Sunday, December 31, 2023

AEW World's End 12/30/2023

AEW World's End 12/30/2023

I saw everything on the main show but Swerve/Rhodes.

Brody King, Jay Lethal, Jay White & Rush vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli), Daniel Garcia & Mark Briscoe

They just threw people from The Continental Classic together here. CC and Rush bump chests then push each other. They trade forearms for chops and CC euros him. Rush spinning forearms him then takes a face kick. Rush rebound germans CC and is lariated over. CC takes a belly to belly over the top then they push each other again.

Lethal and Mark go at it. Lethal hiptosses him and cartwheels into a basement dropkick. Mark chops him in the throat then rolls him up off a figure four attempt. They trade chops and Mark knocks him down. White and Bryan go at it. Bryan goes for a lebell lock. White shoulders him over then hits corner spears. Bryan flying kicks him in the corner then hits kicks and chops in the corner. Bryan top rope hurricanrana's him and Garcia tags himself in. Brody also gets in.

Garcia hits punches then is thrown into the buckles. Garcia hits  slaps then takes a black hole slam. White euros Garcia outside then Brody clubs on him. Brody piefaces Menard on commentary then shoves Garcia on the floor. Brody calls Menard a "b!tch" and says he won't do anything.

Rush takes down Garcia and Garcia starts bleeding from the nose. White bangs Garcia's foot on the mat then chops him. White slams Garcia and forearms him in the back. Garcia fights out of the corner. Mark is tagged in and fights off White and Lethal. Mark flying forearms White then hits him as he sits on the top rope. Bryan dropkicks Rush through the ropes then sends him int othe rails. CC euros Brody on the floor then Mark hits a blockbuster off the arpon. Mark then hits an elbow drop off the apron to the floor.

Mark fisherman busters White then Mark is explodered over the top rope. Brody lariats Mark on the floor. Lethal top rope superplexes Mark. CC and Brody go at it, trading shots. CC hits a euro flurry then facekicks him. CC suplexes him. Brody and Rush beat up CC and Bryan in the corners then do running corner attacks. CC giant swings Brody into a Bryan basement dropkick.

Bryan sends White into the rails. Garcia and Lethal trade forearms then Lethal hits a lethal combination. Lethal figure fours Garcia. Mark breaks it up with a froggy bow on Lthal then Mark is belly to belly suplexed int othe buckles. Everyone starts hitting a move and Garcia beats Lethal with a pin.

It was a long 17 minute opener. It was okay but it didn't need to go that long. The match was mostly 2 people getting in then tagging out for the next 2.

Brody supposedly hit Menard after but we couldn't see it.

Miro vs Andrade El Idolo

Miro nails AEI as he goes to pose on the ropes. Miro pounds on him and poses. AEI takes a euro then boots him. Miro is thrown out. AEI goes to dive on him but gets hit. AEI goes for the figure four on Miro then boots him. Miro pulls him off the ropes and backdrops him. Miro yells at his wife and she gives him the finger that is infected.

Miro chinlocks him then chokes him on the middle rope. AEI is caught and swinging side slammed on a crossbody. AEI is sent into the rails then drops him onto the commentator's table. AEI then pushes him over the table as Miro's wife cheers. Miro is sent into the cover of a table then Miro is sent into the steps.

Miro superplexes AEI then hits punches. AEI chops him then Miro lariats him. AEI dragon screws him over the middle rope then top rope crossbodies him. AEI flying forearms him then 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. AEI then drives Miro into the steps. AEI then hugs Miro's wife. AEI does a moonsault off the top into a moonsault. Miro pump kicks him for 2 then puts him in a camel clutch.

AEI dragon screws Miro's leg over the middle rope. AEI running back elbows Miro for 2. AEI figure fours Miro then turns it into a figure eight. CJ breaks AEI's bridge then Miro pump kicks AEI for 2. Miro then taps him out with the camel clutch.

