Saturday, August 12, 2023

AEW Rampage 8/11/2023

AEW Rampage 8/11/2023

Last week's show is here:

Brian Cage vs Darby Allin

Darby shotgun dropkicks him in the corner then plancha's him. Darby goes for a tope but he just bounces off of Cage. Darby is thrown into the rails then Cage walks him up the steps in the suplex position and throws him in. Cage 2nd rope deadlift suplexes Darby in. Cage beats up Darby in the corner then throws him into the buckles, making him flip.

Darby sidesteps Cage and makes Cage run into the steps. Darby then jumps on his back and Cage rolls both of them onto a table. They are back up in seconds after that. Cage backdrops him on the apron.

We go to break and return. Darby hits a spinning diamond dust off the 2nd rope then double stomps him off the buckles. Darby goes over the back into a stunner then Cage hits a powerbomb and holds onto him for another. Darby ties his boot around Cage's legs to trip him then coffin drops him off the top onto the apron. Both then end up on the floor.

Darby hits a code red and goes up top. Nana causes a distraction on the apron and Darby is tripped and falls on his head. Cage hits a great F-5 for 2. They go up on the 2nd rope and Darby hits a 2nd rope crucifix bomb. Cage holds on and goes for an F-5 but Darby rolls him up to win it.

I hate this. They did so much here and didn't bother selling any of it. It's a shame too because this really could have been good if they did half of what they did.

Luchasaurus then comes in and hits basically a reverse chokeslam on Darby. Darby is left laying.

Britt Baker is interviewed. She said she considers The Bunny to be a friend. She said she respects her and sees her working hard to rehab herself. She said she has to be the big bad bully though and ruin her her return, because she wants to go to Wembley Stadium. She said it will be a big spectacle when she holds up the title and says her name in front of all of the fans.

Eddie Kingston did a promo. He said the G-1 was the toughest thing he ever did. He said being NJPW Strong champion is important to him and he wants to defend on Dynamite, Rampage or Collision. From my results, I think they mentioned that he was working with NJPW on July 5th, and I don't think they brought it up on AEW TV since.

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy vs Johnny TV

Harley Cameron sings about Johnny TV during his entrance. Jericho says Johnny TV is actually a Swedish name. OC flips Johnny out then Johnny regroups with QTV. Harley Cameron distracts the ref on the apron and the other QTV members get in the ring. OC shows the ref what is going on then QTV is kicked out of ringside.

Wheeler Yuta then shows up outside and Johnny hits a springboard enzugiri. The ref kicks him out and OC's body is hit off the apron. We go to PiP break then full break. Yuta is on commentary now. OC bangs Johnny's head off the buckles and is legswept on the apron. Johnny knees him in the head and OC hangs from the bottom rope. Johnny goes to kick him, but OC moves and he kicks the steel on the ring. OC topes him  then hits a top rope crossbody. Johnny hits a moonlight drive flipping neckbreaker then does another variation of it for 2.

Johnny misses starship pain and OC jumps off the top and ddt's him on his way down. OC hits a tornado ddt then hits an orange punch. OC hits a beachbreak and wins it.

It got silly with the QTV stuff here. It wasn't awful in the ring and OC didn't screw around at least.

Yuta then heads down the ramp towards OC. OC asks him what is taking him so long to get down here and tells him to get down there so he can punch his face in. Claudio and Mox then head down to ringside. Yuta grabs the mic and says OC knows the BCC could make OC leave in an ambulance. Yuta says that is beneath them though and asks what it would accompolish. Yuta says he wants to hurt him emotionally and mentally. He said he wants to take the one thing he cares about - the International Title. He challenges him to a title match next week.

We get a video on the ROH Tag Titles. They talk about them and mention various teams who held them. They said the Hardy's held them and their reign was important as it showed that ROH was an important destination. Ian Riccaboni says nothing beats a good team.

Aussie Open vs The Outrunners 

We saw The Outrunners once on ROH TV a few months ago. Mark Davis facekicks one and the other is knocked off the apron. AO hits a double chop then a PK and senton combo. AO do a double gorilla press and lariat their opponents over the top.  The Outrunners have their backs banged into each other.

Mark chops one of them in the corner then I think Drew is hit with a superkick. Drew is thrown into a Kyle kick then is held up in the air for a Kyle 2nd rope cutter. AO hit a sandwich lariat then hit the coriolis for the win.

This was just a quick squash here.

Mark gets on the mic after talking about Maxwell and Little Adam. He questions if they have what it takes to call themselves a tag team. Mark mentions the double clothesline then the crowd chants for it. Kyle says the fans only care about them as they are waiting for the inevitable MJF backstab. Kyle says the UK is a third world country compared to Australia. Kyle says they accept the challenge and will leave ROH tag champs. Kyle says they are the Open and will run the world.

Jeff Jarrett talks about the Chainsaw Massacre video game. He said they are sponsoring Dynamite and says they will compete in the first ever Texas Chainsaw Massacre Championship. Jeff says Leatherface may appear and says he will face Jeff Hardy in this. He said there are no rules in this and said he will take out Jeff Hardy. Well, this was very random but I'm up for Leatherface.

Mark Henry quickly talks about Saraya vs Skye Blue. He maybe gets like on sentence in then Excalibur talks about the women and Mark says there's been enough talk.

Four-Way Qualifier - Skye Blue vs Saraya

There's obviously no doubt as to who wins this one as you know Saraya wants to wrestle at Wembley. Skye backslides her and cradles her. Skye sunset flips her an they trade pin attempts. Saraya gut kicks her and Skye does some bizarre turn around to body press Saraya.

Skye crossbodies her off the 2nd rope for 2 and Saraya rolls out. Skye hits Toni Storm then misses a cannonball off the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Skye is trapped in the ring apron and Saraya does a step up knee. Saraya then running knees her for 2. Skye is thrown down by the hair then headscissors her. Skye step up knees her in the corner then does her sweeping kick from the mat. Saraya kicks her for 2 then puts her in a version of Bull Nakano's Queen Angelito Stretch.

Skye hits the ropes then superkicks her. Skye does her code red from the side then The Outcasts get on the apron. Ruby Soho spray paints Skye in the eyes then Saraya hits a package ddt and wins it.

This was short and not very good as expected with interference from The Outcasts.

Skye is stomped on after.

Overall thoughts: Not a real great show. Darby/Cage had potential but they did too much. OC's match didn't have the screwing around but wasn't real memorable. The main was short and not impressive and we had a random Aussie Open squash.

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