Monday, September 4, 2023

AEW All Out 9/3/2023

AEW All Out 9/3/2023

ROH Tag Titles - Adam Cole and MJF (c) vs The Dark Order (John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

Silver headlock takeovers Cole, Cole headscissors him and they stand off. Cole leapfrogs Silver and pump kicks him when he tries to do it back. Cole and MJF call for the double clothesline and Alex pulls Silver out from it. MJF starts a "sportsmanship" chant and wants a handshake from Alex. MJF then eyepokes him during it.

MJF struts and gyrates then trips Alex. Silver hits MJF from behind then MJF hits him. MJF shoulders over Alex then holds his neck. MJF and Cole are outside then the Dark Order nails them from behind. MJF is checked on by the doctors and taken up the ramp. Somehow, despite being outside for a while, he isn't counted out. Cole is popped back into an uppercut then Silver lariats him and prances around.

Silver goes to tope Cole and Cole kicks him on his way out. Alex comes off the apron onto Cole and gets superkicked. Cole's panama sunrise on Silver is blocked. Silver hits kicks whil he's kneeling then fisherman busters him for 2. Alex facekicks Cole then Uno stomps Cole outside and sends him into the post.

Alex is back body dropped over the top the Cole hits oblivion on Silver. Cole goes for the tag and MJF's not there, but Uno is and Uno gives him the finger. Cole takes the D-O's combo that ends in the jack knife pin for 2. Silver and Alex call for the double clothesline and hit it for 2. Cole fights off a 2v1. MJF isn't there but comes down while the refs try to stop him. MJF is tagged in then beats up the D-O. Silver's head is banged off the buckles.

MJF drops Alex's head into Silver's crotch. MJF hits the kangaroo kick on both opponents. Uno gets on the apron and is superkicked. Cole and MJf hit the double clothesline on Alex and win it.

I thought the Dark Order got buried here by not being able to beat Cole 2v1. And let's be honest, they are are lacking credibility as is. The Dark Order were full on heels here which they haven't been up until this. This also hurt the Dark Order who lost in their first match as heels.

ROH Television Title - Samoa Joe vs Shane Taylor

Joe heads down to the ring before Cole and MJF are out. Joe pushes MJf. MJF nails Joe while he's posing and they fight in the ring. Joe guillotine chokes him and security comes to break it up.

Joe chops Shane then Shane shoulders him over. Shane hits a punch flurry then Joe punches him back. Shane drops him with a lariat. They go out and trade chops. Shane headbutts him inside and uranage's him. Shane then splashes him for 2. Joe enzugiri's him then topes him. Shane punches him then Joe facekicks and sentons him for 1. Shane hits a big lariat.

Joe chokes him on the ropes then Shane pulls him in and kind of stunners him while he does it. Shane 2nd rope splashes him. Joe hits a stiff lariat and they trade shots. Shane forearms and punch combos him. Joe forearms him and hits knees to the body. Joe then goes for the choke and taps him out.

It was a good but short heavyweight match. We don't get to see a lot of Joe matches where he's in there with someone who is the same size so this was a nice little treat. Shane had a good showing and they matched up well as expected. I'd like to see this one again. This was all striking and some lariats.

TNT Title - Luchasaurus (c) vs Darby Allin

Darby charges in then pulls Lucha over the top. Darby climbs on his back and is knocked off then Lucha throws him into the rails. Darby is swung into the steps and Christian tells Lucha to punish and finish him. Christian then says to maim him. Darby is busted open and dropped face first on the steps. Lucha then puts the steps on his back and walks up the steps.

Lucha does a neat swinging side slam then headbutts him. Darby flips out of a chokeslam. Darby crossbodies him off the top and just bounces. Lucha chokes him with his bandage then Darby pushes Lucha into the post outside. Lucha is sat on a chair outside and Darby top rope swantons him. Darby hits a crucifix bomb then takes a release german.

