Wednesday, August 9, 2023

WWE NXT 8/8/2023

WWE NXT 8/8/2023

Last week's show is here:

Mustafa Ali vs Axiom

Ax = Axiom

Ali wristlocks him and Ax headflips out. Ali shoulders him over then Ali armdrags him. Ali bangs Ax's head off the buckles and Ax upkicks him on the apron. Ax headscissors him off the apron into commentator's table. Scrypts comes out and yells at Tax then Ali rolls up Ax for 2. Ali kicks Ax in the gut then Ax 2nd rope armdrags him. Ax hits a dropkick then northern lights release suplexes him off the kip up. Ax standing moonsaults him for 2.

Ali essentially hits a buckshot lariat off the buckles for 2. Bronco Nima and Lucien Price join Scrypts. Ali goes for a springboard but Ax slides through the ropes and germans him in a cool spot. Ax goes for a springboard but is single leg dropkicked then Price/Scrypts/Nima leave.

Ali slingshots in and is grounded with a choke then Ali hits a jackhammer. AX canadian destroyers him then Ax moonsaults him outside off the top rope. Ali neckbreakers him on the floor then Ax hits a tornado ddt for 2. Ax flips off the top rope into a ddt for 2. Ax goes up top and Ali pulls off some of his mask before pushing him to the floor. Ali 450's him and grabs the win.

The two worked well together and it was a good wrestling based match. Ax looked real good like he always does here and the match was smooth.

Ali said he wants the winner of the North American championship match. We go to the back and a bunch of people are down including Jiro. Schism is then seen. They say they will find the Creed Brothers tonight even if they have to turn NXT over tonight. Schism's lackeys then beat up on everyone who is down.

Kelani Jordan vs Blair Davenport

We see KJ talking on Instagram. She said she took Dana's advice and is calling out one of the most feared women in NXT, Blair Davenport. She said if Blair underestimates and judges her, she's judging her prematurely as she hasn't shown all the tricks up her sleeve.

Blair kicks her and KJ goes out. Blair messes up her hair and KJ rolls and headflips out of a wristlock. KJ uses the ropes to hurricanrana Blair then crossbodies her for 2. KJ tiger feints through the ropes and rolls her up then KJ does an interesting hiptoss reversal into a backslide. Blair goes out and KJ throws her back in. KJ is then thrown into the buckles.

Blair hair throws KJ. KJ cartwheel back elbows her and is kicked over the 2nd rope. Blair then double stomps her as she hangs over the 2nd rope and hits a v-trigger for the win.

Kelani did real good here. It was the best match she has had to this point and it's clear she's going to be someone going forward. The crowd didn't care at all about this but it was a decent match.

Dana Brooke chases Blair with a belt after then almost nails KJ.

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are interviewed. Von's shirt says, "you're gonna get tabled". Von said people have talked trash about him his entire life and it cuts down. Von said even a bad @ss like Bron needs to get put in his place sometimes. He says he has a special reservation and it's a table for 1 for Bron tonight. He then says, "your @ass is gonna get tabled". I liked this. It was short and suite and Von was into it.

Heritage Cup Rules - Noam Dar vs Tyler Bate

I'm really not clear here on whether this is a Heritage Cup Title match or if it's just a match under Heritage Cup rules.

Round 1 - Bate headscissors him then rolls through an armlock and dropkicks him. Dar does a rolling takedown and Bate escapes an armlock with his feet. They lariat each other down at the same time and stare down. The round then ends while they are locking up.

Round 2 - Bate does a rebound lariat to knock Dar off the apron then suicide dives him over the top rope to the outside. Bate then hits a tiger driver and wins the fall.

Round 3 - This starts during the break. Bate hits him in the head with his foot then twists his neck with his feet. Bate backdrops him and hits a euro. They lariat each other at the same time, sit up, punch each other and both go down as the bell rings.

Round 4 - They trade forearms and Dar hits kicks. Bate 2nd rope euros Dar then airplane spins him into a spinning slam. Dar gets his knees up on a running ssp then hits a stiff spinning back elbow. Dar then rolls it into a leg lock. Bate ends up having to tap. Dar refuses to let go after.

Round 5 - We are tied 1:1 ere and Dar kicks him in the leg. Dar hits kicks and elbows to the head. Bate rolling koppo kicks him then hits a punch combo. Bate hits a release german then slaps him. Bate goes for a rebound lariat but is caught in a leglock. Bate deadlift germans him and Oro Mensah is on the apron. Bate nails Oro then takes a punch from Dar. Bate rolls up Dar for 2 then hits a rebound lariat. Dar then drops down rolls him up and Bate reverses it to pin him and win the match.

It was a good wrestling match but it sucked that we had to watch Round 3 through PiP. I didn't like the two sit-up spots where they hit the same move on each other. 

Bate takes Dar's cup after.

Hank and Tank are in the back. Tank says they should be called Smash Mouth. Schism comes in and surrounders them. They want to know where the Creeds are. They don't know then Hank and Tank are jumped. Gacy then kicks Tank.

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed. He promises pain for Trick Williams.

