Sunday, November 26, 2023

AEW Rampage 11/25/2023

AEW Rampage 11/25/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Hook vs Rocky Romero

RR = Rocky Romero

RR headlock takeovers him and Hook headscissors him. They get up then RR hits some mounted slaps. Hook does a nice hip throw and then RR chops him down.

Hook hits chops then RR slaps him on the ropes. They mess up a hiptoss counter then Hook crotch hold suplexes him. They lariat each other at the same time and Hook germans him. RR knees him then suplexes him on the apron. RR then drops down off the apron and double stomps him. Hook is driven into the post and then we go to PiP break.

We return and RR hits corner lariats. Hook exploders him in the buckles then does a nice hip throw. Hook corner lariats him and hits punches to the gut. Hook northern lights suplexes him then RR springboard dropkicks him as he hangs off the 2nd rope.

RR running shiranui's him for 2. RR spin kicks him in the gut then Hook puts him in red rum off of a shiranui attempt. RR passes out and Hook wins.

Hook had some trouble throwing him here. It was a cold match with no storyline that didn't really make sense from a booking perspective. Why would two faces and friends of OC fight each other in a non-title match? It wasn't anything special.

Wheeler Yuta does a promo. He said everyone loves his fellow BCC members but nobody likes him (Hey, it wasn't me who said it!). He says he doesn't care as Claudio, Bryan and Mox saw something in him. Yuta said he lost sleep over Katsuyori Shibata taking his title from him. He says he's an @sshole and a prick now. He says a headshot might take him out for good and says he will send him back to Japan. He said he will make sure he never comes back for his Pure title again.

Kris Statlander vs Diamante


Dia = Diamante

Dia wristlocks her then Kris cartwheels out of it. Kris armdrags Dia. Kris bridges and Dia gets on top of her but can't break the bridge. Kris headlock takeovers her then Kris handstands out of a headscissors. Kris shoulders her over then spinning headscissors her. Kris powerslams her for 2. Mercedes Martinez comes out to watch. She motions at Kris then Kris jumping knees Dia.

We go to PiP break and return. Dia overhead belly to belly suplexes her then rolls her over from the wheelbarrow position. Kris backslides her for 2. Dia goes for an asai ddt, but is caught, then they trade roll-up's. Dia hits forearms then is powerslammed for 2. Kris goes for a suplex but is ddt'd out of it. Dia standing shiranui's her for 2.

Dia piefaces her and does a bad lariat. Kris spinning lariats her and win it.

These two didn't mesh. Dia looks good sometimes in ROH but it never really translates to TV for some reason. Lots of sloppy moments and weak shots here.

Mercedes Martinez beats up Kris after and Dia joins in on the beating. Willow Nightingale comes out and pulls Kris out. 

We get a pre-taped promo from Daniel Garcia. He said he didn't have to take a plane today as he's only 3 hours from Buffalo, where he's from. He said every match in the indies felt like the biggest match of his life and said that's how matches feel now in the Continental Classic. He said everyone is coming into this with momentum, but he isn't. He said he is confidence is at an all-time low. He said people think he is here to eat pins and be fodder for people. He said it makes him feel bad and said he's not here to lose. This was weird and made him look out to be a loser.

The Kingdom vs Duke Davis and Ganon Jones

The Kingdom have new sad sounding piano music. Mike asks who is ready to celebrate "No Neck November". Mike said Strong isn't here to celebrate due to Action Andretti trying to kill Strong on Rampage. Mike said Strong is no lesser man but is a hero. He said he proved that sometimes heroes don't wear capes, they wear neck braces. He said Strong said he is more determined than ever about Adam Cole, then cuts himself off. Taven said they plan to neck the halls all holiday season and will bring in a neck strong new year. He then says MJF is The Devil. He then mocks MJF, saying the devil has arrived in Philadelphia. Mike tells him they are in Pittsburgh. Taven says MJF has a fradulent title on his shoulder and said they are four time tag champs. Taven said they are coming back for what's theirs.

Taven facekicks Duke off the apron before it starts. Ganon takes a 2nd rope dropkick. Ganon then takes an enzugiri and death valley driver. Taven running knees Ganon then springboard twisting kicks Ganon. Taven hits a headlock driver on Ganon then Mike piledrivers Duke on the ramp. Taven top rope frogsplashes Ganon and wins it.

It was a one sided squash with Duke and Ganon getting nothing in.

ROH Pure Title - Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs Wheeler Yuta

Shibata takes him down, they get back up and Yuta takes him down. Shibata side headlocks him then bow and arrows him. Shibata indian deathlocks him then bow and arrows him again. Shibata rolls him into a heel hook and Yuta uses a ropebreak. Yuta then punches Shibata and gets a warning. Yuta hits mounted forearms.

We go to PiP break and return. Yuta chops Shibata and Shibata is hulking up. Shibata hits nice forearms then chop flurries him in the corner. Shibata corner dropkicks him then hits an underhook suplex for 2. Shibata ankle locks him then STF's him. Yuta uses his 2nd ropebreak.

Shibtata puts him a choke then Yuta rolls him out of the ring. Yuta topes Shibata then facekicks him against the rail. Yuta rolls him up off a PK attempt then uses the ropes to try and pin him. Yuta pushes the ref, low blows Shibata then ddt's him. Shibata does a headflip on the bump and Yuta picks up the win.

The match wasn't anything too special and it was cut up by the break. Shibata's just limited due to his health issues and it wasn't going to be a classic. Yuta can't really do any worse with it than Shibata had done with it. The title change was definitely a surprise and wasn't built up to at all even though a story was there.

Yuta low blows him after then ddt's him again. Hook then comes out and stops it. 

Overall thoughts: This one wasn't anything special. Four matches were just thrown out there randomly with limited to no build.

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