Wednesday, September 6, 2023

WWE NXT 9/5/2023

WWE NXT 9/5/2023

Last week's show is here: 

 WWE NXT Women's Championship - Tiffany Stratton (c) vs Kiana James

They lock up and Tiff shoulders her over. Tiff limbos out of a lariat then KJ headflips out of a wristlock. KJ is arm thrown then cartwheels out. Tiff tries to pin her with her feet on the ropes but is caught. KJ tries to roll her up with the tights and is caught. Tiff hip attacks her against the middle rope.

Tiff has her head banged off the buckle the KJ hits corner spears. KJ pulls both of her arms back then KJ does it to her. Tiff double arm throws her then KJ running facekicks her.  The ref gets in the way of KJ and Tiff forearms KJ. Tiff hits a cartwheel backflip into an elbow and thye pull each other up off the mat from their backs. They then lariat each other at the same time.

Kiana hits the 401k then finlay rolls her. Tiff triple jump moonsaults and wins it.

This was short and the best match Kiana had ever done. This was done perfectly and KJ looked ever bit on the same level of Tiff. Kiana needed to show up here and she really did. This was good.

Becky Lynch gets on the tron next. She said she has won everything but the belt on her shoulder and Becky said it's time for her to come here since Tiff came to her show. Becky says she will face her next week in an NXT Title match.

We see Carmelo Hayes arrive at the same time as Wes Lee, though nothing happens.

They put the flags back up at the Diamond Mine Dojo. Julius says no more drama and goofing off. Julius says they invited the whole tag division and said it's time to climb the top of the mountain. Stacks and Tony D arrive and they are called Mario and Luigi. Julius thanks them for looking out for Ivy against Schism. Enofe and Blade then walk in. They said they were putting in work while the Creed's were goofing off. they say they will climb the mountain. Tony said they should stick around as it may be a long night.

Ilja Dragunov vs Oro Mensah

Ilja grabs an arm and through him. Oro headlocks him an takes a hip throw. Oro hits chops then takes forearms. Ilja flying knees him in the corner then 2nd rope kneedrops him. Ilja jumping kicks him and Oro asai moonsaults him.

Oro and Ilja trade forearms and Ilja goes for the tiger feint but is superkicked. Oro boots him in the corner then exploders him. We go to PiP break and return. Oro misses a flipping koppo kick then Ilja does his constantine special tiger feint into a lariat. Ilja germans him then does a uranage variation.

Oro hook kicks him in th head then spinning heel kicks him for 2. Ilja hits a nice enzugiri and a powerbomb. Ilja then hits the moscow torpedo and wins it.

It was shorter but very fast paced and action packed. Lots of stiff shots as expected and the two worked well together. 

 Ilja's music starts and Wes Lee comes out. Wes says to cut the music and says he gets the next crack at Carmelo. He said he will give him the first title defense. Ilja tells him he's the one who needs to wait. He says Carmelo is mine. They each make their case then Carmelo's music hits. Melo comes out and said he knows two dudes who he beat aren't talking about beating him. melo said he spoke with shawn Michaels and got all the advice he needed to hear. He says there is no asterisk next to their match and said Ilja took a risk and he took advantage. Melo said the same thing to Wes. Melo said next week, it's Wes Lee vs Ilja Dragunov with the winner getting a title match with Melo. He said he hopes they show mercy on each other because he won't.

Dominik Mysterio is reading the rule book in the back. He says it makes no sense and throws it.

Nathan Frazer is interviewed. He said he went viral for hooking his neck on the ropes. He said he has always been told to slow down but says he never will. He said he didn't get to NXT by holding back or slowing down and he's not going to start.

 Gigi, Thea, Jacy and Blair all talk in the back. Thea said she doesn't need Gigi to stand up for her. Gigi says she knows what Jacy is like and was just standing up for her. Thea says she's not a kid and will prove it tonight.