This was so stupid. Miro and CJ have been feuding since they came in. It had nothing to do with AEI. CJ joins up with AEI then turns on him during this match for some reason to go back with Miro. It made no sense. And it's a shame because it wasn't a bad match otherwise.

AEW Women's Title - Toni Storm (c) vs Riho

Toni slams her early and Riho bridges out of the pin. Riho cartwheels off the ropes then hits dropkicks. Riho flying knees her and bulldogs her. Riho high kicks her and Toni goes out. Riho dives on Luther outside. Luther hands her to Toni then Toni slams Riho on the floor.

Toni slams her inside. Riho goes for a slam but falls backwards.  Toni then double arm sitout chokeslams her. Toni hits another slam then single leg crabs her. Toni sits on Luther's shoulders outside and hair throws Riho off the apron. Toni puts her in a texas cloverleaf. Luther pulls the ropes away from Riho and is kicked out of ringside.

Riho hits a spinning headscissors on Toni then 619's her. Riho top rope crossbodies her and hits a bad slam. Riho top rope crossbodies her outside then double stomps her form the top onto the apron. Riho hits a dragon suplex then Toni hits a short piledriver for 2. Riho rolls her up for 2 then is pulled down off the ropes. Toni does an over the back ddt and picks up the win.

I didn't think it was that good. Toni worked the back for a bit then forgot about it. Riho forgot to sell it and they just had a regular match after.

Mariah May brings out a bucket with rose petals and puts them on Toni after.

Chris Jericho, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara & Sting vs. Big Bill, Ricky Starks & The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs)

KT runs Sammy into the corner. Sammy chops him then is headbutted. Sammy top rope crossbodies him. Jericho gets in, hits a double shoulder with Sammy then poses with him. KT flying clotheslines Jericho then Hobbs gets in. Jericho hits chops then is shouldered over. Hobbs corner splashes him.

Bill hits punches on Jericho then pop-up drops him. Jericho boots Bill and tags Darby in. Darby top rope dropkicks Bill. KT gets in and takes a bottom rope corkscrew splash from Darby. Darby springboard back elbows him, is caught and rolls out of a german. Darby shotgun dropkicks him then hits a code red for 2.

KT hits a top rope spinning torture rack bomb on Darby. Hobbs hits punches on Darby in the corner. Bill running splashes Darby then Hobbs suplexes Darby. Hobbs and Bill grab Darby and swing him to the other side of the ring.

Starks misses a splash on Darby. Darby jawbreakers him thne Kt hits chops and knees in the corner on Darby. Darby sunset flips KT then tags Sting off of it. Sting hits punches on KT and Starks then splashes both. Sting double lariats both then nails Bill and Hobbs. Sting pulls the top rope up into Bill's crotch.

Bill stomps Sting then nails Jericho. Starks hits body punches on Sting then walks the top rope and hits him. Sting botches a flapjack on Starks. Sammy gets in and enzugiri's Starks in the corner. Sammy jumps off the 2nd rope and cutters him for 2. Bill black hole slams Sammy then Jericho codebreakers Bill. Bill no sells it then does a messy slam down. Bill hits mounted punches thne Jericho top rope dropkicks him. Hobbs spinebusters Jericho.

Hobbs hits a world's strongest slam on Jericho. He picks him up and Darby coffin drops them both. Darby reverse ddt's Hobbs then KT release germans him. KT then germans Sammy and Darby at the same time. Sting and KT botch a spot then Sting scorpion deathlocks him. Don Callis gets in and goes to hit Sting. Don then runs out.  Sting puts the hold back on KT then Bill face kicks Sting. Bill is dropkicked off the apron then Darby topes Bill. Starks spears Sammy then Sammy superkicks him. Sammy hits a GTH on Starks then top rope ssp's him for the win.

It was a decent tag minus Sting's work here. Sting had multiple botches and was sloppier than I had ever seen him. They tried and it wasn't bad at all for a mostly filler match.

