Wednesday, September 13, 2023

STARDOM 9/9/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 15

STARDOM 9/9/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 15

HANAKO & Miyu Amasaki vs. Queen's Quest (Hina & Lady C)

Hana and C start us off and lock up. They shoulder battle and Hana hits a chest forearm flurry. C russian legsweeps her then drops a knee on her. Hana is tripped into a double basement dropkick with Hina taking her good ol time to go for the pin. Hina camel clutches Hana then C puts Miyu in the cobra twist.

Hana slams Hina then Miyu ddt's Hina. Miyu ties up her arms and neck then Hina ropebreaks. Miyu takes a double team inb the corner then Hina dropkicks Miyu. Hina monkey flips Miyu  then does a wrist-clutch backdrop. Hana rams Hina into the buckles the Miyu cartwheel back elbows Hina. Miyu then pendulum ddt's Hina for 2.

Hina and Miyu trade forearms then Hina hip throws and sto's her. Miyu takes an sto + russian legsweep combo then Hina hits her wrist clutch slam on Miyu. Miyu does a wrist clutch pin attempt on Hina and wins it.

It was short, very very basic and nothing special at all.

 Megan Bayne & Mei Seira vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama)

May calls for Meg and tries to touch her hair. Meg swats her away. Mei defends Meg. Mei and May start us off. Mey cradles her then is reversed. May armdrags her then puts her in la magistral. May spinning backbreakers Mei.

Mei takes a sandwich basement dropkick and Mei spanks Waka on her hip attack attempt. Mei hair throws Waka then Meg hits corner spears on Waka. Meg rams Waka into the buckles then suplexes her down. Mei suplexes Waka then Waka crossbodies her. May chops Mei then chop flurries her. May handstand hurricanrana's Mei off the top then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

Mei dropkicks May then is sto'd from the 2nd rope by Waka. May backdrops Mei then Meg deadlift germans May. Meg drags Mei to the corner for the tag then corner lariats May. May spinning headscissors Meg then Waka hits a chest forearm flurry on Meg. Meg does a fallaway slam and samoan drop combo on both opponents.

Waka hits forearms on May and goes nowhere then is dropped with one. Wak gets on Meg's back and is thrown down. Meg sky highs her for 2. Mei dropkicks May then Meg throws her on her outside. Meg F-5's Waka and wins it.

It was exactly as you would expect and not much else. No real surprises here and just the girls hitting their usual spots.

Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs. God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Yuna back body drops Saki early then Saki trips her into the 2nd rope. Saki then kicks the rope with her face on it. Saki starts selling her back hard, kick's Yuna in her back and holds her leg after. Syuri snapmares Yuna then kicks her in the back. Syuri hits more kicks to Yuna's back and stomps her.

Yuna hits a forearm flurry on Syuri to the chest then is facekicked. Yuna dropkicks her. Poi running headhunters Syuri  then Poi cartwheels into an armdrag. Poi dropkicks both opponents through the ropes then trads forearms with Syuri.

Poi ducks Syuri's kics then poses and gets hit with one. Saki 2nd rope double stomps Poi then Saki tries to roll her up. Poi superkicks and spinkicks Saki then Yuna flying shoulders Saki. Yuna dropkicks Saki then Poi top rope crossbodies both opponents. Saki takes a back body drop + headhunter combo then Yuna sliding lariats her for 2.

Saki uppercut palm strikes Yuna then takes a cradle shock. Poi basement dropkicks Saki and Yuna tries to pin Saki for 2.  Yuna lariats Saki for 2. Syuri high kicks Yuna then Saki rolls up Yuna to win.

It was short and nothing too great. It didn't have enough time and I don't know what Saki's current gimmick is with being hurt all the time, but it doesn't translate to good matches.

 Oedo Tai (Fukigen Death, Natsuko Tora & Rina) vs. STARS (Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo)

Kog = Koguma

Kog gets Death to her taunt with her. Kog wants a high five after and Death kicks her. Kog drops down and Death bends down like she is smoking. The ref throws the invisible cigarette down and steps on it. Death eye pokes Kog and Kog sends Death and her newspaper flying. Rina trips Kog then hip throws her. Tora splashes Kog and Rina gets on Tora's back for a double splash.

Kog ddt's Tora. Mayu dropkicks Tora then Tora eye rakes and samoan drops her. Tora sentons her and Rina gets in. Rina double knees Mayu in the corner the shotgun dropkicks her. Rina does a nice northern lights suplex to Mayu for 2. Kog cutters Rina then Mayu flips Kog into a splash on Rina.

Mayu takes corner moves then Tora cradle shocks Mayu. Momo finally gets in and is thrown out by Tora immediately as Rina and Mayu fight. Mayu is irish whipped and topes outside. Kog then top rope crossbodies Rina. Mayu top rope double stomps Rina. Mayu superkicks Rina then puts her in a standing dragon sleeper and wins it.

This was a waste of time and we got to see everyone except Momo do an exchange before this ended. They mailed this one in.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Saori Anou vs. MIRAI

Anou cartwheels out of a wristlock. Mirai side headlock takedowns her and they stare down. They do a test of strength. Anou birdges and Mirai kneels on top of her. Anou axe kicks her back then headscissors her. Anou is thrown down from the top rope then Mirai shoulders her over several times.

Mirai slams Anou for 2 then Mirai puts her knee in Anou's back and pulls on her chin. Anou step up enzugiri's her then hits foot slaps to the head. Mirai runs the ropes fast and shoulders her over. Mirai corner lariats her then top rope dropkicks her.

