Wednesday, September 13, 2023

AEW Dynamite 9/13/2023

AEW Dynamite 9/13/2023

Last week's show is here: 

AEW International Title - Jon Moxley (c) vs Big Bill

Mox hits various strikes and is pushed out from the corner. Bill uppercuts him then hits mounted punches. Bill chest slaps him then hits a fallaway slam. Bill pounds on him outside then is thrown into the steps. Mox is then thrown over a table. We then go to PiP break.

We return and Mox is busted open. Mox rakes Bill's bacne up top then superplexes him. Bill hits a black hole slam on Mox for 2. Mox blocks a facekick and lariats him for 2. Mox hits a flurry of elbows then cutters Bill. Bill rolls out.

Mox goes up top and is crotched on the top rope by Ricky Starks. Bill running facekicks Mox for 2. Bryan Danielson comes out and hits punches on Starks. Mox rolls up Bill for 2. Bill chokeslams Mox for 2. Bill pounds on Mox then Mox triangles him. Mox taps him out for the win.

I didn't like Bill tapping out here. It was a little slow and not particularly impressive. Bill's offense didn't look that great.

Starks beats up Danielson after then uses his shoe on Mox. Claudio Castagnoli comes down and helps fights off Bill and Starks. No idea if this means  the BCC are faces now and how this will affect CC's ROH booking is unknown.

Renee interviews Roderick Strong and The Kingdom. She says last time they fought Strong was nearly put on the shelf. Cole comes in and tells Strong this is a bad idea. Strong mocks Cole for taking so long to care. Strong says Kingdom believes in him and Cole only believes in MJF. Strong says he will beat Joe then break MJF's back because he is a wrestling legend.

Tony Schiavone brings out Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita . A painting is sitting there. Don said they beat Kenny twice in a week and deserve respect. Don says when you are the best wrestler in a promotion, you are called an ace. He says KT is better than all other aces. He said he shouldn't be called the ace but The Alpha. He says we will all refer to him as The Alpha from now on.

Don says he feels nothing for Omega. He says when you are The Alpha, you take. He said they broke Omega's body and now they break his heart. Don then reveals the painting and says Kota Ibushi will be the next target. KT is trying to stab Ibushi with a sword in the painting. Don says they will butcher, skin and burn Ibushi. Don calls him a cuck then shoves a screwdriver into Ibushi's head on the painting.

The BCC are interviewed. Bryan says they love it when things escalate and have a challenge for Big Bill and Ricky starks. Bryan says him and CC will fight them on Collision. Mox says his and CC's title matches will be easy work and a day off. Rey Fenix, Alex, Penta, Eddie and security then come in. Fenix says he will beat Mox next week. Eddie and CC stare down and Eddie says one more week. 

Renee interviews Hook. Orange Cassidy comes in. He says he is walking around and saw Hook mad about something. He doesn't know why he is mad when he has a championship and doesn't have tape on his body. OC said he used to have one. Hook says he was a great champ and they fist bump. OC then says he is still so tired.

I will not be covering the four way.

Saraya and Ruby Soho are interviewed. Saraya said Toni was the champ going into All In last year and is now in Saraya's shoes. She says Toni will lose the match at Grand Slam and will be left with nothing.


Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara come out. Jericho says he will fight Sammy for the first time. Jericho said thye have been together for 4 years, through highs and lows and we see a video package on their history. Sammy said he still doesn't know the words to Judas. Jericho said he was watching the NWA 70th Anniversary PPV and saw a kid on the prelims named Sammy Guevara. Jericho then told Tony they needed to sign him.

Sammy said he doesn't want to talk trash about him as he is his friend and inspires him. He thanks Jericho and says there is no AEW without Jericho. Sammy said he didn't come to AEW to be Jericho's sidekick and needs to beat him to get out of his shadow. Jericho said him and Garcia have to do it on their own if they want to get to the next level. Jericho says Sammy has to beat him and says he will have to be better than he has ever been before. Jericho says he's not ready to beat him yet. Sammy says there it is and says that's why he needs to beat him. Sammy said he will earn his respect, they will shake hands and win tag team titles. They shake hands and Jericho pulls him in. Jericho says he will give him the match of his life and says he will beat the hell out of him. He says he will punch him harder than he has punched anyone else in his life and expects the same thing from him. Sammy says he wouldn't want it any other way. I thought this was a decent segment that made me want to see the match. 