AEW TBS Title Match - Julia Hart (c) vs. Abadon

Ab cutters Hart then corner lariat flurries her. Ab hits a black hole slam for 2 then hits mounted punches. They catfight. Hart hits an STO then footchokes her. Ab is thrown out and Hart throws her into the apron. Hart suplexes her on the floor.

Hart chokes Ab over the 2nd rope then Ab pulls her throat into the top rope. Hart knocks her over then Ab bites her arm. Ab hits lariats and a back elbow. Ab meteora's her against the bottom rope then codebreakers her. Hart 2nd rope superplexes her then puts her in heartless. Ab swinging side slams her then sliding knees her for 2.

Ab bites her then Skye Blue comes down and pushes ab off the top. Skye goes under the ring. Ab goes after her and pulls her out. Ab hits forearms and a lariat. Ab jumping knees her then is lariated from behind. Hart bangs Ab's head off the steps. Hart puts her in the ring and does a bad moonsault off the top to win it.

It was nothing special and the interference from Skye did nothing to improve it.

AEW TNT Title No Disqualification Match - Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland

Adam jumps him as he enters and bangs his head off the tron. CC is beat up on the ramp. CC is thrown into the rails then Edge chokes him with a shirt. Adam hits mounted punches. CC punches him outside and sends him into the rail. CC is then sent knee first into the steps. Adam tries to stomp CC's head into the steps then CC runs out into the stands.

Adam bangs CC's head into a wall then sends Nick Wayne into there too. Adam then jumps off the wall onto both of them. Adam throws CC over the rail into the ringside area. Adam runs the rail and jumps onto CC. Adam hits corner punches then spears the post on accident. CC stomps Adam's head into the steps.

CC kendo stick's him in the back then rakes his face. CC chokes him with the stick and pushes the stick's end into his throat. CC boston crabs him with a chair over Adam's neck. Adam bangs CC's head off the mat then hits him with the stick. Adam crossfaces him then does it with a metal stick in CC's mouth.  Adam catapults CC's face into a ladder.

CC reverse ddt's Adam. CC climbs the ladder then sunset bombs Adam off the ladder. A table is brought out. Adam hits CC with the stick then chains him. Adam ddt's CC on a chair. Nick Wayne stops an Adam chair shot then CC low blows Adam with a chair. Adam spears CC through a table in the corner. Shayna Wayne pulls the ref out on a count. Adam stares down Shayna then Nick hits Adam with a title from behind. Nick then comes off the 2nd rope and hits an os cutter on the outside. 

CC hits a killswitch on Adam for 2. A table is lit on fire outside. Adam spears CC in the ring then powerbombs Nick onto it with Nick basically rolling over it. Adam low blows CC then hits a killswitch for the win.

It was a good a match. A little long but they had some nice spots here and spaced them out appropriately. Lots of hate, and everything made sense.

Killswitch nails Adam from behind after. He chokeslams Adam then chokeslams him on a chair. Killswitch wants to cash in a contract for a TNT title shot after. CC makes him give him the contract. CC signs it and the bell rings. 

AEW TNT Title Match - Adam Copeland (c) vs. Christian Cage

CC spears Adam and wins it.

Well, that was a bizarre ending. I guess it made sense but yeah,  I didn't see that coming.

AEW Continental Title / NJPW STRONG Openweight Title / ROH World Title Continental Classic Final Match - Eddie Kingston vs. Jon Moxley


Eddie and Mox go face to talk and talk. Mox gets on top of him on the mat and stares him down. Eddie headlock takeovers him. Mox snapmares him and kicks him in the back. They trade chops and shoulder battle. Mox hits forearms then takes chops. Eddie enzugiri's him then topes him, going headfirst into the rails.

Mox backdrops him then double underhook ddt's Eddie on the floor. Mox hits kicks while Eddie is on his knees. Eddie catches a PK then Mox piledrivers him. Mox puts him in an stf and Eddie bites Mox's hand. They trade chops. Mox gives him double middle fingers.

