms them Brody slams and sentons him. Brody corner splashes him then takes shots in the corner. Brody hits another splash then CC double stomps him for 2.

CC pop-up euros him then giant swings him. CC puts Brody in a sharpshooter then ends up spearing the post. Brody germans him then cannonballs him. CC death valley drivers him. CC springboards and takes a forearm then a piledriver. Brody lariats him and wins it.

It was a fun heavyweight match. CC's not the best striker so it could have been better, but I liked the idea of it and they did okay with it. 

Jon Moxley talked on Dynamite. He said entering this tournament was a bad idea, but he won't find out until it's too late. He said the last 4 years have caught up with him and he's hurting everywhere. He said he lives in pain. He said she's sick and tired of it and sick and tired of being sick and tired. He said he's p!ssed off and depressed and will wrestler and fight his way out of it. He said he will put every ounce of sweat and will into winning the Continental Classic. He said someone has to step up and win this and show what AEW is and can be. He says to take your shot if you think he is weak and ripe for the picking.

Kiera Hogan vs Abadon

Ab = Abadon

Ab backs her up then takes a shotgun dropkick. Ab hits corner lariats then Kiera leg sweeps her. Keira hip attacks her on the 2nd rope and back kicks her. Kiera sliding kicks her for 2. Ab black hole slams her then cutters her off the bottom rope. Ab licks Kiera's face then Kiera rolls her up. Kiera high kicks her then neckbreakers her for 2.

Kiera forearms and slaps her then Ab high kicks her. Ab pumping knees her. Ab puts her leg around Kiera's head and ddt's her to win it.

This was short and just average. One of Ab's kicks here looked horrible and the match wasn't that good.

The lights go out. Julia Hart teleports in. The lights go out and Hart teleports out. Abadon screams. 

Samoa Joe is interviewed. Roderick Strong and The Kingdom interrupt. Strong says he will forgive him for trying to end his career twice. Strong says this is a trap and MJF is the devil. Strong said Joe is Cole's best friend, so he's his best friend by proxy. He says Wednesday is a set-up and Joe will get beaten up by the devil's goons. Strong asks if he's going to listen then Joe laughs and leaves.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Andrade El Idolo vs Daniel Garcia

AEI = Andrade El Idolo, DG = Daniel Garcia

Matt Menard is on commentary and says he doesn't understand the dancing. DG rolls him up then AEI side headlocks him. AEI shoulders him over. DG throws him into the ropes but AEI just poses. AEI comes off the top with a crossbody. AEI goes up and over in the corner and basement dropkicks him. AEI then plancha's him outside. DG dragon screws him and basement dropkicks him.

AEI takes shots outside then has his head banged off the rail. DG boots him in the corner then is knocked off the 2nd rope to the floor. We go to PiP break and return with DG backdropping AEI. DG hits a punch flurry in the corner then flying knee's him. AEI is put in tree of woe and DG punches AEI's knee. DG then dropkicks him as he hangs.

DG twisting brainbusters him for 2. AEI flying forearms him and kips up. AEI hits 2 suplexes then DG sleepers him. AEI goes up the buckles and superplexes him. AEI holds on for 2 more suplexes. DG does his sharpshooter variation, gives it up then takes a ddt. AEI picks up the win.

There were some good points to this one. I didn't think it was the best they could have done together and it wasn't great from a logic standpoint.

We get some clips of the Continental Classic. Mark Brisco says he knows what he's gotta do and he's gonna do it. Jay White says nobody can measure up to him and his credibility is never in question. Swerve says he is here and says everybody knows whose house it is. 

Willie Mack talks about Wardlow beating up AR Fox. He said you don't put his hands on his friends and he said he teamed up with AR and won tag titles with him. He said they are going to have to do this in the ring. He says he's a big boy and he better pack a big lunch because he's a big meal to eat. This was random and Willie as one of AR's friends doesn't work since he has never done anything with him on TV, so none of us would know that.

Roderick Strong says MJF is the devil. He says the 3 people in the ring are dweebs. He says they aren't going to neck the halls with them, they will beat their @ss.

The Kingdom vs The Iron Savages


Kingdom run in and the match starts. Boulder double crossbodies both opponents. Mike hits a boston bayonette forearm on the outside then is chokeslammed on the apron. Taven dropkicks Boulder through the ropes. Bronson topes Taven then Taven step up enzugiri's him. Bronson double sitout chokeslam bombs Taven and Boulder mostly misses a 2nd rope moonsault on Taven.

Mike superkicks Bronson then death valley drivers him. Taven hits a running knee and suicide dives Boulder. Bronson takes a spike piledriver and is pinned.

It was a short but good match. I wish they could have gotten a decent bit of time as these guys can go.

Strong jumps in after and nails Bronson. He then goes back into wheelchair, knocks it over and breaks it.

Ethan Page is interviewed. He said he had to regroup and refocus after losing to MJF. He said he had been racking up wins in Ring of Honor. He said he is here to make a challenge and says they are going back to Canada next week. He said he needs a crown to be the king of Canada. He said he wants Kenny Omega and wants to find out whole the best Canadian wrestler is.

