Friday, September 8, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/8/2023

 WWE NXT Level Up 9/8/2023

 Last week's show is here:

Ikemen Jiro vs Tavion Heights

Jiro headstands in the corner and claps his feet together. Jir ocartwheels and is pushed back on the lock up. Jiro escapes a waistlock, poses and is shouldered over. Jiro poses again and is pushed over. Jiro counters a hiptoss with an armdrag and bangs his head off the mat. Jiro crossbodies him then poses while having him in an armlock.

Tavion pulls him down by the head then does a nice karelin's lift for 2. Tavion drops some elbows on him. Jiro hits some slaps then Tavion suplexes him. Jiro flips out of a release german and hits jacket punches. Jiro drops him with a jacket punch then Jiro kicks him from the apron Jiro springboard headscissors him from behind then superkicks him for 2. Jiro goes up top and misses a swanton.

Tavion hits a stiff running lariat then does a beautiful moving belly to belly overhead suplex for the win.

Nothing wrong with this. Tavion was a little rougher than usual. Jiro's always entertaining and Tavion's belly to belly at the end was beautiful. 

Karmen Petrovic is interviewed. She said she knows she hasn't won yet and says she's not used to it. She said she has always been a winner and says the path to glory starts to defeat. She said she didn't waltz her way to being a black belt and says all the competition has made her tougher. She said she was bred for combat and says when she finds her stride, it's bad news for every woman in NXT. She says tonight is the night things change for her and says she is going to be on the wrong end of a Big L.

Karmen Petrovic vs Fallon Henley

Fallon side headlocks her early then Karmen hits forearms. Karmen bodyscissors her down with her legs then is shouldered over. Fallon slides out and punches her as she's on the bottom rope. Fallon jumps up while holding the ropes and is legswept down. Karmen back kicks her then hits a stiff kick to the gut. Karmen puts her in an abdominal stretch then hits a kick to her back. 

Karmen jumps on her back and bodyscissors her. Fallon back elbows her then lariats her. Fallon misses some kick to the back of the head then hits a swinging facebuster. Fallon shining wizards her and wins it.

Fallon isn't good and Karmen had little chance of having a good match here. It was a real basic and simple match and Karmen was honestly better here than she was. 

Global Heritage Invitational Group B - Akira Tozawa vs Joe Coffey

Joe grabs a wristlock then Tozawa grabs one. Joe shoulders him over while doing a pose. Tozawa 2nd rope hurricanrana's him then dropkicks him. Joe spins him around in the wheelbarrow position then drops him down on his chest. Joe backbreakers Tozawa for 2. Tozawa rolls him up then Joe euros him.

Tozawa back body drops Joe. Tozawa hurricanranas him then hits a shining wizard, sending Joe out. Tozawa topes him, making him roll backwards. Wolfgang is getting mad and Mark Coffey has to hold him back. Tozawa top rope dropkicks him for 2.

Joe pop up euros him and headbutts him. Tozawa slides under his legs and germans him. Tozawa goes up and gets stopped. Joe hits a top rope belly to belly suplex then flips him with a spinning lariat. Joe picks up the win.

This ended up being a decent match with Tozawa and Joe working hard. Tozawa had a nice little spirited comeback here before being put down.

Overall thoughts: 2 of the 3 matches were decent so this was an okay episode of Level Up. It wasn't must see, and it rarely ever is due to the format and limitations, but it went quick and wasn't the worst way to spend 30 minutes.

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