Friday, November 17, 2023

AEW Rampage 11/17/2023

AEW Rampage 11/17/2023

Last week's show is here: 

TNT Title - Christian Cage vs Trent Beretta

Trent pushes CC over then CC backs him up in the corner. CC charges at him and ends up on the floor. CC stomps on him then Trent hits a jumping meteora on him. Trent then plancha's him outside and pounds on him. Trent is thrown into the post and takes a big bump outside for it.

We go to PiP break and return. CC snapmares and cinlocks him. Trent is thrown over the top but holds on then Trent slingshot spears him from the apron. They trade forearms and Trent half-nelson suplexes him. Trent tornado ddt's him then bites his head. Trent top rope hurricanrana's him for 2.

Trent misses a top rope crossbody then jumping knees him. Trent tornado ddt's him for 2. Trent flying knees him then Trent hits a beachbreak for 2. Luchasaurus gets on the apron then CC pulls Trent's neck over the top rope. CC stomps Trent's neck then throws him into the middle buckle. CC hits a killswitch and wins it.

It was okay but I thought it ran a little long with the finishing stretch dragging. Trent took a nice bump to the outside off the post here.

Chris Jericho says he didn't steal the Buck's friend Kenny and said him and Kenny will beat the Bucks tomorrow. Jericho says The Bucks are a great team, but they aren't Kenny and Jericho.

Toni Storm vs Emi Sakura

Toni gives Emi a script. Emi rips it up then throws her by the hair. Emi footslaps her then Toni hair throws her. Toni then hip attacks her off the apron. Luther then picks Toni up and brings her outside.

Toni suplexes Emi on the floor. Luther helps Toni up to the apron then Emi crossbodies Toni off the apron. Emi then crossbodies Toni against the steps. We go to PiP break and return.

They trade chops then Toni bulldogs her. Toni does a wind-up punch then Emi tiger drivers her for 2. Emi double underhook backbreakers her. Toni is supposed to move out of the way of Emi's moonsault, but ends up taking it anyway. Toni tries for a short ddt but misses then the screen goes black and white for Toni's close-up. Toni hip and attacks short piledrivers Emi to win it.

The finish was bad here with Toni blowing two spots in a row but it wasn't that bad otherwise.

Eddie Kingston and Jay Lethal's crew are interviewed. Jay says Eddie has one day left as ROH champ and said they will be fighting for the ROH title tomorrow on the pre-show. Jay says Eddie has done nothing but duck and hide from Jay since beating Jeff Jarrett. Eddie says they've known eac hother for 15 years and asks why he's speaking to him like them. Eddie says he knows what Jay can do and Jay knows what he can do. Eddie said Jay is becoming a coward and they argue with each other. Eddie then runs into Ortiz behind him and the segment ends.

Roderick Strong vs Action Andretti


AA = Action Andretti

This was made earlier on Collision. AA slides and headflips in then Strong pounces him. Strong pounds on him then AA hits a headscissors and dropkick. AA springboard elbow drops him then hits corner spears. Strong backbreakers him then drops him with a forearm. Strong then rubs AA's face into the mat.

Strong hits more chops then AA atomic drops him and neckbreakers him. AA falcon arrows him. We go to PiP break and return. AA chinbreakers him then hits forearms. AA handspring back elbows him. Strong is thrown out and Kingdom try to help him up. AA dropkicks them through the ropes then arabian moonsaults Strong outside.

AA hits a standing spanish fly but Strong lands poorly and hits head off the mat. Doc Sampson comes in and Kingdom check on Strong. Strong recovers and flying knees AA as he springboards. Strong suplexes him into a backbreaker and gets the win.

It was a decent match. The two worked well and the injury spot was interesting. 

Jay White is interviewed by Renee. He is asked about who is under the devil mask and Jay says that is the question. Jay says its MJF. Jay says The Gunn's will dismantle MJF before he even makes the main event. Jay says the gap between them is vast and says we will get more of the bang bang gang when he wins the title. He says they will run wild over AEW. Jay then says he will prove that he is better than him. MJF then jumps Jay White and bangs his head off a counter. MJF beats him up in the hallway then Juice Robinson nails MJF from behind. Juice then puts him in a room and closes the door. We then cut away to the announcers.

We return and Jay gets in the room. MJF is about to hit Juice with a tv. MJF then throws it at Jay and we see Juice has glass and blood all over him. MJF then chases Jay into ringside. MJF hits punches then beats up on Austin and Colten Gunn. Austin and Colten are thrown out then MJF stomps Jay. MJF then gets hit from behind and is triple stomped. Samoa Joe then comes down and The Bullet Club run. Joe stares down MJF and offers a handshake. MJF shakes his hand and the announcers say Joe will be MJF's partner for the tag title match tomorrow. This was a pretty good angle here that made sense.

Jericho says he and Kenny will beat The Bucks tomorrow.

They then run down the card as MJF/Joe and Bullet Club yell at each other.

Overall thoughts: I liked the show. The angle with Joe and MJF was good and the three matche were mostly fine.  This was a good one from AEW.

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