Saturday, November 25, 2023

WWE Survivor Series: Wargames 11/25/2023

WWE Survivor Series: Wargames 11/25/2023

Wargames - Damage Ctrl vs Bianca Belair, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Shotzi

Becky got the win here with a uranage off the buckles through a table on Bayley. Damage Ctrl wore Asuka style masks for their entrance. The big spots here were Iyo jumping off the cage with a trash can on her head, Bianca gorilla pressing Kairi from one ring to the other and Charlotte doing a moonsault off the cage. The first half was very bad with girls falling over, missing moves, spots being called on camera and just in general doing awful wrestling. Shotzi in particular had a bad night. It got better once everyone was in and they started doing the bigger spots. There was no blood here of course which sucked and there were a lot of people constantly laying around in between spots. I also didn't like the faces having the man advantage here.

Piper, Chelsea and Alpha Academy were eating Ruffles in the back. Pretty Deadly came in and argued with Otis over whether they were chips or crisps. The bowl ended up going flying then R-Truth appeared and said what's up to Kit. Truth said they weren't chips or crisps, they are ruffles and "they are good, yo". Truth said they should call come together and watch Tozawa do the Ruffle Shuffle. Tozawa then danced.

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso talk in the back. Sami said Randy Orton is still not here. Jey asks why would he be here and said they put him on the shelf two years ago. Jey says it's his fault. Sami said there's some history between Sami and Jey. He said they went to war together here 2 years ago and said he has his back tonight no matter what.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Gunther (c) vs The Miz

Gunther won with a lion tamer. I thought it was a good match. Miz was the underdog as expected and used various tricks to try and get the win before being put down. I was disappointed Gunther didn't give him more of a beating though as you really need that in these kind of matches to put over the face and the heel. 

Judgment Day talk in the back. Dom tells them Orton might not be there. Finn says he either no shows or poisons his own team from the inside. Priest says he will tell Drew about this and about something else. JD had cornrows here. The New Day arrive in a Slim Jim car. They shill Slim Jim's and don't do much else.

Santos Escobar vs Dragon Lee

Santos stomps on him to start then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Santos puts him in tree of woe and dropkicks him. Santos double knees him in the corner and throws him out. Lee is sent into the steps then Lee hurricanrana's him over the top to the floor. Lee tope con hilos him then Santos top rope hurricanrana's him inside. Santos rips Lee's mask. Lee and Santos fight up top. Santos is stuck hanging from the top and Lee double stomps him off the top.

Santos superkicks Lee. They trade shots and Lee pumping knees him. Santos pumping knees him back then Lee deadlift sitout powerbombs him for 2. Santos canadian destroyers him and cradle shocks him for the win.

They could have sold a little more, but it was short, action packed and compact. It was mostly a squash but it was done well and made Santos look good.

WWE Women's Title - Rhea Ripley (c) vs Zoey Stark

Rhea slaps her and is taken down. They mount each other an trade punches. Zoey then dropkicks her out of the ring. Zoey walks up the buckles and dives on her outside then springboard dropkicks her. Zoey goes to springboard but is headbutted. Rhea then is ddt'd on the apron, though it wasn't done well.

Zoey hits a seated corkscrew senton then Rhea drops her face first on the apron outside. Rhea then throws her into the post. Rhea does a suplex on her then pulls both of her arms back. Rhea curbstomps her then basement dropkicks her. Zoey chinbreakers her then Rhea spinning lariats her.

Rhea hiptosses her off the top, Zoey no sells it then superkicks her. Zoey rolls her up for 2 then Rhea upkicks her. Rhea drops her on her chest and northern lights suplexes her for 2. Rhea face shoves her and buzzsaw kicks her. Zoey germans her then sliding knees her for 2. Rhea hits back elbows then takes a high kick. Rhea headbutts her and hits a pumphandle slam to win it.

It was going okay at first but it went too long and they didn't sell anything.

