Friday, November 24, 2023

WWE Smackdown 11/24/2023

WWE Smackdown 11/24/2023

Last week's show is here:

Becky, Shotzi, Bianca and Charlotte talk about Damage Ctrl in the wing. Bianca says they are going to war and Shotzi said she can't wait. Shotzi said they have made her unbreakable and she can't wait to unleash her madness on them. Flair says Wargames will be the end of Damage Ctrl.

Bayley comes out alone. She talks about Flair and Becky making comments about each other to her when they were alone. Flair asks Bayley where the rest of Damage Ctrl is. Becky said she didn't come here to talk, she came here to fight. She says her and someone else will fight any 2 of Damage Ctrl. Bayley agrees and says that's exactly what she wanted.

Bayley talks to the rest of Damage Ctrl in the back. They aren't thrilled about fighting Flair's team tonight. Iyo says it should be Bayley in the match tonight teaming with Asuka. Asuka hugs her and said nobody is ready for them.

WWE Undisputed Tag Titles - The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damien Priest) vs Street Profits

Priest back elbows Dawkins then Ford dropkicks Finn. Finn takes a double flapjack and we see B-Fab and Lashley talk in the back. Ford superkicks and enzugiri's Priest. Ford then lariats Priest over the top. Ford plancha's Finn then is pounced by Priest onto the table. Priest then does Randy Orton's pose as we go to break.

Ford hits shots on Priest as we return. Priest pump kicks him then hits the post off a failed splash. Dawkins gets in and hits shots on Finn. He flying back elbows him and corkscrew splashes him in the corner. Dawkins then spinning double underhook neckbreakers's Priest. Finn takes a doomsday device blockbuster for 2.

Finn hits a slingblade on Ford then Ford takes a backbreaker + legdrop combo. Priest takes a spinebuster into a neckbreaker for 2. Ford superkicks Priest then Rhea gets on the apron. Finn crotches Ford on the top rope. Finn hits a top rope double stomp and pins Ford.

This was pretty short and was far from the best they could have done. Not awful, but they didn't do much here.  

Becky, Shotzi, Flair and Bianca talk in the back. Flair said it's fine for Becky to compete tonight. Becky isn't happy she talked to Pearce and Aldis without her. Bianca tells them to focus on the match. Becky accuses Flair of not trusting her. Becky is upset but said she is just going to get ready to fight.

Dragon Lee does a video in English and Spanish. He said lucha libre is everything to his family and he's been training since he was 12. He said there was an expectation that makes good enough, never enough. He said failure is not an option. He said he is the evolution of lucha libre.

The Grayson Waller Effect with Kevin Owens

GW says tonight might be the start of a beautiful friendship. Austin Theory then comes out dressed like Kevin Owens. GW thinks its hilarious. Kevin Owens then comes out. GW says Kevin is suspended. Kevin said his suspenson ended today. Kevin said Theory has his shorts, saying he hasn't seen them in months. Kevin says he wants to punch them then GW says him and Theory should beat up Kevin. GW said he cost him a match against LA Knight.

LA Knight comes out. He said they got caught thinking Kevin wouldn't be here. He said they talked about Kevin then started talking about him. They all argue and Waller/Theory said they should go punch them. Kevin asks LA if he wants to punch them first and he says yeah. They then punch them, send them out of the ring and destroy the set.

Kevin Owens and LA Knight vs Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

This started during the break. Kevin hits chops on GW and drops him with a punch. LA corner spears GW then lariats him. LA is supposed to be pulled over the top rope but can't get over it as planned. GW then slides out and takes a lariat from him on the floor. Theory's head is banged off the announcer's table then GW's is as well.

LA is lariated by GW on the floor. We go to break and return. The heels are in control and Theory poses on LA. Kevin is hot tagged in and stomps GW. Kevin lariats both opponents on the floor and superkicks both. Kevin then cannonballs Theory off the apron. Kevin goes up top and swantons GW for 2.

Kevin gets distracted and Theory does a roll into a high dropkick on him. GW 2nd rope elbow drops Kevin. GW chinlocks him then Kevin takes a spinning forearm and a rolling blockbuster for 2. GW backbreakers Kevin then misses a 2nd rope elbow drop. LA and Theory fight. LA hits punches and a lariat. LA atomic drops him and lariats him again. LA ddt's GW then throws Theory backwards from the emerald flowsion position.

