Sunday, November 26, 2023

AEW Collision 11/25/2023

AEW Collision 11/25/2023

Eddie Kingston does a promo. He said he'll see Brody King out there. Brody said tonight is the start of the Blue League and said violence is the answer. Daniel Garcia calls Claudio Castagnoli a big doofus. He says he is here to get in the ring and win wrestling's greatest tournament. He said he is sick of people getting in his face with a camera.

The intro video had some new faces in it I think like Lee Moriarty.

The Continental Classic - Blue League - Claudio Castagnoli vs Daniel Garcia

CC = Claudio Castagnoli, DG = Daniel Garcia

CC shoulders him over then does a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. CC slams him then DG hits boots in the corner. DG hanging guillotines him then is deadlifted into a suplex. DG hits chops then is dropped with a euro. DG hits shots and is euro'd down. DG jumping knees CC off the apron then dances.

CC is sent into the rails then DG pounds on him. DG then shotgun dropkicks him into the rails while he is seated then is swung headfirst into the rails. We go to PiP break and return. DG hits a flurry of shots then slaps him. CC pops him up but is caught with a guillotine. DG gets his back and sleepers him.

DG backrolls him then does an ankle lock. DG then rolls him up for 2 before taking a lariat. CC hits euros in the corner then short arm lariats him. CC hits downward elbows and DG sunset flips him off a ricola bomb attempt. CC sharpshooters him then pop-up euros him. CC drops him with a euro and ricola bombs him to win it.

I thought it was an average match and nothing too special. They didn't do anything too wild here and Garcia lost as expected.

Wheeler Yuta then comes down and holds up CC's arm in victory.

Eddie Kingston does his 2nd promo of the show and mentions that. Eddie said he has put two titles on the line in this tournament. He said all he ever wanted to do was wrestle in Japan. He said he did and won a title there. He said he put his title on the line here to make this tournament the most prestigeous tournament in America. Eddie talks about how he doesn't want to do this and asks how much time is left for this. He then leaves.

Killswitch vs The Boys


KS = Killswitch

KS superkicks a Boy. He brings the other in and hits punches on him. KS hits a wheelbarrow german. A boy springboards in and is caught with a chokeslam. KS then chokeslams a Boy on the apron. KS then lariats the other Boy in the back of the head and pins him.

It was a short squash. I'm glad to see the Luchasaurus name gone.   

A Boy is then chokeslammed on a chair after. Adam Copeland's music hits and he chairs Killswitch in the back. Adam hits more chair shots to the back then crossfaces Killswitch with a piece of a chair. Adam then conchairto's him in true babyface fashion. Kill switch starts to recover then Adam curbstomps him on the chair then conchairto's him again.

Lexi interviews Adam Copeland in the back. He tells her to go. He tells Christian all of this is Christian's fault. He said Christian was afraid he would be second fiddle to him. Adam said he doesn't care about that and said their friendship was more important. He said Christian threatened him and his family with the line about putting him in a wheel chair. He said he got two heads already in Nick and Killswitch and said Christian is next. He challenged him to a 12/6 match on Dynamite in Monteal for a TNT title match. He said he will take his TNT title and said he will take him to places he has never been.

The House of Black (Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews) vs Gravity and Kommander

Kom = Komander, Grav = Gravity

Grav kips up and down out of a wristlock. Buddy shoulders him over then knees him in the gut. Grav wraps around him and germans him, botching it as he usually does. Buddy facekicks him then takes a step-up enzugiri. Buddy goes out, Grav botches something else then botches for a 2nd time with Black.

Grav does a stupid backroll into a headflip then is kicked in the face. Kom springboard hurricanrana's him then barely hits a springboard back enzugiri. Black high kicks Kom then germans him for 2. We go to PiP break and return. Buddy drives him int othe corner. Kom flips out of a double backdrop.

Grav top rope crossbodies both opponents and hits shots on them 1v2. Grav hits corner lariats on both then they botch a knee to the face. Kom top rope double dropkicks both opponents. Kom satellite ddt's Buddy then torture rack gutbusters Black. Kom gets stuck up top and is kicked. Grav blows another move and pulls Buddy over the top. Grav tope con hilos both opponents then gets caught. Kom then walks the top rope and corkscrew dives his opponents outside.

The faces come off the top and both are caught with knees. They take shots from the HoB. Grav is popped up into a double knee. Black spinning back elbows Kom. Black tells Buddy to let off Kom then lets Kom crawl to him. Buddy then curb stomps Kom as he crawls and pins him.

This was a disaster with Grav botching almost everything. This also went too long and had an obvious outcome.

Action Andretti and Darius Martin do a promo. Action said they have been teaming up for 8 months. We then go to break mid-sentence and that's it.

TBS Title - House Rules - Julia Hart (c) vs Lady Frost

No build to this whatsoever nor is there any reason to think Frost has any shot here. Frost hits a chop and Hart blocks her next one. Hart throws her by the arm and kicks her in the back. She poses then Frost gets up and poses too. Frost hits shots on her then goes up and over in the corner. Hart bangs her head off the buckle then slides out.

Frost cartwheels over her on the apron then is pulled down. Hart pounds on her back then Frost falls to the floor. Frost is sent into the rails then the post. Hart grabs a chair and the ref yells at her. Front then flapjacks Hart on the steps outside. Frost tries to moonsault her off the steps but Hart moves. Hart high kicks her then kicks her while she is seated on a chair. Frost is put back on the chair then is lariated, rolling down the ramp.

Frost back kicks her in the ring then lariats her. Hart sliding lariats her in the back of the neck then puts her in the heartless submission. Hart then taps her out.