Christian tries to get Nick Wayne to throw in the towel as Lucha racks Darby. Darby topes Christian for no real reason  then top rope sunset bombs Lucha. Christian chairs Nick outside. Christian goes for the conchairto on Nick and Darby is distracted. Lucha tombstones Darby twice and lariats him from behind for the win.

I was surprised by the ending as AEW usually has people doing much more dangerous finishers. The match was decent and made sense. Darby was the underdog face as expected and Lucha was the monster heel who threw him around. Christian goes for a conchairto then the locker room comes out to stop it.

Miro vs Powerhouse Hobbs

They tie up and rough each other up. Miro hits punches and stomps in the corner. Miro hits kicks then Hobbs lariats him. Miro spinning heel kicks him then dropkicks him. Hobbs belly to belly overhead suplexes him then exploders him. Hobbs corner charges him and bounces off the ropes to the floor. Miro cannonballs him off the apron outside and sends him into the steps.

Hobbs lariats him then chinlocks him. They splash each other on the ropes and hit some lariats as the crowd chants, "meat". Miro clubs Hobbs' chest and 2nd rope superplexes him.  Miro hits a pump kick and Hobbs spinning powerslams him. Hobbs hits lariats then Miro hits a big running lariat. Miro pump kicks him for 2. Miro camel clutches him then comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a spinebuster for 2. Miro spinebusters him and wins with the camel clutch.

It was a decent heavyweight match that the crowd really enjoyed. I don't think it met up on all the hype as they went pretty easy on each other and could have done a better job. The shots weren't that stiff and they could have thrown around each other more. It was still a good effort though and I liked it.

Hobbs jumps Miro after they shake hands and Lana from WWE hits Hobbs with a chair. Miro then seems surprised and shocked that his wife was there, even though it's his wife.

TBS Title - Kris Statlander vs Ruby Soho

Ruby pulls her down by the hair then Kris kips up. Kris goes up and over in the corner and messes up a dropkick, making it become a knee instead. Kris chases Saraya around then ring then Ruby dropkicks her off the apron. Ruby then brings her head into the rails with her knees. Saraya hits cheap shots on Kris then Ruby back elbows her.

Ruby flatliners her. Kris high kicks her, take a knees a knee then does a bicycle kick. Kris running knees her then powerslams her for 2. Ruby backdrops her then Kris spinning back breakers her. Kris then hits a ki krusher for 2. Kris spinning slams Ruby off the 2nd rope for 2. Ruby poisonrana's her and does a ddt. Ruby then short hurricanrana's her for 2.

Kris blue thunders her for 2 then Ruby hits her stupid no future kick. Ruby then hits a blade runner for 2. Toni storm comes out from under the ring as Ruby grabs spray paint. Toni grabs the paint from Ruby then Kris hits a single leg package tombstone to win it.

This was your usual Outcasts much with tons of shenanigans and bad wrestling. Toni costing Ruby the match here was odd.

Strap Match - Bryan Dnaielson vs Ricky Starks


Starks flying forearms him and flurries him before getting the strap on. Starks whips him with a weightlifting belt from the crowd then punches him with the buckle of it. Starks busted him open and hit him with the strap. Starks stomps his head into the steps then legdrops him on the apron. Starks chokes him with the strap and then hits him with it.

Starks gets stuck on the top rope and Bryan whips him. Bryan chokes him with the strap as he hangs in tree of woe. Bryan hits baseball slides. He goes to tope and Starks hits him as he tries to dive out. Bryan pulls Starks into the post with the strap. Starks is now bleeding and is hit with the strap.

Bryan hits kicks and a flying dropkick in the corner. Bryan is then lariated. They go to head to head and hit each other hard with the straps. Starks flurries him with strap shots and Bryan hulks up. Bryan hits him with it more and then buzzsaw kicks him. Big Bill pounds on Bryan then Ricky Steamboat hits Bill. Bill grabs Steamboat and Starks is thrown out onto Bill. Bryan the top rope crossbodies Starks and Bill. Starks spears Bryan for 2 then mounted punches him.