Wargames - Judgment Day and Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Sami Zayn and Randy Orton

Orton doesn't come out with the faces. Seth sends Finn into the cage multiple times then is clotheslined. Seth is sent into the cage. Seth backbreakers him then pumping knees him. JD McDonaugh is next in and hits Seth with a kendo stick. Seth takes kendo stick shots from both opponents then is choked with one. Seth whips JD between the rings with one then JD does an asai moonsault from the outside of one ring into the other on Seth.

Seth takes a stick shot to the back then has it rubbed in his face. Seth takes a double team suplex then Jey Uso goes past Cody and enters. Jey brings a chair in and hits JD and Finn with it. Jey hip attacks Finn in the corner then JD hits a standing spanish fly on him. Seth saves Jey from a double suplex and they do stereo superkicks to their opponents.

Seth double springboard double axe handles Finn. Drew and Priest argue over who gets in next and Priest gets in. Priest is double teamed then brings out a baton to hit the faces with. Priest hits jumping elbows on Seth and Jey then falcon arrow throws Jey. Seth takes a lifted flatliner then Priest corkscrews off the top onto Seth and Jey. 

The faces are beat down then Sami is next in. He brings a table with him. Sami lariats Priest over the top rope onto the ring connector. Sami blue thunders Finn. Sami and Jd fight on the top rope and JD is crotched on the top rope. Sami grabs a pipe and hits JD with it off the top. Sami foot chokes Finn after beating him up in the corner. Finn's head is banged off a chair then Drew McIntyre gets in.

Drew throws Seth down and belly to belly suplexes Sami. Drew hits a reverse alabama slam on Seth onto Sami. Drew and Jey trade punches. Jey superkicks and uppercuts him then takes a neckbreaker. Jey is thrown and rammed into the cage. Jey superkicks Drew then Drew takes a 3D. Cody Rhodes gets in.

Cody drop down punches Priest and throws him into the cage. Cody hits punches onto JD then lariats him. Cody back body drops JD then suplexes Finn onto him. Cody grabs a bullrope and they clotheslines Jd with it. Finn is hit with the cowbell then has it yanked into his crotch. Dom is next in.

Dom takes down Seth and hits shots then does the same to Jey. He suplexes Cody then the faces surround him 4v1. Dom is beat down by all 4. All 9 men fight and Sami is sent into the cage. Drew and Priest stare down then triple chokeslam Seth, Sami and Cody. JD hits a top rope moonsault, Finn hits a top rope double stomp and Dom hits a top rope frogsplash. Seth takes a razor's edge through a table.

Randy Orton is supposed to be out next but Rhea Ripley comes out with the MITB briefcase instead with a ref. Randy Orton's music then hits and Orton comes out. Orton's in the best shape he has ever been in and lariats Dom. Orton powerslams Dom and JD. JD and Dom are sent into the cage then Orton bridging ddt's Finn.

Orton is beaten 2v1 and corner stomped. The faces help out Orton then we get 5 stereo bridging ddt's. Orton stares down Jey then Jey saves Orton from getting hit from behind. Orton RKO's Dom then Cody hits a Cody cutter on Finn. Jey top rope splashes Drew from the other ring.

JD tries to climb out and is caught. JD is thrown off the top into an Orton RKO. Priest takes a cross rhodes and Cody pins him to win it.

It was a great match that was done well. My only issue is Randy not arriving earlier. Why do that to the team? We didn't have too many crazy stunts and no blood either. But, they did the usual heel advantage match. Orton looked good and we got to leave the show on a positive note with the faces winning.

CM Punk's music then hits as the faces celebrate. CM Punk comes out in a white t-shirt. He got a huge ovation and the show ended before anything else happened.

Punk's return is so big. He has an easy AEW title vs Undisputed WWE titles match with Roman lined up. He could do things with Cody, Cena or a host of other guys. He's got a whole list of new opponents and he's going to get all the attention from WWE and AEW fans at least until Mania happens. We could have one of the biggest Mania's ever if things are done right.

Overall thoughts: The main was good and CM Punk's return is probably the biggest moment of the year. The rest of the show doesn't even matter. WWE may be on the verge of one of the hottest Mania's seasons ever and there's no telling how far this can go if things are done right.

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