They trade forearms and Mirai hits a forearm flurry. Anou step up enzugiri's her then takes a sliding flatliner. Anou 2nd rope hurricanrana's her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Anou straightjacket chokes her then germans her. Mirai hits a short arm lariat.

Mirai hits her angle slam esque suplex then half-nelson slams her for 2. Mirai double axe handles her then hammerlock suplexes her. Mirai airplane spins her, Anou gets out then takes a sitout fireman's carry slam for 2. Anou backslides her then wins it.

This was far from either girls best work and it was disappointing. I don't even think we got a good Mirai lariat here.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Hazuki vs. Starlight Kid

Haz = Hazuki

Kid jumps Haz during her entrance off camera. Haz is thrown into the chairs then thrown hard into a door. They trade forearms in the aisle way in the crowd and Kid spinning headscissors her in the aisle way. Kid bang's Haz's knee off the floor then puts her in a stretch muffler. Haz is then kicked down the stairs and thrown over the rail.

Kid slams Haz on the mats on the floor then dumps water on her. Kid facewash kicks Haz against the ropes then basement dropkicks her. Haz running facekicks Kid and hits facewash kicks. Haz half-nelson slams her then sentons her. Haz hits a 2nd rope dropkick for 2 and puts her in a crossface.

Kid pulls Haz's leg down over the 2nd rope then standing moonsaults her for 2. Kid puts her in another stretch muffler and Haz ropebreaks. Kid dropkicks Haz in the back then double knees her against the ropes. Kid gets stuck on the 2nd rope and is codebreakered. Haz 2nd rope sentons her.

Haz misses a top rope senton and is put into another stretch muffler. Kid fisherman suplexes Haz for 2 then does another. Kid top rope moonsaults her then does a twisting splash off the top onto her knee. Kid stretch mufflers Haz again and tries a pin attempt. Haz then puts her in la magistral and wins it.

Haz had her knee worked on most of the match but didn't really sell it that much here and that brought this down. They shouldn't have even tried that match anyway considering how much these two fly around.

Kid puts Haz in the stretch muffler again after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Tam Nakano vs. Suzu Suzuki

They grab each other to start and then trade forearms. Tam bridges out of a lariat then dropkicks her. Tam takes a cutter over the top rope then G hits a drive by sliding dropkick. Tam flying double knees her in the back of the head then pumping knees her on the ropes. Tam facewash kicks her under the top rope connector then does a choke from there. They slap each other and Tam is snapmared from the buckles to the apron.

Suzu bangs Tam's head off the sign on the wall then Tam does it to her. Tam's head is banged off the sign again. Tam then has her head banged off the apron. Suzu top rope dropkicks her then hits a forearm combo. Suzu then running dropkicks her while she is kneeling. They attack each other on the ropes then Suzu germans her. Tam germans her then is release german'd. Tam then germans her again.

They forearm each other at the same time then high kick each other at the same time. Tam spinning high kicks her then tiger suplexes her. Tam then flying knees her. Suzu hits kicks to the head then hits a tequila shot for 2. They go up top and Suzu half-nelson bombs her off the 2nd rope. Suzu germans her then Tam rolls her up. Suzu germans her twice and wins it.

The two matched up well and I thought it was a good match. They hit a lot of germans here and Tam took a nasty snapmare from the top to the apron.

Suzu puts her foot on Tam's head after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Giulia vs. Maika


G = Giulia

G rolls out of a wristlock then puts an octopus on her in mid-air. Maika fallaway slam her to get out of it. Maika is thrown into chairs outside and the two grab each other by the hair. G chairs her then Maika suplexes G on the seating platform. They get back in the ring and trade forearms. G rolls her into an STF then basement dropkicks her. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her then holds on for 2 more suplexes. Maika lariats and sto's her for 2.

G germans her then Maika does her weird head and leg spin drop. Maika then hits her powerslam into a twisting side drop. G rolling indian deathlocks her then slaps her. G facelocks her while putting the indian deathlock on. G then hammerlock clutch belly to belly suplexes her. Maika drops her with a straight punch then powerbombs her for 2.

Maika misses a lariat then takes a hook and backdrop. G back rolls her and Maika reverses it into a pin attempt. G hits forearms and slaps then G hits a glorious driver for 1. G knees her and they fight up top. G top rope double underhook suplexes her then brainbusters her for the win.

The match was kind of one sided in Giulia's favor and ended far sooner than I had expected. This was far from their best work and was an underwhelming match.

G gets on the mic after and says we don't have to do the generational warfare anymor.e She says Maika is the best friendly competition and tells her to keep up the good work. Suzu Suzuki comes in and rips her for not winning. Maika says she will get he rrevenge on Giulia and says her and Suzu will change for Maika's trios titles. Suzu asks why she has to team with her and says she's crazy. Maika say all she does is run her mouth and Suzu makes her promise that they will win. They say they need a third person though and decide on Megan Bayne at the same time. Giulia asks if it's Megan and doesn't seem excited about that possbility. Giulia then asks if Megan even understands that she's been nominated for this match. Giulia says she think will about it after the Dream Tag Team PPV. Giulia says her and Suzu will be the top team at the Dream Tag Team PPV. Giulia then says she only has 2 matches left in the GP and is aiming to be the first back to back GP winner in history. 

Overall thoughts: They had a PPV the day after this so they all took it easy. None of the matches really delivered and it was a disappointing show.

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