Bryan flying knees him for 2. Bryan does curb stomps then crossfaces him with the strap around his throat. Bryan then wins due to him passing out.

It was a good match with each guy taking a beating with the strap and lots of blood. It could have been a little better but they did a good job here. It's just too bad this didn't have a great build or feud along with it.

Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)

Yuta and Shibata wrestle on the mat. Shibata kicks himn in the back then does Kawada kicks. Shibata misses a PK and they stand off. Eddie backhands Yuta down then starts brawling with Claudio outside. Yuta then topes Eddie. Eddie then has his back rammed into the rails. CC cranks back Eddie's arm then hits forearms to Eddie's neck. Yuta takes a cheapshot on Eddie.

Eddie double underhook suplexes Yuta and CC gets in. CC double stomps him then Yuta pulls Eddie's arms backwards. Eddie STO's Yuta then Shibata forearm flurries CC in the corner. CC running back elbows Shibata then takes a flying kick in the corner followed by more forearms. Shibata dropkicks CC in the corner then underhook suplexes him. CC deadlift powerbombs Shibata out of the triangle.

Shibata drops Yuta with a forearm. Shibata then indian deathlocks Yuta while putting CC in an anklelock. CC hits Yuta and he falls over, making the inidian deatlock worse. Eddie gets in and CC books him fron behind. Yuta takes a pump kick into a backdrop. CC and Shibata trade euros then Shibata overhand slaps him.

Shibata goes into the rails outside then is running euro'd. Eddie enzugiri's Yuta then Yuta germans him and hits mounted strikes. Yuta and Eddie slap each other then Eddie and CC slap each other. Eddie hits chops then is short arm lariated.  CC hits the neutralizer for 2 then Eddie suplexes him. CC then euros Eddie and pins him.

The finish was lame and the match went on too long. It was probably the best use of Shibata so far though as they hid his lack of being able to tack head shots well.

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

KT eye rakes him early and hits euros. KT leg lariats him then backdrop drivers him on his head. Kenny is thrown into the rails then facekicked. Kenny finlay rolls him on the floor, spiking his own head off of it then moonsaults off the rail. Kenny springboard dropkicks his knee then over the back bulldogs him. Kenny then punts him in the knee. Kenny pushes his head back into the mat for 2.

They slap each other in the indian deathlock and KT grabs him by the face. KT flying lariats him. KT does an alley oop but holds onto him, swinging his face into the 2nd buckle. KT brainbusters him on the floor. KT distracts the ref, Don puts chairs on Omega and KT slingshot swantons him on the floor...completely missing the chairs anyway.

KT running facekicks him then hits a blue thunder for 2. KT top rope swantons him and they trade chops. Kt forearms him down then Kenny gets his knees up on his top rope senton. KT spinning forearms him then misses a corner knee and goes onto the floor. Kenny tope con hilos him then top rope dropkicks him in the back. Kenny dragon suplexes him twice. Kenny poisonrana's him for 2.

Kenny flips out of a release german then Kt does too. KT forearms him then Kenny pumping knees him. KT flips him with a lariat. Kenny running pumping knees him for 2. Kenny pumping knees him then KT package tombstones him for 2. KT germans him for 2. KT hits forearms, takes a knee then Kenny spin kicks him in the back of the head.

Kenny pumping knees him in the corner then Kt top rope blue thunders him. KT pumping knees him for 2. Don tries to stab Kenny with a screwdriver and misses. Kenny pumping knees KT twice. KT goes to use the screwdriver, gets caught and then wheelbarrow germans him. KT pumping knees him for 2 then does it again to win.

This was total garbage. They started out with a freaking backdrop driver and did all kinds of big moves all throughout with little selling or logic. These two just brought the worst out of each other.

FTR and The Young Bucks vs Bullet Club Gold

Cash and Colten start us off. They trade headscissors and Colten is rolled up. Cash hiptosses him then headlock takeovers him. Cash armdrags and hurricanrana's Colten. Nick Jackson double stomps Austin's arm off the top then is popped up into a dropkick on him. Colten is double hiptossed and double fist dropped. Austin is then double dropkicked.