Global Heritage Invitational Group B - Nathan Frazer vs Duke Hudson

NF = Nathan Frazer

NF evades Duke then Duke backdrops him. Meta Four is in their lounge and it is decorated for winter. NF back elbows Duke off the apron then NF top rope flip dives him. Duke uranage's him out of the corner then NF is thrown hard into the buckles. Duke goes for a razor's edge and it is reversed into a hurricanrana. NF phoenix splashes him and wins it.

This was really fast paced and very short.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledge go up to The Creed's in the back. They said the trick to being a good team is talking to each other. They ask if they fought and they said they talk all the time. Lucian Price and Bronco Nima come in. They say they don't play games and they play to win. They said they won't go around them, they will go through them. Scrypts then walks in and says they have more than a common bond due to the streets and Scrypts said that is something he can relate to.

Tyler Bate vs Dabba Kato

 Bate hits forearms on him to start. Bate dropkicks him then takes a boot to the face. Kato pops him up and then puts him in a backbreaker. Bate 2nd rope euros him and just kind of bounces off. Bate goes for rebound lariats then airplane spins him. Bate then hits a spiral tap and wins it.

It was short and they put over Bate well here, letting him spin the big guy.

Dom talks to Melo in the back. He said it's hard being a champ and said he's about to pick....find out his opponent.

 We see Lyra and Roxanne Perez talk. They talk about the upcoming match and then say Becky is coming next week. Kiana James comes in mad. Perez tells her to relax and says she should be happy she got a title opportunity. She said she got the chance because she took it from her and will have no problem doing it again. they then fight.

Baron Corbin is interviewed about Von vs Bron tonight. He said they both got something and have to prove it tonight. He says both guys need to win and said he doesn't care who wins.  He said he will sit at commentary and might pick up the scraps.

The female interviewer tries to interview Tiffany, but she says no.

Special Guest Ref: Dominik Mysterio - Mustafa Ali vs  Dragon Lee

Lee is taken down and side headlocked. Ali bridges out of a pin then they both headflip up. Ali backflips off the ropes while holding hands with Lee. Lee then hits combinacion cabron. Lee escapes a suplex and topes him into the announcer's table. Ali does a stupid bauckshot off the table and lariats him then does a tornado ddt off the top. Lee superkicks Ali as he headstands in the corner then germans him.

Ali does a bad slingshot jackhammer. Lee then flips around him and does a sitout powerbomb. Ali then rolls him up out of nowhere and wins it.

It was a very indy match with big moves, dives, sloppiness and little logic. 

The announcers accuse Dom of doing a fast count, but it was not fast enough to be honest. Ali decks Dom after 

Ilja and Trick Williams meet up in the back. Ilja said he meant his words last week and said he was more than entertainer. He asks why he lied to Melo, saying he thought he could beat him. Trick said Melo could beat him and Ilja asks if he's sure about this. He said after he beats Wes, he can keep lying to his best friends or to himself.

We go to training with Gulak, Dempsey and Kemp. Myles Borne is yelled at for hanging around Briggs and Jensen. Kemp mocks him and Dempsey said he went behind their backs. He said he just wanted a chance to compete. Gulak and Dempsey say he's not ready yet. Gulak tells him that next week might be his only chance to make a good impression, so he better make it count.

We see clips last week of Eddy Thorpe cutting a promo on Dijak outside. He said they aren't done and said Dijak had to cheat to win.

Global Heritage Invitational - Axiom vs Butch


Ax rolls and grabs a leg. Butch pulls back on his arm and they end up doing a stand off. Butch ties his leg up. Ax runs hte ropes and takes a stiff lariat. Ax armdrags him off the 2nd rope then dropkicks him. Butch does a standing orange crush and baseball slides him. Butch then armbars him around the bottom rope.

We go to break and return. Butch mounted forearm flurries him and hits slaps. Ax dropkicks him then does a fisherman suplex. Ax northern lights suplexes him but standing moonsaults himself into a triangle. Butch hits reverse curbstomps then Ax headbutts him in the chest. They reverse armbar attempts and Butch rebound germans him. Ax forearms him then hits a high kick. Ax enzugiri's him and 2 minutes are left in the time limit.

