Sunday, September 3, 2023

STARDOM 9/3/2023 5Star Grand Prix 2023 Day 14 5STAR Special In Hiroshima

STARDOM 9/3/2023 5Star Grand Prix 2023 Day 14 5STAR Special In Hiroshima

Maika & Megan Bayne vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa)

Maika and Mina start us off. Maika slaps Mina's chest around then dropkicks her in the knee. Mina's team is stopped on a double hip attack attempt then Mina is slammed. Meg splashes Mina for 2 then hits corner spears. Meg hits a flurry of knees to the gut then Maika shoulders over Mina. Mina forearm flurries Maika and they trade forearms. Mina dropkicks her in the knee.

Mina satellite headscissors on her into a russian legsweep. May top rope dropkicks Maika then hits a chop flurry. May hits her rope handstand hurricanrana then Maika takes a double legsweep. May high kicks her then is powerslammed. MEg flying single leg dropkicks May then hits corner lariats and a corner splash on both opponents. Meg catches both opponents on top of her and fallaway slams both at 5 minutes.

May slaps Meg around then Meg powerslams her. Mina stunners Meg over the top rope then kicks her using the top rope. May tornado ddt's Meg and rolls it into a double underhook with a guillotine. Mina then puts Maika in a hold as well. Meg suplexes May to get out.

May does a back roll into a bridge pin on Meg then May takes a doomsday device. Meg F-5's May and wins it.

It was a short match with everyone getting in their usual spots before Meg did clean up work. We didn't see a lot of Maika here. It was okay for an opener but pretty standard stuff otherwise.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Momo Watanabe vs. Utami Hayashishita

Utami takes her down and they trade basic holds.Momo wants a handshake and Utami just forearms her. Momo hits a nice dropkick. Momo slams her then kicks the middle rope while she is leaned on it. Utami samoan drops her then basement dropkicks her in the back. Momo hits chest kicks and drops her. Momo dropkicks her against the ropes then Momo is lariated while sitting on the top rope. Momo hits her with her bat on the floor then hits a peach sunrise on the floor.

Momo sliding dropkicks her in the back then hits a meoteora for 2. Momo package tombstones her and they go up top. Utami 2nd rope air raid crashes her then Momo comes back wit ha half and half suplex. Utami powerbombs her then germans her.

Momo rolls her up and goes for a kick but it is blocked. Utami lariats her then spinning rack bombs her. Utami hits a spinning razors edge on her and wins.

This was garbage. They did way too much and didn't bother selling any of it.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Starlight Kid vs. Tam Nakano

Tam hits a flying knee to start then takes a neckbreaker on the apron. Kid dropkicks her in the back. Kid exploders her for 2. Kid messes up the landing on a backdrop and takes a bad fall on her head and shoulder. They grab each other by the arm and hit forearms then Tam wheelbarrow suplexes her.

Tam is stuck up top then Kid springboard dropkicks her up there. Kid momo latches her from the 2nd rope in a driver then spike tombstones her. Kid tiger suplexes her twice for 2 then Tam hits a high tiger suplex. Tam takes a stiff double knee to the back and no sells it to hit her own running double knee. Tam hits more double knees.

Kid momo latches her for 2. They hit forearms at the same time then Tam spinning high kicks her. Tam high kicks her then hits a stiff falcon arrow for the win.

It was short. Kid's bump on her shoulder/face looked like it sucked. It wasn't anything that good.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Syuri vs Mayu Iwatani

They side headlock each other then Mayu headscissors her. Syuri shoulders her over then Mayu armdrags and basement dropkicks her. Mayu kicks her in the back then Syuri does it back to her. They butt heads and block high kicks. Syuri shotgun dropkicks her then hits an underhook suplex.

Syuri hits knees to the body then Mayu sling blades her. Mayu dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Mayu goes to top her but Syuri moves and Mayu just topes the seconds. Syuri tornado ddt's her on the floor. Mayu superkicks her outside and they beat the count in together.

They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Mayu forearm flurries her then Syuri hits kicks to the body. Mayu dragon screws her then flying kicks her in the face. Mayu top rope dropkicks her then hits a top rope splash for 2. Syuri upkicks her from the mat and is superkicked in the back of the head. Syuri codebreakers her.

Mayu release germans her on her head then Syuri high kicks her. Syuri spins her arount out of the stretch muffler then puts it back on her. Syuri bridging ddt's her off the ropes for 2 then Mayu poisonrana's her. Mayu buzzsaw kicks her and superkicks her. Ma then misses a top rope moonsault. Syuri release germans her then does a weird dominator/michinoku driver hybrid. Syuri electric chair her into a death valley driver and wins it.

There wasn't a lot of selling or story here and both took some hard bumps on their necks. I didn't think it was very good though it was what I expected as a big match between these two.

High Speed Title Match - Saki Kashima (c) vs. Momo Kohgo

Momo pushes her then Saki lays down. Momo hits mounted forearms. Saki offers a forearm and Momo rolls her up. Saki then facekicks her. Momo armdrags her twice and they kip up at the same time, though Saki doesn't land it. Momo misses double stomps and Saki just poses.

Saki kicks the middle rope while she's over it then sits on her and poses. Momo dropkicks her and then 619 legsweeps her from the apron. Momo springboard dropkicks her for 2. Momo does a side underhook suplex then Saki underhook suplexes her.

Momo runs up the buckles and twisting top rope crossbodies her then Saki rolls her up. Saki hits a palm strike uppercut then tries to roll her up but is reversed for 2. Momo superkicks her then crucifixes her for a close 2. Saki crucifixes her and wins it.

