Friday, September 8, 2023

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9/8/2023

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9/8/2023

Last week's show is here:

Charlotte Flair and Shotzi vs Damage Ctrl (Bayley and Iyo Sky)

Bayley stomps Shotzi's tank on her way in. Flair pushes Bayley then nails Iyo on the apron. The 4 girls pair off and fight then Bayley is thrown out. Bayley is sent into the rails then Shotzi is thrown out. Iyo then asai moonsaults onto Shotzi and Flair.

We go to break and return. Shotzi goes to tag and Iyo kind of flapjacks her. Shotzi takes a sandwich facekick for 2. Bayley camel clutches Shotzi. Shotzi hits a step up enzugiri out of the corner then brazilian kicks Bayley. Flair gets the tag in. Flair top rope crossbodies Bayley and Iyo. Flair chops Bayley then fallaway slams her.

Flair forward cartwheels into a lariat then she fallaway slams Iyo. Bayley cradles Flair then Flair figure fours her. Iyo meteora's Flair while she has the hold on. Flair is 2nd rope hurricanrana'd by Iyo. Asuka shows up at ringside behind Dakota Kai and takes the title. Bayley is distracted and is facekicked by Flair. Iyo is headkicked by Flair off the apron. Shotzi then ddt's Bayley while grabbing the leg and wins it.

This was just a basic tag with the faces getting help via cheating for no reason to win it.

Asuka and Iyo go face to face after. Asuka drops her title in front of her and seems to want Iyo's title.

Jimmy Uso goes up to Paul Heyman in the back. Jimmy said nobody told him anything about being out of The Bloodline and he says he's in. Paul says Solo Sikoa isn't here tonight and neither is Roman. Paul says there's in and there's "in". Paul says you aren't in until the tribal chief says you are in. He  tells Jimmy to handle AJ Styles business tonight and he will handle Jimmy Uso's business with the tribal chief. Paul says he will bring this family back together then walks past AJ Styles.

Paul tells AJ he has enough problems in his life to think of tangling with him. AJ grabs him and asks who he thinks he is. Jimmy then nails AJ from behind and throws him over a box. Jimmy then says "handle that AJ Styles business OG, easy". Paul then tells his phone to call Roman Reigns.

 Damage CTRL is mad and in the back. The interviewer asks about Asuka and Bayley says she needs to mind her business. Iyo says she's read for Asuka and says that's a challenge for the title.

LA Knight gets on the mic. LA talks about Miz's performance on Raw and says LA didn't come here to play (like Miz's music says). He says he's here to go straight to the top. He said Miz has played dress up and make believe with invisible John Cena. LA mocks his complaining about losing to LA due to Cena. LA says he didn't need Cena but says he did count the three. He says Miz must swallow the bitter pill. He goes to accept his challenge then Grayson Waller's music hits.

Waller comes out. He asks if that's really a good idea after Miz rammed through Cena. He brings out Austin Theory. Waller says they are the only tag team on the roster who is undefeated and could be the greatest tag team of all time. Theory says Cena helped LA beat Miz, and says he beat Cena. Theory then says he has also beat the megastar LA Knight. He says LA has just been here and tells him to take in his 15 minutes of fame. LA then kind of tells Theory he can get his keister kicked by him tonight. This should have worked but they talked too much and went too many different ways to make this effective.  

LA Knight vs Austin Theory

They lock up and Theory shoulders him over. LA running euros him then neckbreakers him. Theory suplexes him then LA slingshot shoulderblocks him. Theory goes out and LA bangs his head off the announcer's table. Theory back body drops him onto the apron and stunguns him during it. Theory then bridging neckbreakers him on the floor.

We go to break and return. Theory misses an elbow drop then LA russian legsweeps and ddt's him. LA running knees him in the corner then Theory rolls into a neckbreaker. Theory is back body dropped over the top then dropkicked through the ropes.

LA is suplexed on the floor then Waller takes off the top turnbuckle pad. LA powerslams him then elbow drops him. Waller gets on the apron then Theory rolls up LA for 2. LA hits the BFT and wins it.

This was an average match. Theory had two pretty cool moves that I hadn't seen before here with the backdrop into the stun gun and the roll into the neckbreaker.

Waller gets in the ring after and LA confronts him then Waller rolls out.

AJ Styles is interviewed in the back. AJ said Jimmy can jump him from behind as many times as he wants but nothing will stop him from tearing his head off tonight.

Paul Heyman talks to Adam Pearce in the back. He tells Adam that nobody should put his hands on the wise man. Paul wants to know who is getting traded to Raw and Adam says he doesn't make those decisions. LA Knight comes in and asks to make a match between him and The Miz. Adam sets it up for next week. Paul says he has never been formally introduced to LA Knight. He says he's a huge admirer of his work and says his, "Yeah!" phrase is catchy. Paul says the next time the guy outside the door tells him he is doing business to knock first. He asks if they are clear and LA gets in his face and says, "yeah". I don't get why they do this kind of stuff to LA. It's like some weird hazing ritual where they see how much they can bury him before people confirm their belief that he isn't a top guy.

Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio come out. Finn says nobody is better than them and tells us to take a look at the tag team champs. Finn says it's one year since Dom has joined with them and is the NXT North American champ. Dom tries to talk but is totally overtaken with boos. He says Rhea is in India for WWE Superstar Spectacle today (which didn't air anywhere).

Priest said they accomplished something that not even Reign or The Bloodline could do. They not only beat Zayn and Owens but took the tag titles from them. Dom gets booed super hard again and then is interrupted by The Brawling Brutes. Butch says its fight night. Ridge asks if Dom said he's the toughest in WWE. He said they want to put a new banner in Beantown. He said he made a habit of breaking fellas like Judgment Day and says it's no him they have to worry about, it's Butch.  Finn says he doesn't care about him and pokes him, then Butch splits and snaps his fingers. Judgment Day goes out and their match is up next.

The Brawling Brutes (Butch and Ridge Holland) vs Judgment Day  (Damian Priest and Finn Balor)

We join this in progress. Finn is dropping elbows on Butch's face then Butch tries to stomp Finn's fingers. Ridge spinning guillotines Finn then does a delayed butterfly suplex. Priest kicks Ridge from the apron and they shoulder battle. Priest jumping forearms him. Ridge lifts and drops both of his opponents at the same time then Priest hits a stiff clothesline on Ridge. Priest pounds on Ridge and we see Pretty Deadly watching in the back.

Finn scissors kicks Ridge then chinlocks him. Ridge throws Finn while he has a front facelock on him. Butch gets in and hits enzugiri's on Finn. Butch knee drops Finn's arm then shining wizards him. Butch 2nd rope moonsaults Priest and Finn outside. We return and Finn takes a superplex. Finn then elbow slices him. Priest kicks and spinkicks him then Ridge double arm suplexes him. Priest takes a double team for 2 then high kicks Butch for 2. 

Priest hits a headlock driver on Butch. Finn is tagged in and Butch rebound germans him. Butch grabs Rom on the apron and hits chest clubs then is rolled up. Finn sling blades him then shotgun dropkicks him into the buckles.  Finn misses a top rope double stomp then they trade kicks. Priest goes to chokeslam Butch but is kicked in mid-air. Ridge tackles Priest then is sitout side chokeslammed. Butch is chokeslammed onto Ridge then Finn top rope double stomps Ridge for the win.

The finish wasn't that great here though the match was more good than bad. I really didn't like Butch kicking out of a headlock driver.

The Judgment Day celebrate after then Lashley and The Street Profits head down to the ring. The 6 stare down. Bobby said The Bloodline is in trouble, but it won't be Judgment Day taking over, it'll be us.

The OC are in the back. Doc Gallows is doing impersonations of The Fink. AJ Styles comes in. He asks if they have any idea about what's going on. AJ asks if they saw Jimmy jump him from behind. Karl said he's sorry about that then AJ spikes his phone down and says, "you're sorry". Karl said they told him not to get in Bloodline's buisness and AJ said they always had each others back. AJ said he doesn't want them anywhere near his match tonight if this is how it's going to be.

Asuka does a promo for her match with Iyo in 2 weeks. She said they forgot about her and forgot she was a champ who never got a rematch. She said Iyo has her title and she says she will get the title back in 2 weeks. She says no one is ready for Asuka.

AJ Styles vs Jimmy Uso

Uso misses a superkick and is pounded on. Uso's leg is stuck on the middle rope and AJ sweeps him. Uso rolls him up and is caught using the ropes. AJ then decks him. AJ suplexes him then backbreakers him. AJ hits an enzugiri and Uso holds his nose after a punch. AJ goes for the styles clash and Uso rolls out.

AJ hits some punches then takes a back elbow. Uso rolls out again and poses then AJ baseball slides him. AJ takes a superkick while on the apron (and does a silly slide into it). Paul Heyman then comes out with Solo Sikoa. Uso is happy to see Solo then bangs AJ's head off the steps.

We go to break and return. AJ hits chops then takes a big back body drop. Uso hits a hip attack in the corner for 2. Uso chinlocks him and AJ elbows his way out of it. AJ is then brought down backwards. Uso slaps another chinlock on and AJ turns it into a backdrop on him. They slap each other on their knees then do it standing up. Uso spinning enzugiri's him then takes a pele kick. AJ lariats him over the top, right in front of Solo. AJ then plancha forearms him and stares down Solo.

AJ neckbreakers him over the knee then takes a superkick to the gut. Uso uppercuts him then headbutts him. AJ then backslides him into a ddt. AJ is superkicked on the apron then choked over the middle rope. AJ is down in front of Solo outside. Uso says something to Solo, Solo turns his back then AJ nails both. AJ pushes Uso into the post and hits a phenomenal forearm for the win.

This was a nothing match. Uso brought nothing to the table here. It was long, slow and one of the least eventual AJ matches I have ever seen.

AJ Styles is jumped by Damian Priest and Finn Balor after. They throw AJ in and then Solo hits a samoan spike on AJ to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show with only 4 matches in 2 hours, none of which were that good. Uso did not do much in the main event at all and gave AJ one of his most boring matches in a while. The rest of the show didn't have much of interest either.

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