Tuesday, September 5, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/4/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/4/2023

Jey Uso comes out through the stands to talk. He said he has only been gone 2-3 weeks but it feels longer. He says he has hit his breaking point fighting his family on TV every week. He says they are "Family Feud for real". He says Cody Rhodes then called him and says he's by himself on Raw now. Sami Zayn then comes out. He says it's crazy to see him standing here and says there's a lot of people who will have a problem with him being there. Sami said Kevin Owens isn't here and this is about Sami and Jey. He says he's happy Jey is here.

Sami says Jey broke free and is truly Main Event Jey Uso now. He said he's proud of him. Sami offers to shake hands and Jey doesn't. Sami goes to leave and Jey says that wasn't very ucey of him. Jey then offers the handshake and they hug in a nice segment.

Drew McIntyre's music hits. Drew and Jey stare down and Sami separates them. Matt Riddle then walks down and stares at Jey.

Tornado Tag Team Match - Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle vs The Viking Raiders

Ivar is pounded on by both opponents to start. Drew spinebusters Ivar then flips Riddle onto him. Ivar butt drops Riddle in the corner then Erik comes in to help. Matt is whipped into knees and all four fight. The Raiders are thrown out and Drew belly to belly suplexes Riddle over the top onto them. Riddle calls for tables then Drew makes him get them.

We go to PiP break and return. Ivar takes a double superplex off the 2nd rope. Riddle is then whipped into a forearm for 2. Drew gets in and flying shoulders Ivar then belly to belly's Erik. Both Raiders then take neckbreakers from Drew.  Drew death valley drivers Erik.

Drew fights The Raiders outside and Ivar is thrown over the commentator's table. Erik takes a belly to belly on the floor then Ivar splashes Drew off the table. Riddle goes up top and Val distracts him. Kofi Kingston comes down to help Riddle and hits shots on the Raiders. Kofi ends up nailing Riddle on accident. Kofi is battering rammed into Drew then Riddle takes a double powerbomb through a table. The Raiders then pin Riddle.

It was on the shorter end but it had a lot of highlights and was an entertaining match.

We get a package on the history of the Intercontinental Title.

Seth Rollins comes out to talk. Seth said he didn't know if he could beat Nakamura but was able to. He said Nakamura walked out of the building though and he got pushed out in a wheel chair. He then calls Nakamura out. Nakamura stays in the entrance way and gives him goofy looks. Seth says they should have a title rematch right now. Nakamura talks in Japanese. Seth assumes he accepts the challenge and asks him what he is waiting for. Nakamura then says no. Seth then goes after him and they fight. Security has to break it up.

It was a weird segment and they didn't explain why Nakamura wouldn't want a rematch. 

Adam Pearce and Seth Rollins argue in the back. Adam says he's going to fast and he wants to protect him from himself. Seth says he wants a rematch.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Ricochet

SN = Shinsuke Nakamura, Ric = Ricochet

SN rolls out and Ric goes after him. Ric flips using the apron and hits some shots outside. Ric flips and rolls in then does a nice headscissors. Ric is then tripped on the middle rope and SN hits Kawada kicks to the back of the head as he hangs. SN knee drops him off the buckles while Ric hangs.

SN sliding germans him. We go to PiP break and return. SN grounded cobra twists him the running knees him in the gut. Ric handspring back elbows him then bodyscissors him. Ric kicks the top buckle as his head is on it then springboard lariats him. Ric standing ssp's him for 2. Ric misses a 450, they miss spin kicks then SN spinning high kicks him. Ric hits a single leg codebreaker for 2. SN knees him while he lays on the top rope then knees him as he hangs off the apron.

Ric superkicks him from the apron then barely hits a flip dive from the apron. Ric's back is pushed into the post then he is put into the rails. SN is back body dropped into the timekeepers area then SN chairs him and gets dq'd.

The ending was lame and even in kayfabe, the explanation was weak since SN was far from being in trouble. It wasn't the best match they could have had but they matched up okay together and it was decent.

SN goes to do more damage to Ric after then Seth Rollins comes down after him. Security breaks it up and Seth tope con hilos security and SN. SN puts Seth into the steps then Ric saves Seth.

Damian Priest considers cashing the MITB briefcase in and Rhea says not tonight.