This wasn't good. It was slow. The crowd didn't care. The refs were telling them not to use chairs even though this was seemingly no DQ and no countout. Frost didn't get much in and Hart's offense didn't look good. 

Don Callis and Hobbs are interviewed. Don said Hobbs has had a lot of tombstones in his life and he is glad they are adding onto it. Don said he can't figure out how the Golden Jets got a tag title shot since Hobbs broke Jericho the last time he fought him. Don says they don't need two guys to beat the Golden Jets. He said they just need one guy. Hobbs says he's big, black and jacked and anyone can get it.

FTR vs The Righteous

The Righteous' music was remixed here with more beats and was sped up some. Vincent hits shots on the taped up ribs of Cash. Cash running back elbows him then trips him into a Dax elbow drop. Vincent running back elbows Dax then Dutch hits a big lariat on Dax. Dax chops him and they blow a springboard spot. Dax bites him and lariats him over the top.

Dax back body drops Vincent onto Dutch outside. We go to PiP break and return. Vincent sleepers Dax and we see Dax taking a Dutch crossbody during the break. They say we will see the Action/Darius promo again which was cut due to TNT issues. Vincent slams Dax then misses elbow drops. Dax slingshot sunset flips Vincent then Vincent tags Dutch. Dutch splashes Dax.

Dutch powerbombs Dax then misses a 2nd rope senton. Cash is tagged in and beats up both opponents. Cash flying forearms Dutch out. Cash tries to roll up Vincent but takes a black hole slam for 2. Cash dropkicks Dutch out. Dax is tagged in and Vincent is hit with a shatter machine. FTR win it.

I wasn't a big fan of this. There was a botch or two and they just seemed like they were off here. It felt rushed as well.

Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews get on the mic. They say nobody is here to save FTR. Black says this is not the brotherhood FTR thinks it is. The lights turn off then the HOB laughs and leaves.

We see the Action Andretti and Darius Martin promo again. Action said he feels like they grew a bond together after 8 months. He said he heard they are going to Darius' home in Minneapolis this week. Darius says something feels off and he thinks he knows what that means. Dante Martin then walks in and says he is back. 

We see clips of Starks and Bill jumping Jericho.

Ricky Starks and Big Bill are interviewed by Tony Schiavone in the ring. Starks says he knows Jericho is going to come at him and has brought a friend - Kenny Omega. Bill says they look more like the Golden Girls instead of the Golden Jets. Starks says Bill and him don't know each other and says Bill doesn't even know his birthday. Bill said he was in the ER 4 years ago having alcohol withdrawal seizures and said he knew he'd make it back to the top. Bill says he was right as he has the tag titles.

Bill says Chris and Kenny are two of the best to ever do this. He said they are angry and motivated and will embarass them. Bill compares them to Kobe and Shaq and Pippen and Jordan. He said he doesn't see that in them nor does he see Kerr, Kukoc or others. He said he just sees two dudes who give Jordan bubble gum before the starting line-up is introduced. Starks said one guy tells everyone he is the best and the other guy actually is. Starks said he will tell them one thing after the match - Starks like his gum minty fresh and Bill likes his gum big red. There were some obscure references here and I don't think it worked. I do wonder if this means Dennis Rodman is coming back though.

Swerve Strickland, Rus, Mark Briscoe and Jay White give some comments on their Continental Classic matches. Mark says he ain't going nowhere. Swerve asks who house it is and says he wants to himself be champ. Rush talks in Spanish and says he will destroy everybody.

Keith Lee vs Lee Moriarty

LM = Lee Moriarty 

The crowd chants for Lee and Nigel asks which Lee? They do some karate stances and try kicks. LM ducks a spin kick and is down on his butt. LM gets pounced. We go to PiP break and return.

LM hits kicks to the body and tries to triangle him, but Keith just holds him in the air. Keith hits a stiff lariat then misses a corner charge. LM tries to bang Keith's head off the buckles but can't. LM flying kicks him then diving bulldogs him off the 2nd rope.

Keith blocks LM's kicks. LM springboards and takes a shoulder. Keith then hits a spinning attitude adjustment and wins it.

It was a weird one with them doing kung fu/karate then LM not really being able to to do anything to Keith.

Keith Lee is interviewed. He said he planned to tell us how good Lee Moriarty is but he said he is no Keith Lee. He said he's tired of the lack of opportunity and mistreatment. Keith said he's here to take him and said he's here for him. Keith says this person knows who he is and knows he is wanted. They don't tells us or know who "he" is.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Eddie Kingston vs Brody King

They shoulder battle then trade chops. Brody hits shots to the gut then corner cannonballs him. Eddie gets knocked off the apron. Brody chops him down outside then stands on his head. Eddie is sent into the steps then Brody is tripped into the steps. Brody crossbodies Eddie against the rails.

Brody sentons him. We go to PiP break and return. Brody 2nd rope superplexes him. Brody irish whips him but Eddie collapses. Eddie lariats him then drops him with a 2nd lariat. Eddie corner lariats him then hits machine gun chops. Brody germans him then Eddie hits a uraken for 2.

They trade chops. Brody hits forearms then Eddie does a bad enzugiri. Eddie ddt's him for 2. Brody back body drops him and falls over with him. Brody then hits a uranage slam. Eddie exploders him then half-nelson suplexes him. Eddie backdrops him for 2. Brody piledrivers him for 2. Brody hits forearms then Eddie uraken's him. Brody face kicks him then wins with a sitout powerbomb.

It wasn't good. It was long, slow and Eddie's offense looked bad as usual.

Overall thoughts: I didn't think it was a good show. We had our usual random Collision matches. Gravity was awful and the women didn't have a good night. We had our monthly technical issue with a promo getting cut and the main wasn't that good either.

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