Friday, September 22, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/22/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/22/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Izzi Dame vs Ivy Nile

Izzi slams her to start then hits a 2nd slam. Ivy pulls her down by the leg and side headlocks her. Izzi picks her up and spins her then Ivy headlock takeovers her. Ivy bops her over the head then crossbodies her for 2.

Ivy headlock takeovers her using the buckles then is put in tree of woe. Izzi kicks her as she hangs then drops her on her knee. Izzi dragon screw leg whips her then bangs her knee off the mat. Izzi ankle locks her then throws her down. Izzi kicks her in the leg.

Izzi tries to bang her knee off the mat but Ivy avoids it and hits a kick combo. Ivy flying shoulders her then Izzi bangs her leg off the apron. Ivy spinning enzugiri's her then Ivy does her dragon sleeper variation to win it.

They had some sloppy moments here but Izzi mostly worked her legs and Ivy won via submission. Not a lot of highlights here. I thought Ivy's comeback got messed up as she took offense during it and had to make another comeback.

Luca Crusifino is interviewed. He said if anyone knows about a blazer it's him. He said Jiro defaces his jacket and says it's not the proper attire for a star. Luca says he objects and the interviewer overrules him. Luca says Jiro's jacket is a foreign object and says his jacket is illegal. Luca says  he will show him the era of his ways when he wins, case closed. Kelly the interviewer then says she objects to this whole interview. This was a fun interview.

Luca Crusifino vs Ikemen Jiro

Luca gets his back and kind of slaps him in the back of the head then Jiro gets his back and slaps his butt. Jiro is shouldered and pushed then kips up. Jiro counters a hiptoss with an armdrag an the announcers say Luca sent Jiro a cease and desist over his jacket.

Luca goes out and gets some shots in while Jiro is on the apron. Luca does his hiptoss into a neckbreaker then headscissors him. Jiro hits jacket punches, pulls his neck over the top rope then does a slingshot sitout moonsault on him. Luca pulls off Jiro's jacket.

Jiro handspring back elbows him then hits an enzugiri. Jiro runs at him and Luca throws the jacket into his face. Luca then rolls him up off of it.

This was fun. I loved Luca taking off Jiro's jacket and I loved how he threw the jacket in Jiro's face to pin him. These two gelled well and it was a very entertaining match. Luca rules.

Global Heritage Invitational Group A - Axiom vs Charlie Dempsey

Ax = Axiom

Dempsey water wheel throws him to start. Dempsey armdrags him  then Ax headflips out of a wristlock. Dempsey lariats him in the back of the head then Ax springboards into an armdrag. Ax then dropkicks him for 2. Dempsey swinging backbreakers him. Ax slaps him then takes a bridged dragon screw.

Dempsey does an abdominal stretch then Ax abdominal stretches him. Dempsey hits chest slaps then Ax hits palmstrikes and chops. Ax dropkicks him. Ax topes him goes into the table. Ax top rope crossbodies him and Dempsey does a fallaway slam into a bridge off of it. Dempsey forearms him then Ax enzugiri's him.

They hit hard chest slaps and Ax lariats him hard against the ropes. Dempsey euros him hard against the ropes then does a great wheelbarrow german for 2. Dempsey is stuck up top and takes an enzugiri. Ax top rope spanish flies him. Ax hits a flying golden ratio kick and wins it.

It was good as expected with some stiff shots and some beautiful execution of various moves. This was done about as well as you can do it considering the circumstances.

Overall thoughts: This was a fun episode of NXT Level Up with a strong main event and a very entertaining Luca/Jiro match. Luca's interview was also really good, so I definitely recommend this one.

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