LA then stomps on both in the corner. LA powerslams GW then elbow drops him for 2. The heels get sent into each other. Kevin stunners GW then LA hits a BFT on Theory to win it.

LA had his usual botch here but the crowd didn't care. It was a decent match with Theory getting some serious height on his rolling moves.

Bianca and Becky are talking in the back. Bianca says Flair was right and says her and Becky need to be on the same page tonight. Becky says she has got this and is cool.

Carlito comes out and we go to break. We return and Carlito says it will be his match on a PLE in 13 years and that's cool. Carlito says all he can think about is Rey Mysterio and getting his hands on Santos Escobar. Carlito talks in spanish and says Santos made a big mistake.

Santos Escobar comes out and talks in spanish. He said Rey was always his family and the LWO was always his family. He then said his family would be together if it wasn't because of him. He said Rey's career is over and he can't walk because of Carlito. Santos throws something at him and they roll around outside and fight. Santos is sent into the rails and Carlito hits mounted punches. Carlito is held back by security then Santos jumps off the rails onto him.

Carlito is helped into the back. Santos starts beating him up again then Dragon Lee beats up Santos. Lee jumps off boxes and hurricanrana's him and the segment ends.

The Brawling Brutes vs Pretty Deadly

Ridge elbows Kit over then corner splashes and exploders him. Kit forearms Ridge then Ridge shoulders both opponents over. The Brutes do the chest clubs over the ropes then Ridge gets dropkicked on the apron. Elton pounds on Butch inside.

Butch enzugiri's Elton then Ridge refuses to tag him and walks off. Elton lariats Butch then throws Butch into a gutbuster from Kit. Butch germans Elton and flying kicks both opponents. Butch buzzsaw kicks Kit then pump kicks Elton for 2. Butch hits a bitter end on Elton then Kit crucifixes Butch and wins it.

No idea what Ridge leaving Butch was about. That was not built up to or explained here and that was pretty much the only news coming out of this one.

Flair and Shotzi talk in the back. Shotzi said Damage Ctrl making her shave her head bothered her. Flair said she was inspired by Shotzi doing that. Shotzi said a few words could really change things between Flair and Becky.

Nick Aldis is interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Nick says Carlito is hurt badly and not able to compete tomorrow. He said the match needs to be postponed. Dragon Lee comes in and says not to do this. He asks to be in the match instead. Nick agrees.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Rhea says they are on SD because htye run WWE. Dom says the last member of their Wargames team is someone Jey Uso took out. Priest says if it's not Randy's own partner taking him out, it's Judgment Day making sure he doesn't have another comeback.

Becky and Flair talk in the back. They each ask if they are good and say they are. They then leave together.

Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch vs Damage Ctrl (Bayley and Asuka)

Bayley gets her head banged off the buckles by Becky. Becky exploders her then baseball slides her outside. Becky punches Asuka off the apron then Flair top rope moonsaults outside onto Asuka and Bayley. We go to break and return.

Bayley drives Becky into the corner then Asuka stomps Becky in the corner. Asuka armlocks her and pulls her down by her hair. Becky hits a forearm flurry on Asuka then Asuka spin kicks her in the gut. Asuka takes a boot then a chinbreaker. Becky enzugiri's her and makes the tag. Flair top rope crossbodies both opponents then fallaway slams Bayley. Flair kips up then forward cartwheels into a lariat on Bayley.

Flair slingshot roll-up's Bayley then facekicks her for 2. Asuka codebreakers Flair for 2. Asuka holds Flair for a 2nd rope Bayley elbow. Becky gets the hot tag in and hits a dropkick. She corner splashes Bayley then hits a double ddt on both opponents.  Becky top rope dropkicks Bayley for 2 then fujiwara armbars her. Asuka breaks it up. Becky deals with her then backdrops Bayley. Becky rock bottoms Bayley for 2. Flair accidentally spears Asuka onto Becky, breaking up the pin. Becky gets mad and yells at Flair. Bayley then pushes Becky into Flair and wins it.

It wasn't much and Flair and Becky having issues at the end was really the only super notable thing about this one.

Becky gets mad at Flair after and Bianca and Shotzi try to play peacekeeper.

Overall thoughts: A weak show minus the Waller and Theory tag. Everyone was taking it easy here and this was a waste of time. The only real developments that we got were Ridge leaving Butch on his own and Dragon Lee taking Carlito's place against Santos Escobar for tomorrow's PPV.

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