We see clips from last week with MJF and Cole in the locker room with Renee. MJF is told he can't travel next week and MJF is happy as he gets the week off. MJF says Strong is faking his neck injury and says he will rip his head off and shove it up his butt. MJF says he is manipulative, a wet blanket and a 3rd wheel. He says he isn't afraid of Samoa Joe. He says its not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog. He says he has a lot of fight and says he will choke out Joe if they fight. MJF then quotes Scott Steiner's math promo.

Brian Cage vs Adam Page

Cage hits corner lariats then takes a boot. Page facekicks him then is shouldered over. Cage is pulled onto the apron and Page 2nd rope lariats him. Page plancha's Cage, is caught and rammed into the post. Cage is then hurricanrana'd into the post. Page plancha's Cage then Cage chokes him over the 2nd rope. Cage pops him up and is hurricanrana'd. Page then hits a 619.

Page is on the apron then Swerve comes down the ramp. Cage hits Page and 2nd rope deadlift germans him in the ring. We then go to PiP break and return. Page takes a swinging half-nelson slam. Cage hits a powerslam then 2nd misses a 2nd rope moonsault. Page fires up and hits a forearm flurry. Page lariats him over the top and goes with him. Cage takes a crucifix bomb and rolls out.

Pager dropkicks Cage through the ropes then moonsaults him off the top to the floor. Page top rope frogsplash crossbodies him for 2. Cage germans Page. Cage catches Page's F-5 and tries to F-5 him, but Page rolls him up off of it. Page then hits a deadeye and wins.

I wasn't a big fan of this one and didn't like Cage losing, though it was expected. This went a little longer than it needed to.

Page gets on the mic after and said he doesn't think Swerve has balls. Swerve says, "what up, turd". Swerve said it sounds like fighting words and says they fight when and where he says. He says they will do this at Wrestledream in Seattle and says he will make sure he doesn't get comfortable by the time he gets there.

Cage then jumps Page and Nana gets some shots in. Nana daces then The Young Bucks superkick Cage. One of them mocks Nana's dancing then Nana takes a double superkick.

Daniel Garcia is interviewed. He doesn't want to talk about Jericho and Sammy. He says one of the Arizona Cardinals did his dance this week and says he went viral 4 times in one month. Don Callis then walks in and tries to sell Garcia on joining him. Garcia then dances in front of him and walks out. Don says, "wow, that's money" and then says, "let's get some of that money".

We see clips of Jade Cargill's return.

Nick Wayne and Darby Allin vs Matt Menard and Angelo Parker

Parker and Nick start us off. Christian Cage's music then hits. Nick is beat up from behind and Parker bulldogs him. Menard backbreakers him then Prker suplexes him. Menard powerbombs Nick and we go to PiP break. We return and Nick uros Menard. Nick tags Darby in and Darby 2nd rope coffin drops both oppponents. Darby hits a code red on Parker for 2.  Nick os cutters Parker then Darby flip dives onto Menard from the apron. Darby and Nick both of up top. Nick hits a moonsault to the outside and Darby hits a coffin drop off the top onto Menard. Darby gets the win.

It was short and there wasn't anything wrong with it.

Christian gets on the mic after. He says Nick's mom doesn't post enough bikini picks on instagram. Christian calls for him and Lucha vs Darby and Sting at Grand Slam. 

Grand Slam Tournament Final - Roderick Strong vs Samoa Joe

Joe pushes Strong down to start and Strong plays around outside the ring. Joe chases him outside and takes chops inside. Joe then running shoulders him over. Joe hits a punch flurry and we go to break.

We return and Joe is in control, choking him over the 2nd rope. Strong pounds on his back then running boots him. Strong 2nd rope dropkicks him. Joe hits an atomic drop then running facekicks and sentons him. Joe powerslams him then Strong hits flying forearms. Strong step up knees him then flying lariats him. Joe hits a stiff uranage out of the corner.

Joe nails Bennett on the apron then Strong hits an olympic slam and flying facekick on Joe. Joe then chokes out Strong and wins it.

It was an average match between them. I thought they should have had Strong's neck worked on more here and I really was expecting something with Adam Cole, but they passed on it.

Samoa Joe gets on the mic after and calls out MJF. He says he is coming for him next week and says he will beat him up and take everything he has. 

Strong is helped up after. Adam Cole runs down to ringside and Strong falls down, holding his neck. He is clearly faking the injury. They bring the stretcher out and Strong is stretchered out. Joe then pops up behind Cole and chokes him out on the ramp as Joe says he will take everything from MJF.

Overall thoughts: This was a pretty weak episode of Dynamite in front of a crowd who was not that interested. There was just not a lot to get excited about here.

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