Saturday, November 18, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/15/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 2

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/15/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 2

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Naruki Doi vs. Hikaru Sato

They fight over a wristlock and Doi kicks him off a handshake. Doi hits kicks to the gut. Doi goes up and over then Doi either does a really bad punch or lariat to knock him down. Sato running kicks him in the leg then Doi neckbreakers him. Doi does a flipping senton onto him and hits a bad doi fives.

Sato backdrops him then puts him in an ankle lock. Sato enzugiri's him then takes a facekick. Sato enzugiri's him again then Doi rolls him up and wins it.

This was really bad. If you told me both wrestlers here were drunk, I'd believe you. People were just falling over for no reason and both guys looked awful here.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

Shuji and GDM shoulder battle then Shuji knocks him over. GDM shotgun dropkicks him then HT is tagged in. Ren and HT trade forearms and HT shoulders him over. Ren facekicks him then takes lariats on the ropes by both opponents. HT splashes Ren then GDM does as well. GDM and HT then pose.

HT gets on GDM's back and they stand on Ren's stomach. HT hits a chop and forearm combo on Ren then footchokes him. GDM ties up Ren's legs then abdominal stretcches his arm. Red back elbows GDM then GDM spinning lariats him.

Ren and GDM trade forearms then Ren dropkicks him in the gut. HT and Shuji trade forearms then Shuji shoulders him over. Shuji corner lariats HT then 2nd rope double stomps him for 2. HT back body drops Shuji then shoulders him off the buckles. HT corner lariats Shuji then GDM corner cannonballs Shuji.

HT and Shuji lariat battle. Shuji slaps him then HT nits a nasty criss-cross lariat on him. Shuji dragon suplexes him then HT takes a corner lariat and corner facekick. Shuji running knees HT for 2 with GDM tripping while trying to break it up.

GDM and Ren trade forearms then Ren flying neckbreakers him. GDM rolls him into a knee then Ren suplexes him. Shuji's running knee on HT is blocked then HT spinning clotheslines him. Shuji fire thunder drivers HT for a 1 count only then knees him in the face. Shuji running knees him for 2. Shuji hits another running knee and wins it.

I thought HT should have protected Shuji's running knee more here, but it was a fun match. They worked at a good pace and we had lots of heavyweight strikes. This was exactly what you would want and it did not disappoint. It could have easily been the main event.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana

HS = Hideki Suzuki

Suwama hits shots on Jiro to start, throws him then saito suplexes him. Suwama kicks Seigo in the gut and sends him out. HS shoulders Jiro over and Jiro pops up. It happens again then Seigo gets in.

HS tries to reverse an armdrag but Seigo reverses him. HS does a knuckle lock on him and makes his hands clap to the fans cheering. Suwama gets in and double chops Seigo down. He pulls Seigo by the hair then HS makes Seigo ropebreak on a hold.

Jiro gets in and hits jacket punches on HS then spinning jacket punches him. Jiro then does a slingshot arabian moonsault for 2. HS euros Jiro then takes a superkick. Seigo crossbodies HS off the top then him and Jiro try to knock Suwama off the apron but fail.

HS is swung into Suwama and they argue, then Suwama is knocked off the apron. Seigo and Jiro need multiple attempts to suplex HS. Suwama and HS start arguing with each other and Jiro springboard clubs both of them. They no sell it and grab Jiro then Seigo lariats both opponents form behind. Suwama double chops Seigo then HS tombstone piledrivers Seigo. HS hits a high butterfly suplex on Seigo and wins it.

It was mostly a squash and was used to put over HS and Suwama's issues. It's going to be a long tournament if we are doing that every match. I thought they did a good job with it and made it entertaining.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai vs. Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN tries to throw out his own partner Omori to start then Yuma forearms KN on the apron. Omori side headlocks Yuma and they end up doing a stand off. Yuma forearms KN off the apron.

Honda and Omori shoulder battle then Honda knocks KN off the apron. Honda forearms KN outside then sends him into the rails and forearms him more. KN is sent into the rails and they trade forearms outside. Honda back elbows Omori then Omori flatliners him. Omori neckbreakers Yuma then KN beats up his own partner Omori.

KN rips Omori's shirt and slaps him with it. KN tags himself in, throws out Omori then is kicked by Honda. KN step up enzugiri's Honda then dragon screws him. KN running facekicks Honda then foot chokes him. They trade forearms and Honda lariats him over. Honda chokes KN on the ropes and counts along with the ref on the break.

Yuma forearm flurries KN in the corner then running forearms him. KN then belly to belly suplexes KN for 2.  KN takes corner moves then is butterfly suplexed for 2. KN hits kicks on both opponents then takes a combo lariat + flying knee.

Yuma flying knees KN then KN flips out of his german and superkicks him. KN hits a brainbuster on Yuma and wins it.

I don't like the stuff with KN beating up his tag partner, but I did like the match otherwise. KN's inspired and Honda is so good in tag matches. It was a fun spirited match and it got the best out of everyone but Omori.

Honda and KN go at it after. They trade forearms and KN footchokes him.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Rising HAYATO vs. Dan Tamura

Rising armlocks Dan then Dan snapmares and chinlocks him. Rising headlock takeovers him and is shouldered over. Rising goes up and over in the corner then flying headscissors Dan. Dan then slides out and Rising poses. Rising dropkicks Dan on the apron. Dan catches Rising's plancha and slams him on the floor.

