Saturday, September 23, 2023

WWE Smackdown 9/22/2023

WWE Smackdown 9/22/2023

Last week's show is here: 


John Cena comes out. He talks about what he has been doing and comes up with various terms for referee, as the crowd says "What?" each time. He says he came back here not to be a ref or backstage corresspondent, he came to compete. He says he wants to have a match tonight. He says he's angry at the Bloodline and would fight them himself, but he has a phenomenal partner.

AJ Styles comes out. He asks if Cena and the crowd wants it, then says if the Bloodline wants some, come get some. Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa come out, tease getting in and then back off.

Cena and AJ talk to Adam Pearce in the back. Cena asks what they have to do to make it happen. Adam says things get complicated with The Bloodline. Adam says when you deal with them, you deal with Paul Heyman. Adam says he will talk to Paul and try to get this done.

The Street Profits vs The LWO (Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio)

Dawkins side headlocks Santos then shoulders him over. Santos leapfrogs him then hits a dropkick for 2. Santos lifts Rey into a headscissors on Dawkins. Dawkins drops down and Rey runs into Ford's dropkick. Ford hits leapfrogs then takes a springboard twisting crossbody.

Ford is pulled over the top and Rey goes for the sliding splash but Dawkins pulls Ford out of the way. Dawkins then pops up Santos onto the floor. We go to break and return. Rey slingshot sunset flips him then Ford lariats him.

Rey boots Ford out of the corner then ends up on his shoulders. Rey victory rolls him into the 2nd buckle then Santos gets in. Santos hits flying forearms and a flying shoulder on Ford. Santos top rope crossbodies Ford for 2. Ford splashes him for 2.

Ford gets stuck up top then Santos top rope hurricanrana's him for 2. Ford hits an enzugiri then Dawkins does a fireman's carry into a flapjack on Santos. Rey gets in and ddt's Dawkins then takes a nice spinning high fly for 2. Ford is htrown over the top and Dawkins nails Santos. Rey is back body dropped over the top onto Ford outside. Dawkins looks shocked and has to be told by Bobby to go after him. Bobby Lashley chokeslams Rey on the apron then Rey sunset flips Dawkins and wins it.

It was a fast paced match and was entertaining as expected. The finish fell a little flat and kind of happened too quick to really sink in.

The Profits try to explain themselves after and Lashley walks off looking upset.

The commentators talk about The Rock being on the show last week. Austin Theory comes out and pulls off the table's cover. The refs then kick Theory out.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn talk about magic and the women's tag titles in a promo. They say everyone who has touched the tag titles have found misfortune and say they are cursed.

Adam Pearce and Austin Theory argue as they walk. They run into Butch and Ridge Holland. Ridge said he got embarrassed by Rock. Grayson Waller walks in and comes to Theory's defense. Butch says him and Ridge should teach them a lesson tonight. Pearce makes the match, saying it's a good idea. Waller says he has a hundred million things to do and now it's a hundred million and one.

Bobby Lashley yells at The Street Profits in the back. He asks, "what was that?". He said htye had it won and didn't finish. He said he wants the watches and suits back. He tells them to go sit in catering if they can't pull the trigger, as he will find someone else who can.

We get a package on Asuka vs Iyo and Cole says it's a dream match.

Adam Pearce goes up to Paul Heyman in the back but there's no audio for it.

WWE Women's Title - Iyo Sky (c) vs Asuka


Charlotte Flair comes out to watch. Asuka wristlocks her and Iyo rolls and kips up out of it. Asuka uses the ropes to flip  out of it then headlocks her. Asuka headlock takeovers her and iyo does a cartwheel into a backflip. Asuka offers a handshake and Iyo kicks her hand away. Asuka blocks the hiptoss and rolls her up then hits armdrags. Iyo 2nd rope armdrags her. Asuka rolls out then Iyo misses an asai moonsault outside. Asuka then superkicks her.

We go to break and return. Iyo pulls her arm down over the top rope then springboard dropkicks her. Iyo does osmething like a 619 kick then springboard dropkicks her again. Iyo meteora's her for 2. Iyo goes up top and takes Kawada kicks as she hangs over the top rope. Asuka superplexes her for 2.

Asuka chest kicks her then Iyo running shotei's her for 2. Iyo germans Asuka for 2 then Asuka puts her in a paradise lock. Asuka turns it into an armbar then Iyo sweeping kicks her from the mat. Asuka high kicks her then top rope dropkicks her. Asuka pops her up into a knee then hits urakens and spin kicks. Asuka sliding kicks her for 2.