Zoey Stark is interviewed and said nobody pushes Zoey Stark. Shayna Baszler walks in and said she wishes she dropped Trish a while ago. Zoey challengers her tonight to see who the baddest woman is in WWE. Baszler says if she thinks she has more to show her, then come out and show her.

The Judgment Day comes out to talk. Dom says they did what Rhea told them and brought back all the gold. Finn says he and Priest had issues, but they are now undisputed tag champs of the world. Finn also shouts out JD McDonaugh for always having his back. Finn then thanks himself for becoming "Grand Slam Finn". Rhea brings up Jey Uso coming to Raw and said The Bloodline has fallen while Judgment Day has risen as the most dominant faction.

JD McDonaugh then comes out and Priest tells him to make it good. JD says he took a bullet for them on Saturday and should be able to explain why he's out here. JD said Rhea said they needed big changes in The Judgment Day. JD says Priest's MITB briefcase has to go. He says he doesn't need it. JD then gives him a "Senor Money in the Bank" briefcase. Priest holds it up

Sami Zayn then comes out. Sami asks if they think Sami and Owens will just let them slide for taking 5 people to beat them. he calls them "5 championship stealing turds". He said a special beating is deserved for the biggest turd of them all, Dominik Mysterio. He challenges him and JD turns down the challenge for Dom. JD says to fight him instead. He says nobody deserves a bigge @ss kicking than JD and says he will get one tonight.

We get another video on past Intercontinental champs.

Gunther does a promo. He says Chad Gable thinks he can stand in the way of him and his legacy. He says history will be made and Chad does not belong in the history books. He says his fairy tale story is temporary while his legacy is forever. He says he will go down as the greatest and longest reigning IC champ.

Raquel Rodriguez talks to Adam Pearce in the back. She says she wants to get on the same page and Adam says he will try to make something official for her. Chelsea Green then walks in and says she does not wait in line behind sasquatches like Raquel. Adam says Green's partner Piper Viven is not able to compete. Green talks about the titles being cursed and Adam asks if she ever thought about it not being the titles that were cursed. Green talks trash about Raquel, Raquel hears it and Pearce says they are fighting tonight. Raquel says she will see her in the ring tonight.

Zoey Stark vs Shayna Baszler

SB = Shayna Baszler

SB takes her down and hits a shoulderblock. Zoey dropkicks her then side headlocks her. SB stomps her arm into the mat then goes for a choke. Zoey slides out then rolls her up. Zoey superkicks her out of the ring and goes out after her. SB chokes her outside and has her back rammed into the apron and announcer's table. Zoey plancha's her and we go to PiP break.

We return and Zoey germans her. Zoey kips up and springboard dropkicks her for 2. SB chokes her and Zoey flips her. SB rolls out then Zoey splashes her from the top. Zoey misses a seated springboard corkscrew off the ropes and SB chokes her again. SB then wins via choke.

This was short and to the point with Baszler going for chokes and not a lot else.

They have words about Ronda and Trish after and pound fists.

The Judgment Day talks in the back. Finn says JD should become a member. Priest says he needs to prove himself still and Finn says they might not be tag champs if it's not for JD. Dom says he's cool with whatever and Rhea says let's see how he does against Sami tonight. Finn asks Priest if he wants to help. Rhea says she needs Dom to make sure everything with Dom goes according to plan tonight.

Raquel Rodriguez vs Chelsea Green 

RR = Raquel Rodriguez

Green tries to escape and is caught. RR waistlocks her and ragdolls her before throwing her down. Green clubs her back then takes a facekick and a fallaway slam. Green pulls her neck over the top rope. Green goes to top rope crossbody her but is caught. Green slaps her then takes a stiff lariat. RR then shoulder powerbombs her and gets the win in a quick squash.

Raquel gets on the mic after. She says she is getting her rematch due to interference from Dominik Mysterio and says he will be barred from ringside during the match. She says she will see Rhea next week for the title.

We get more of the history of the Intercontinental Title.

Alpha Acadeny talk in the back. Chad says he is already in the history books for being an olympian and for winning every tag title in the company. He says he will prove that he is more than just a tag team specialist and says the world will see that his desire to tak the IC title from Gunther is stronger than Gunther's desire to keep it.

Drew McIntyre is in the back. He is looking for Kofi and it sounds like "coffee". He sees Riddle and Riddle tells him to calm down. Drew said Jey and his family have caused problems for both of them. Kofi then comes in and says he was worry as it was an accident. riddle says it's cool and Drew says it's not. Kofi brings up how Drew had some accidents too. Drew says he will keep his eye open in case anymore accidents happen around here. Kofi tells Riddle to talk to his boy.