We get a package on Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Martinez. Willow said she admired her but is disappointed in her behavior. She said hseh as never beaten her on her own and is disappointed. Martinez asks if she is sick and tired of being the savior of everyone. She said she will be the one who needs saved next time as she will dance and stomp all over her. This was simple but it worked.

The House of Black (Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews) vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal


They said this is a stand by match. Buddy takes down Sydal then Sydal goes up and over him. Buddy throws him in the corner and Sydal bang's Buddy's head off the buckle. Sydal top rope crossbodies him and Buddy rolls through. Buddy back elbows him. Sydal high kicks him twice then Daniels hits a running STO. Sydal hits a standing corkscrew moonsault.

Black gets in and Daniels leg lariats him. Black boots him in the face then Daniels is thrown out. Black 2nd rope connector moonsaults him outside. We go to PiP break and return. Sydal gets in and hits some offense on his opponents. He kick combos Black then leg slices him. We get stereo top rope metoras from Sydal and Buddy.

Buddy hits kicks on Sydal then takes a jumping spin kick. They hit knees on each other and Daniels topes Black. Daniels rolls up Black and takes a leg sweep. Daniels takes a leg sweep + curb stomp. Sydal comes off the top and runs into a knee form Black. Black spinning high kicks Daniels and wins it.

It was okay for being a cold match with no storyline or anything behind it. It was fast paced and the faces got a lot of offense in.  

The lights go out and FTR's music hits Black says he assumes they are joining The House of Black. Black says they have been there for FTR and been the only people in the locker room to do so. Black offers his hand and puts down the mic. Dax goes to grab the mic and gets nailed. Cash takes a curbstomp then Black spinning high kicks Cash. Dax is held by Buddy and Black says nobody is coming for Dax. Black then spin kicks Dax in the face.

 Toni Storm is interviewed in black and white. She said she has no time for this and asks where RJ City is. She said Skye Blue interrupted her and she said she should walk backwards as people only have good things to say about her when they take pics of her bottom. She says Skye can be the first challenger for her title. She then takes off her shoe and throws it in the air.

Skye Blue does a promo. She said Toni's midlife crisis is pathetic. She says to bring her butler and says none of it will stop her from taking the title from her. She said she will show her shoe up her @ss.

We get a video on Adam and Christian. Christian said he tolerated Adam and said he always stole his spotlight. He said he was pushed to the bottom when they broke up and willed himself to the top. He says he will be the face of TNT forever. 

El Hijo del Vikingo vs Kip Sabian


Vik = El Hijo del Vikingo

Kip said Vik is the most overrated wrestler in AEW during an inset promo. They do rolling armdrags which each of them holding on. Vik teases a dive on him outside then hook kicks him. Vik double springboard armdrags him then headscissors him. Vik gets kicked on his dive attempt. Kip then arabian moonsaults him.

We go to PiP break and return. Vik corkscrew kicks him then does a knee out of a botched torture rack. Vik 2nd rope outside to inside pheonix splashes him for 2. Vik goes up top and is crotched. Kip top rope hurricanrana's him then michinoku drivers him.

Vik walks the top rope and corkscrew moonsaults onto him then meteora's him in the corner. Vik then 630's him to win it

I didn't love it, but they only let Vikingo do his big dives here and didn't have him do a lot of the big moves in between. That worked.

Keith Lee is interviewed and asked who "him" is. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty come in. Shane says Keith knows who that is. Shane said they should fight 1v1 at Final Battle. Keith agrees.

CJ is about to be interviewed. Miro comes in and wants to get into Andrade's locker room She rips him and says he thinks he is God. CJ says he can go in there if he wants, but if there's any love, let her find her own way. She asks him not to lay a hand on her client. Miro said his god is gone and if he was with him, he would rip the spine out of Andrade. He says he won't lay a hand on Andrade.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Eddie Kingston vs Bryan Danielson


Bryan hits kicks then Eddie hits palm strikes to the body. They trade shots and Eddie chops him down. Bryan takes him down and hits punches and kicks to the body. Eddie hits palm trikes back and kicks him in the gut. Bryan then falls down. Bryan takes him down and hits kicks while he is kneeling.

Eddie pulls both of Bryan's arms behind him. Bryan germans him and Eddie rolls to the apron. Bryan face kicks him on the apron then Eddie backdrops him on the floor. We go to PiP break and return.

Bryan is up top and headbutts Eddie up there. Bryan top rope dropkicks him. Eddie chops him then Bryan takes him down and goes for the Lebell lock. Eddie hits some mounted forearms then Bryan hits some slaps from the bottom. Eddie slaps him back and hits mounted forearms. Eddie backdrops Bryan then uraken's him.

Eddie suplexes him for 2. Eddie hits some knees to the face then Bryan buzzsaw kicks him. Bryan hits more kicks to the body then more chops. Eddie enzugiri's him and half-nelson suplexes him. Bryan does a leg clutch backdrop. Bryan hits kicks to the body and Eddie throws overhand shots from the mat. Bryan leg clutch backdrops him then hits curb stomps. They stare down on the mat and Bryan hits a busaiku knee and wins it.

This was mostly all striking here. I thought it was a decent main but not a classic. 

Bryan holds up an "EDDIE IS A BUM" sign after.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was an okay show overall with some decent matches.

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