Jay and Dax go at it. Jay knees him then is chopped. Juice snapmares Dax and stomps him with Jay. The heels do the guns up pose and Dax joins them then nails them one by one as they turn around. Jay is tripped into a Dax elbow drop. Jay dropkicks Cash in the leg then bangs the knee off the mat. Juice hits punches on Cash and drops him. All 8 men stand off in the ring then fight. the heels are atomic dropped into each other then all 4 take sharpshooters.

Dax is catapulted into the post by Juice outside. Colten stomps Dax then Dax is underhook suplexed into the buckles. Dax backdrops Juice then Colten throws out Dax. Jay gordbusters Dax on the apron. Dax is double teamed in the corner while Juice poses. Dax makes the tag aftr hitting a back body drop. Nick does a run up the ropes springboard armdrag + headscissors. The Bucks get offense in on Juice then Jay takes bulldog into a dropkick. Austin is superkicked many times by the Bucks.

Cash sunset flips Austin. A Buck almost superkicks Cash then Cash and the Buck superkick opponents. Dax ddt's Colten and Nick completely missed on an apron moonsault outside. Dax and a Buck hit a spike piledriver. Austin is superplexed then takes moves from his 3 other opponents. A Buck is pushed into the post and Colten comes off the steps with a forearm on Cash. A Buck top rope crossbodies Colten outside.

Dax and Jay trade chops and Dax short arm lariats him. Austin takes a shatter machine from Dax and Nick and Nick top rope corkscrew dives Juice. Dax and Matt hit a bte trigger. Colten fameasser's Matt on the floor. Jay blade runners Cash then Colten grabs the win.

It was a good tag with lots of fun moves with the Bucks and FTR teaming up. The heels bumped big and did what they were supposed to and it got plenty of time. Nothing wrong with this one at al and it was better than expected.

AEW International Title Match - Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley

Oh wow, I'm just dying to see this after 3 hours of wrestling. OC goes to do his pockets thing and Mox drills him in a great move. Mox pounds on him and bites him. OC shotgun dropkicks him then is backdropped. OC hits shots from the apron and bangs his head off the buckle. OC top rope crossbodies him then Mox curb stomps him. OC hits his tunner then topes him.

Mox then orange crushes him. Mox curb stomps him more and throws him into the post. OC is busted open. Mox pus him on the announcers table and punches the cut then rubs his elbow on it. Mox then bites the cut. Mox piledrivers him for 2 and bites his cut more. Mox then hits crossface punches.

Mox puts his hands in his pockets and tells OC to forearm him. Mox drops him with a forearm. OC top rope diving ddt's him then tornado ddt's him. Mox hits punches and forearms him. OC PK's him then hits an orange punch. Mox gotch style piledrivers him for 2. Mox chokes him then lebell locks him.

Mox takes off the floor padding then OC beach breaks him on the floor. OC dropkicks Mox into the steps. OC hits orange punches then Mox cutters him. OC orange punches him then hits a spear for 2. OC then does his stupid pockets routine and does stomps. Mox hits lariats on him then hits a death rider.  Mox then hits a high angle death rider and wins it.

I didn't like OC being treated as a serious threat to Mox or actually going toe to toe with him at times. Mox should have just squashed him. It was one of the more tolerable OC matches though thanks to Mox who wasn't doing all of the usual screwing around. It was nice to see OC bleed and get the crap beaten out of him here as well. It was a decent match but trust me, they really went all out here to try and get OC over as the underdog face here.

Overall thoughts: You guys know I don't like AEW much, but they did a good job with this one. They had a nice variety of things going on. The main and semi-main delivered. The two hoss matches were good and Starks/Bryan had a good one. The women's match wasn't any good and Omega/Takeshita was awful, indy crap. Overall, it was a good show though that covered up some of the bad booking behind it.

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