Miz TV

Miz said he did not lose at Payback and was robbed. He said he exposed LA Knight and says he will bring out the man who will right this wrong. Miz then brings out John Cena. Cena's music hits and nobody comes out. They say it's because "you can't see him". Miz tells the chair that Cena screwed him over.

Miz asks if we "can't see him" and Miz insists her is sitting right there. Miz says he has been able to see Cena and has been able to see through him. Miz asks invisible Cena if he conspired with LA Knight. The fans say, "Yeah!". Miz says if the fans want to say something affirmative, they should just nod their head instead. Miz tells invisible Cena to get out of the ring and pretends to be pushed by invisible Cena.

Miz hits a skull crushing finale on invisible Cena and said what happened to him was not invisible for imaginary. He challenges LA to a one on one match with no special refs or surprises. He says LA will fade away and says his future successes will be as realistic as invisible John Cena. He says LA's fairy tale will go down by him.

This was a bizarre segment. 

 Jey walks into Tozawa in the back. Tozawa is scared. Adam Pearce comes up to Jey and said someone will be traded for him because he left SD and it may p!ss people off.

Tomasso Ciampa then wants to talk to Pearce.

JD McDonaugh vs Sami Zayn

JD goes outside the ring to start. Sami flips JD with his feet then JD is thrown into the buckles. Sami pounds on JD then is pulled down over the top rope. JD hits a stiff lariat over Sami's neck then hits forearms to it. Sami hits chops. JD is whipped into the buckles and lands on the floor.

Sami's back is rammed into the apron and his head is banged off the apron and announcer's table. Sami goes into the post and we go to PiP break. Sami hits a stiff lariat and hits corner punches. JD is back body dropped then Sami michinoku drivers him for 2. Sami exploders him in the corner and Dom Mysterio pulls JD out of the ring. Sami goes after Dom and hits him on the announcer's table.

Sami knocks Dom off the apron and JD rolls up Sami with the tights to win it.

What we got of this wasn't bad at all, but it was short and had interference. Sami goes after Dom after. Sami exploders Dom in the corner and JD pulls him out before he can do more. JD tells him to go then takes a corner exploder. Sami hits a helluva kick on JD and the segment ends.

We get photos of more former IC champs.

JD goes up to Judgment Day. Priest said JD did alright. Dom then goes over to Jey Uso. He said they both come from messed up families and he knows what he is going through. Jey doesn't really seem to buy it. Dom says nobodyu liked him just like nobody likes him. Dom says we're all equals and if Jey wants, there's always open arms for him in Judgment Day. Dom tells him to think on it and thanks him for his time.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Gunther (c) vs Chad Gable

Gunther throws Gable then side headlock takedowns him. Gable gives him a clean break and makes Gunther chase him. Gable dropkicks him off the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Gable dragon screws him on the apron then leglocks him on the apron.

Gunther facekicks him then chops him down hard. Gable chop and forearm flurries him then is chopped over the top rope. Gunther foot chokes him over the top rope. We go to another PiP break and return.

Gable headscissors him over the top then germans him on the floor. Gunther jack knife powerbombs him. Gable gets chopped from the 2nd rope and top rope superplexes Gunther. Gable top rope splashes him for 2. Gable then puts an ankle lock on him.

Gable backdrops him then hits a nice chaos theory german for 2. Gable top rope moonsaults, Gunther gets his foot up and Gable turns it into an ankle lock. Gunther gets his back for a sleeper and Gable rolls through. Gunther hits a nasty release sleeper suplex then jack knife powerbombs him. Gunther then lariats him for the win.

It was a good match that was cut up by 2 breaks. It was what you would want with Gunther bullying him around and Gable being the fun underdog. Pretty good work here with a lot of highlights.

Gunther becomes the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion with this win. We then see Gable's kids cry.

Overall thoughts: The wrestling was good but some of the segments were odd like Miz talking to Invisible Cena and Nakamura turning down a title shot for no real reason. The main was really cut up by the breaks unfortunately and it's a shame as what we did see was good. The women weren't that great but it's hard to complain about starting the show off with Drew/Riddle vs The Viking Raiders and Nakamura/Ricochet.

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