Asuka sits up top and Iyo climbs the ropes top dropkick her. Iyo hits a sunset bomb on the floor, though Asuka half blocked it. Asuka high kicks the post when Iyo moves then Iyo top rope moonsaults her outside. We go to break and return.

Iyo has her in a chinlock then Iyo germans her. Iyo has her in a crossface then Asuka rolls her into a chickenwing. Asuka buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Asuka 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. They trade forearms on their knees and Asuka rolling armbars her. Asuka chickenwings her again, they roll each other up and Asuka chickenwings her again.Bayley puts Iyo's foot on the ropes and Charlotte Flair comes over to hit Bayley. Iyo double knees Asuka's back of the neck on the ropes then Iyo top rope moonsaults her for the win.

Work wise, it was better than pretty much anything you'll see from the WWE women. There were no real botches or sloppy moments here. The match was kind of weird as the submissions at the end slowed it down some and I didn't think they sold during the middle portion of this as well as they could have. I did like it overall but I felt like it could have been better. I think it also goes without saying that this would have been even better in a Japanese ring.

Sikoa, Heyman and Jimmy Uso are in the back. Adam Pearce goes up to them and has a contract for the tag match. Heyman sad he will agree as long as it's not tonight. Jimmy then speaks up for everyone and says it looks good to him and they will see them in the ring. Paul says decisions like that need approval and authorization from Romam first. Jimmy then says, "let me know what he says". Solo says not to worry about it as there will be nobody left to fight us at Fastlane. Paul then calls Roman and doesn't look thrilled.

Pretty Deadly are at the doctor's. Kit says it's brutal out here and has been since Elton suffered his shoulder injury. Kit says he walks a long, difficult road to recover and then Elton knocks something over. We see Kit inspect him and throw various balls at him. He knows him over with am eidcine ball then gets kicked when he does the reflex thing. We then see Elton trip on something. The doctor says he will be fine and we get a graphic that says the long road to recovery will continue.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory vs The Brawling Brutes (Butch and Ridge Holland)

Butch hits chops on Theory then Theory lariats him over. Theory hits punches on him then Waller hits knees from the cravate. Butch stomps Waller's arm. Ridge gets in and swinging guillotines Waller then butterfly suplexes him. Butch is whipped into the ropes and Theory pulls the ropes up to send him out. Butch and Ridge then do stereo clubs to the chests of their opponents.

We go to break and return. Buthc grabs Waller's figners and pulls them apart. Ridge is tagged in and he nails both opponents. Ridge exploders Waller and front suplexes him. Ridge is double chopblocked then Theory forearms him. Waller rolls in for his cutter then is pounced. Ridge gorilla press powerslams Theory for 2.

Butch 2nd rope moonsaults outside onto Waller and Theory rolls up Ridge for 2. Ridge alabama slams Theory then crabs him. Butch holds Waller out of the ring with a sleeper and is rammed back into the post. Waller rolls in to hit his stunner on Ridge, while Ridge has the crab on. Theory hits A-Town Down on Ridge and wins it.

It was a really fun tag with Ridge throwing people around and the heels rolling around and getting tossed. They really got the best out of Ridge here, making him look like a monster and the heels were just the perfect match for him. This was fast paced with a lot of action.

Cena, AJ and Bloodline are supposed to do a contract signing but AJ gets beat up by Jimmy Uso in the back. Solo jumps off of something supposedly onto AJ, though we all know it's just crash pads. AJ is attended to and a random explosion happens. Cena then comes to see AJ. AJ is then stretchered out and driven away in an ambulance. Karl Anderson tells Cena that he has been telling AJ to not get involved in this Bloodline stuff.

Heyman, Solo and Jimmy Uso come out. Solo throws all the furniture out. He says he has a contract signed with Cena's name on it for Fastlane with no tag team partner. Jimmy Uso takes the mic from Heyman and says look what happened when you mess with The Bloodline. Uso said if Cena is smart, he would ride far away in the ambulance from The Bloodline. Jimmy says Cena will end up in the ambulance anyway.

Cena runs down and beats up Bloodline. Uso superkicks Cena and Cena takes a samoan spike. Cena is stomped on by Uso and Solo. Uso hits a top rope splash on him. Uso then signs the contract and puts it on Cena. Uso then splashes him off the top again. Bloodline then pose to end the show.

Overall thoughts: We only had three matches and all of them were good. The main event angle was what it was and didn't exactly re-make the wheel. The angle with AJ getting beaten up was silly looking as there were various camera tricks and an explosion for some reason. I can't praise this to.

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