Saturday, August 12, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/11/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/11/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Dante Chen vs Damon Kemp

Kemp hammerlocks him then trips him. Kemp then slaps him while on the mat. Chen trips him then slaps him on the mat. Kemp snapmares him then Chen 2nd rope headlock takeovers him. Kemp essentially cartwheels out of a side headlock then takes another headlock takeover. Chen slides between the legs and goes for another 2nd rope headlock takeover but Kemp just backbreakers him.

Kemp drops and elbow and we see that Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak are watching this match in the back through an inset. Well, that's 3 of us who are seeing this. Chen back elbows him and hits punches then Kemp drops down and punches him. Kemp kind of flatliners him into the 2nd buckle then exploders him.

Kemp slams him for 2 then hit another slam. Kemp misses an elbow drop and Chen bangs his head off the buckles. Chen hits palm strikes then does a springboard punch. Chen atomic drops him and Kemp hits him from behind. Kemp does a uranage into a neckbreaker and wins it.

It kind of went long and they were repeating spots here. This really wasn't a good showing for two guys who have been around for so long and this should have been better than it was.

Tavion Heights is interviewed. He said the more reps he gets in the ring, the more devastating he gets. He says Joe Coffey is a bully and he's a bully-bullier. He says he will take Joe to new heights. The material wasn't great, but he did an okay job with it.

Fallon Henley vs Izzi Dame

This is Izzi Dame's 2nd TV match. They lock up and Fallon armlocks her. Izzi shoulders her over then Fallon shoulders her. Izzi punches her then Izzi is tripped on the bottom rope. Fallon then slides out and punches her.

Izzi brings her throat down over the top rope and lariats her in the back of the neck. She then stomps her in the corner. Fallon is sent into the buckles several times and Izzi basement dropkicks her. Izzi chinlocks her then Fallon hits a short arm lariat, a punch and a back elbow.

Fallon corner back elbows her and hits a bad swinging facebuster. Fallon then hits like a running enzugiri or a very bad shining wizard and wins it.

This wasn't good at all. Izzi didn't get to do a lot and Fallon's offense is really bad. You could just tell a minute into this that it would be bad.

Tavion Heights vs Joe Coffey

Tav = Tavion Heights

They lock up and Tav waistlocks him down. Joe shoulders him over and Tav hiptosses and shoulders throws him. Tav hits a fireman's carry then Joe stomps on him. Joe backbreakers him then hits a stiff knee to the gut. Joe crossbodies him then Tav hits a back body drop.

Tav hits lariats then capture suplexes him. Tav hits a belly to belly for 2. Tav hits a dominator for 2. Joe flying battering rams him then hits a spinning lariat to win it.

Nothing wrong with this at all. Tav held up just fine with Joe and didn't look out of place.

Overall thoughts: The opener was disappointing with them repeating spots and going too long. The women's match was ugly and the main was okay.

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