Ax blows a moonsault off the ropes and is knee'd in the face. Butch then sitout powerbombs him. Butch moonsaults off the top and is superkicked then Ax hits a golden ratio kick but Butch's arm is under the bottom rope. Butch hits a bitter end and the time limit expires. This is a draw.

This was very fast paced and maybe too fast at points. Some of the spots really didn't make much sense like Dunne trying to moonsault to nothing and Ax had a rough botch here.

Von was talking to an unknown thing/person. He talks about how this will hurt him more than the thing/person. It is eventually revealed to be a table. Mr. Stone walks in and asks if he's ready for tonight and he says yes as Bron will get his @ss tabled.

Von was talking to an unknown thing/person. He talks about how this will hurt him more than the thing/person. It is eventually revealed to be a table. Mr. Stone walks in and asks if he's ready for tonight and he says yes as Bron will get his @ss tabled.

Tony D and Stacks talk in the back. They say a lot of teams showed up to this gathering and they said it's a lot of viable competition. Carrillo and Garza then walk in and said they will take the tag titles. Tony D says they don't want to come in there and threaten them. Tony threatens them and Garza punches Tony, then a massive brawl breaks out.

Thea Hail with Jacy Jayne vs Gigi Dolin

Thea tries to fire up and Jacy kind of stops her. Gigi side headlocks her and shoulders her over. Gigi backslides her for 2. Thea spinning headscissors her then takes a hip attack against the ropes. Thea exploders her then hits some strikes.  Gigi buzzsaw kicks her then does downward pendulum kicks her. Thea kimura's her then Gigi sends her into the post outside. Gigi sto's her on the floor then Blair Davenporn comes down and flatliners Gigi on the floor. Thea then kimura's Gigi and taps her out.

It was short and nothing special with interference.

Lya Valkyria and Kiana James talk in the back. Kiana is upset at her loss last week and Lyra tells her not to worry. Dana Brooke comes in and is worried about why Lyra is here. Dana says she doesn't want Kiana's head getting filled up with things he doesn't need to hear. Dana and Lyra challenge each other to a match and Lyra says maybe Kiana should get better friends.

Tiffany Stratton says Becky Lynch's career was going nowhere a few years ago. She said she may be Big Time Becks in her world, but says Tiff is the center of the universe in her world. She said the NXT Title is not going anywhere next week and says, "See you next Tuesday, b!tch".

No Disqualification - Von Wagner vs Bron Breakker


They go after each other to start and Bron shoulders him over. Bron lariats him over the top and goes with him over. Von bangs Bron's head off the announcer's table then throws him over it. Von shoulders Bron over back in the ring and lariats him over the top, going with him. Von blocks a chair shot and is german suplexed on the floor.

We go to PiP break and Von hits him with a kendo stick as we return. Von hits headbutts on Bron then short arm lariats him. Bron hits a nice lariat then waistlocks him. Von misses a face kick but it is sold anyway then Bron captures his leg and powerbombs him. Bron works on the ribs then diving bulldogs him off the top. Von puts him in the camel clutch with a kendo stick.

Von fights out then puts the stick in Bron's mouth. Bron fireman's carry gutbusters him then Bron spears a chair between the buckles. Von hits Bron with the kendo stick then chairs him. Von chokeslams Bron then throws him into the riser wall outside. Von pop-up powerbombs Bron through a table and Bron low blows him. Bron then spears him and wins it.

Bron chairs Von after and throws him into the steps. Bron then guillotines Von as he puts his head on the steps and drops the other part of the steps on it. The camera's went to black though so we didn't see it.

I didn't like this at all. Von missed a bunch of facekicks and they didn't sell the table or riser spots much at all when they should have taken someone out.

Overall thoughts: The opener was perfect and the main was flawed. You don't see that a lot. This was a wrestling heavy show and I thought the good and the bad kind of evened itself out here sadly.

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