Dan neckbreakers Rising then hits forearms. Dan hits a stiff running back elbow on Rising then throws him a bit on a suplex. Dan crabs Rising then flying single leg dropkicks him. Rising shotgun dropkicks him in the corner then Rising flying back elbows him. Rising does a high springboard plancha outside on him.

Dan forearms and samoan drops Rising. Rising stunners Dan over the top rope then takes a stiff lariat on the apron. Dan death valley drivers Rising on the apron. Dan goes for a powerbomb but is rolled up then Rising hits a nasty cradle tombstone. Rising asai moonsaults him for 2 then Dan hits a stiff lariat. Dan hits another stiff lariat then Dan hits a botched powerbomb to win.

The last part of this sucked and brought down the match. Rising didn't bother selling anything after the death valley driver on the apron spot and Dan botched his finisher.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Koji Iwamoto vs. Atsuki Aoyagi


AA = Atsuki Aoyagi

AA and Koji trade wristlocks. AA takes him down then Koji shoulders him over. AA dropkicks him. Koji tries to springboard and AA dropkicks him. Koji then neckbreakers him on the apron while he's bridged on the buckles. Koji then bridging twisting neckbreakers him on the floor and suplexes him on the apron.

Koji hits a hiptoss into neckbreaker on the knee on AA. Koji then STF's him forcing a ropebreak. AA is popped up and dropkicks Koji. AA armdrags him by using the buckles then dropkicks him out. AA then 2nd rope moonsaults him outside.

AA superkicks him then Koji low dropkicks him when he tries to handspring. Koji shoulder throws him into the buckles then curbstomps him into them. Koji then brainbusters him for 2. AA step up enzugiri's him and hits a handspring into a back knee to the face. AA corkscrew kicks Koji then connects 3 perfectplexes together in a cool move.

AA top rope moonsaults him then takes a shoulder throw off the top. Koji deadlifts him into a suplex then hits a nasty kudo driver for 2. The time limit then expires.

I didn't like this at all. They did way too much here with apron, top rope and floor moves and Atsuki even kicking out of a kudo driver. I'm not sure why they did this the way they did.  

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Cyrus & Ryan Davidson vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

The four pair off and fight before the bell even rings then the Saito's take lariats. Ryan hits shots on Rei, snapmares him then drops a fist on him. Ryan tries to slam Rei but Rei falls on him. Rei boots Ryan in the corner then footchokes him.

Jun slams Ryan then elbow drops him. Rei chops Ryan several times then Jun running facekicks Ryan in the corner. Ryan leg lariats Jun and tags in Cyrus. Cyrus and Jun trade shots then Cyrus hits bad bolo punches in the corner. Jun running back elbows Cyrus then does a nice spear.

Cyrus superkicks Jun then blackhole slams him. Ryan euros Rei then flying shoulders him. Ryan hits a corner lariat then Rei hits a big forearm. Ryan back elbows him then does a nice falcon arrow for 2. Cyrus whips Jun into the rails outside then Rei crossbodies Ryan. Ryan is splashed in the corner then he takes a double chokeslam. Cyrus breaks up the pin.

Cyrus fights off the 2 Saito's then crossbodies both at the same time. Ryan corner splashes Rei then Jun hits Ryan with a gas cannister. Rei top rope splashes Ryan and picks up the win.

It was a fun heavyweight tag match. Cyrus' strikes sucked but they got the best performance out of him that he has so far. Ryan had a lot of energy here and looked good as the face and the Saito's were solid heels as usual. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi

Yukio and Kento start us off. Kento dropkicks him in the side of the head then avoids a kick. They stare down and tag out. Okatani is shouldered over by Yuma then he running forearms him. Yukio PK's Yuma from the apron outside then all 4 pair off and fight outside. Yuma slams Okatani then forearms Yukio off the apron. Kento headbutts Okatani outside and facekicks him against the rail.

Yuma throws Yukio into the rails then Kento headbutts Okatani several times. Okatani takes a double throat thrust from both opponents at 5 minutes in. Yuma chinlocks Okatani then stomps him. Okatani suplexes Yuma then Kento stops the tag attempt. Okatani hits a bulldog + lariat combo on both opponents then Yukio kicks Kento and Yuma. Yukio flying knees Yuma. Yuma blocks his PK and dragon screws him. Kento facekicks Yukio when he gets in, dropkicks him in the knee then dropkicks him in the side of the head.

Yukio flying kicks Kento in the chest then Okatani uses the buckles to bulldog Kento. Okatani sliding lariats Kento for 2. Kento pump kicks Okatani then hits a step up knee on him in the corner. Kento accidentally pump kicks Yuma at 10 minutes then Kento takes a PK + sliding D combo for 2.

Okatani gets stuck up top then Kento superplexes him down. Okatani no sells it and lariats him. Yukio and Yuma trade then Yuki rolling triangle chokes him. Kento lariats Okatani then Okatani takes a pumping knee + superkick combo for 2. Yukio pump kicks Kento then Okatani stiffs Kento with a forearm for 2. Okatani butterfly suplexes Kento for 2. Yuma germans Okatani from behind then trades with Yukio. Yuma fisherman busters him then Okatani rolls up Kento for 2. Kento pumping knees Okatani at 15 minutes twice for 2. Kento straightjacket germans Okatani and picks up the win.

It was a fun main. Not great and we really didn't get to see a ton of Yukio here, but it was decent enough. 

Overall thoughts: The tag matches were good and the juniors matches weren't. I'd say it was good overall, but stay far away from those juniors matches. The Galeno and Tamura tag was my match of the night.

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