They lariat each other. Eddie exploders him and Mox no sells it hten holds his leg. Eddie urakens him and hits machine gun chops. Mox cutters him, Eddie urakens him then Mox lariats him. Eddie hits a northern lights bomb for 2. Eddie puts him in a bulldog choke then hits downward elbows. Eddie bulldog chokes him again then Mox puts him in a choke. Eddie northern lights bombs him for 2. Eddie hits Kawada kicks then takes a lariat.

Thye headbutt each other on their knees. They slap each other and Eddie urakens him for the win.

This was all strikes and little else. The strikes weren't good though because it's Eddie doing them and it really wasn't that good of a match. I felt like we've seen this match a hundred times. It went longer than it needed to and the crowd wasn't that into it.

AEW Title - MJF (c) vs Samoa Joe


Adam Cole came out for this. Joe shoves him then MJF eye pokes him. MJF boots him in the corner then takes a corner uranage. Joe hits corner punches then forearms him down. Joe legdrops his arm, atomic drops him and boots him. Joe back enzugiri's him then is pulled over the top. MJF cradles him and sunset flips him. Joe blocks a kangaroo kick and catapults him. MJF tries to skin the cat and is low dropkicked.

Joe topes him then death valley drivers him. Joe germans and dragons him. Joe then straightjacket germans him. They fight on the apron and Joe muscle busters him on the apron. MJF eye rakes him then spinning elbows the back of his neck. Joe's head is banged off the buckle. MJF hits corner punches then bites him.

MJF double stomps Joe's arm off the ropes then heatseeker piledrivers him for 2. MJF fujiwara armbars him then Joe fujiwara armbars him. Joe sleepers him then is pushed into the ref. MJF low blows Joe then MJF F-5's him. MJF asks for the Dynamite Diamond Ring from Cole. Cole gives it to him then Joe puts MJF in a choke.  Joe chokes him out and the ref says to ring the bell. Joe wins.

It was a mostly one-sided match with Joe being in full control for most of this and eventually winning. It made sense but it wasn't super exciting.

Cole consoles MJF after. The Devil's masked men come out. They beat up MJF and hold Cole. Cole and MJF both tell the masked men to hit them. The lights go out and Cole is sitting in a chair with the masked men behind him. The masked men then are revealed to be Wardlow, Roderick Strong and The Kingdom. MJF asks how could Cole do this then is beaten up. Wardlow powerbombs MJF. Cole pulls out the devil mask and poses over him.

I was over The Devil storyline a long time ago so I'm happy to see it end. The storyline just went on too long and got too complicated, creating a situation where every outcome was bad.

Cole cost himself the tag titles and now has heat with Page, Jay, Billy Gunn, The Acclaimed and Samoa Joe (or he should for giving MJF the ring) all to trick MJF. Cole also turned down help from Strong/Kingdom at All-In, losing the match and eventually helping Joe win the belt (after not helping Jay win the belt). Cole also decided not to cost MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring for some reason against Juice.

The Kingdom now have heat with Page, Jay, Billy Gunn, The Acclaimed and Samoa Joe just for tricking MJF.

Samoa Joe delayed his own title shot because he wanted MJF to be 100%. He then beat up MJF so he wasn't 100%. He then almost lost the title match due to Cole giving MJF the ring, after he just worked with them. Joe also probably should have heat with The Acclaimed for being involved in the devil attacking them. It's also unclear where Joe and The Kingdom stand as Joe hurt Strong (unless that was fake).

Wardlow, who we already established can do beat the crap out of MJF anytime he wants, decided to goof around in a mask for months just to trick MJF. Wardlow now has heat with Page, Jay, Billy Gunn, The Acclaimed, Samoa Joe and AR Fox (he headbutted him over his comments on The Devil situation on 11/22) just to trick MJF.

Overall thoughts: It was a long PPV and not one of AEW's best shows. The main made sense but was one sided. The Devil reveal sucked as expected. Mox/Eddie was the usual Eddie match and was rather toned down. I liked Copeland/Cage. Miro/AEI had a horrible angle and the two undercard multi-man matches were okay.

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