It was short and not good at all. I think Saki's injured or something as she was screwing around and everything she has been in lately, she has taken easy. Momo's not the greatest either and this was what it looked like on paper - a weak undercard match.

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Saori Anou) (c) vs. Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki

Suzu and Mei charge at the bell at their opponents. Anou ends up outside due to Suzu. Mei sunset flips Poi and back rolls her into a Suzu basement dropkicks. Poi takes a double basement dropkick then Mei hair throws her.

Mei suplexes Poi then Suzu does a drive by sliding dropkick on the apron on her. Mei hits knees to the face then they mess up an irish whip. Mei takes a double dropkick in the corner then Poi hair throws her. Poi foot chokes her and Anou stomps Mei. Anou trips Mei and rolls into an indian deathlock on her. Poi then dropkicks her in the face while she is in the hold.

Poi snapmares Mei then basement dropkicks her in the back. Poi and Mei criss cross each other, roll together then end up doing a crossbody at the same time then do a kip up together. Mei dropkicks her then Suzu slaps her. Suzu sliding germans Mei. Anou gets in and 2nd rope hurricanrana's her. They grab each other by the hair and hit forearms. They trade forearms to the chest. Suzu rolls out of a back slide and hits head kicks.

Suzu bridges out of an enzugiri then release germans her. Anou germans her in return then Suzu germans her. Anou germans her for 2. Suzu hits a tequila shot then Mei jumps off of Anou's back to kick Poi away from a tag. Mei does a cool little running sequence that ends in a dropkick and kip up. Mei STF's her then Anou takes a double spin kick and a cool corkscrew kick + legsweep combo at 10 minutes. Mei tries to springboard but is pushed off the ropes . Mei takes a kick combo and fisherman suplex for 2.

We get a whole sequence of top rope moves that ends with everyone going down. Anou step up enzugiri's Mei then wheelbarrow germans her for 2. Anou is held up for a codebreaker and a release german then Anou backslides Mei with a bridge. Suzu takes a double team ranhei then Poi release germans Mei. Mei takes a double team ranhei then Mei takes a ddt destroyer from Anou for the Anou and Poi win.

This was a super fun match. The pace was so fast here and they had a lot of cool double teams. These 4 matched up so well and I would love to see this again. I really liked this and it couldn't have been much better than what it was.


Momo and Utami came out to challenge for the tag titles after. Momo got on Utami's shoulders for some reason then Poi tried to get on Anou's shoulders, but both fell.

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - MIRAI (c) vs. Konami

Konami double legs her and they mat wrestle. Konami pulls her back and tries to armbar her. Konami then sliding kicks her against the bottom rope. Mirai forearms her on the apron then Konami rolling armbars her off the apron to the floor. Mirai accidentally lariats the post outside then Konami kicks her in the arm.

Konami double stomps the arm and knees it. Konami back elbows her then Mirai shoulders her over. Mirai corkscrew vader bombs her then Konami PK's her. Konami AT locks her and they trade forearms. Konami slaps and spin kicks her then hits a stiff slap and uraken. Konami kicks her off the top and does a running knee for 2.

Mirai overhook drops her then backdrops her. Mirai then wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes her. They botch a hammerlock belly to belly and Konami's head is spiked into the mat. Konami arm wringers her then straight kicks her in the face. Konami then triangle lancers her then buzzsaw kicks her for 2.

Mirai cradle shocks her for 2 then hits a stiff lariat for 2. Mirai then hits a real stiff lariat and wins it.

I wasn't a fan though Konami was a good heel. Konami worked the arm early. They did some other things for a while then Mirai made a quick comeback and won with lariats. I thought Konami got a little too much in and Mirai should not have won with the lariat after it was worked on so much.

They had a long talking segment after with all of the members of God's Eye.

NJPW STRONG Women's Title Match - Giulia (c) vs. Risa Sera

G = Giulia

They lock up and Risa shoulders her over. G armdrags her then ties up her arms and legs. Risa ropebreaks and running back elbows her. Risa is pulled out then G kicks her while laying on the apron. Risa apron's edge powerbombs her after G tries to set up a table. G puts her in an octopus on the apron then Risa air raid crashes her off the apron through a table.

Risa puts her in a high crab then meteora's her against the buckles. Risa double knee drops her then does like a swinging side air raid crash. G headbutts her up top then hits a top rope double underhook suplex. G then germans her. Risa cradle shocks her then is shotgun dropkicked. Both are down for a bit and they trade forearms.

G rolls her into an stf then hammerlock belly to belly clutch suplexes her. Risa hits an attitude adjustment then spinning emerald flowsion's her. Risa top rope double knee drops her then G botches a sunset bomb. G backdrops her and Risa no sells it. G bolo punches her and hits a knee. They botch a glorious driver then G hits it on the 2nd attempt.

Risa spinning powerbombs her for 2 then G 2nd rope sunset bombs her. G top rope dropkicks her and they blow another spot. G baseball punches her and hits a package piledriver. G then northern lights bombs her for the win.

This was a total disaster with botches, sloppiness and no selling. Nothing went right here and even the commentators were stuck at times when there were obvious botches. All the issues also killed the crowd heat.

Overall thoughts: I'm usually not a big fan of Stardom PPV's and I wasn't a big fan of this one. The tag title match was the best match of the night and had such a wild fast pace to it.The main was a disaster, the semi main was a flawed match and a lot of the other matches had big moves and little selling.

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