Dijak walks up to Carmelo Hayes in the back. Dijak asks if he saw what he did last week and Melo said he didn't have time for it. He says he has one man left to prove his mental to and that's trick. Wes Lee walks in and Dijak tells him he's not in the championship picture anymore. Wes asks if he wants to go there and Dijak says he goes where he wants, when he wants. Melo leaves and Wes says he would have no problem proving who he is to Dijak in front of the champ. Dijak then jumps Wes and throws him into the wooden stalls and says, "how's that for a reminder?".

Ilja Dragunov comes out in a suit. He says it's time for Trick to take the responsibility for his actions and says not to keep him waiting. Trick Williams comes out with maybe new music. Trick says there will be no hand holding tonight. He says he's not backing down just like him. Drag asks if he's serious. Trick said last time they danced it got ugly and said he showed him what his new muscle is about. Trick said Drag is a bad boy and Drag says Trick is the main reason he's not NXT champ right now. Trick asks if he wants to blame him for the title match loss. Trick said he didn't hit him with the title, Drag ran into the title. Trick says he will give him the chance to kick his @ss and says they should do it in a match. He says he wants to prove that he's no sidekick and can back up what he said. Drag says his eyes get red when the anger consumes him. He said every time when he tries to fulfill his destiny, something happens. He says this time nothing will stop him from destroying everything in his path and says he will break him. Drag tells him to be careful what he's asking for. Trick tells him to bring his a-game, because he's bringing his. Trick says Drag is the best of the best and he's ready to prove that he is too. They agree to a match at Heatwave. This was a good promo with both guys doing a good job and making their match seem like it's going to be a big deal.

Gulak and Dempsey are interviewed. Hank and Tank were going to fight them but are injured. Gulak says they are soft. Dempsey said it's pathetic and said everyone in the locker room claims to be tough when they are healthy. Damon Kemp walks in and says if there's toughness they are looking for, look no further. Briggs and Jensen then walk in. They said there's nothing soft about them and nobody tougher. Dempsey and Gulak say they will see them tonight. Kemp had all kinds of weird holes in his shirt.

Bron Breakker is interviewed by the girl who does Level Up interviews. He asked what Von said and she tells him Von says he will put him through a table. Bron says, "give me a break".

Rey Mysterio talks to Roxanne Perez in the back. He says her win at the PPV was a staple victory. He then says let's go get it. Rey goes up to Thea Hail. Thea is excited and nervous. Rey says he knows what it feels like to be the underdog. He says he can see the heart when she's in the ring and thanks he will be a champ someday and believe in himself. Thea asks if he still loves his son. Rey said he doesn't like who his son is right now and is hanging with the wrong people, but it's his son and he will always love him. He hopes one day he will realize who his real family is.

Chase and Duke go up to Thea. Thea says unlike Chase, he wouldn't throw in the towel.

Von Wagner vs Bron Breakker

Von has new music I think and a new graphic. Bron hits a knee to the gut then Von hits corner spears. Bron shoulders him over then Von shoulders him. Von gut kicks him and hits a double underhook suplex. Von sets up for a table but Bron interrupts him. Bron runs him over with a hard lariat then Bron does a running knee in the corner. Von misses a kick and gets his leg stuck over the top rope. Bron does a nice german to him then suplexes him. Bron then kips up and standing moonsaults him.

Bron grabs him by the hair and asks if he wants to be in the ring with him. Von hits a short arm clothesline and they lariat each other at the same time with both going down. Von hits punches and hits headbutts. Von lariats him in the corner and running facekicks him. The crowd chants for tables and Bron hits a big spear for the win.

It was shorter than it should have been. Some of Von's shots weren't that good and the crowd wasn't that into it. Bron looked really good here.

Bron grabs Stone after and gorilla presses him. Von makes the save and knees him out of the ring. Von then hits a big powerbomb on Bron and all of Vic Joseph's candy goes flying everywhere which added to the visuals. Stone hugs Von after and is all fired up. They bump fists and Stone talks trash to Bron.

We cut to the enchanted forest and see Eddy Thorpe. He says his thoughts are most clear in nature and we see all kinds of magic wolves. Eddy says Dijak dropped him twice with boot and left him laying with an injured arm. Eddy says he needs to take responsibility. We then see him playing around with some native american stuff and says he needs to "hoka he" to get past Dijak.

Rhea talks to Dom in the back and tells him not to get distracted. Lyra Valkyria walks in and says she beat Jacy Jayne as Rhea told her to. Lyra says Rhea manipulates and uses people to help Dom hold onto the title. Lyra tells her to practice what she preaches and stay out of Dom's match tonight.

Stacks and Tony D are at a photoshoot. Schism walks in and wants to know about The Creeds. Tony says they don't know where they are and make jokes about the roster. Schism threatens them and Tony gets the crowbar out. Jagger says they have something they are interested in and means their titles. Tony says they have a better chance at finding the Creeds. Gacy tells him to back off and focus on finding the Creeds.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey

Demp = Dempsey

Myles Borne is out there with Gulak and Dempsey and they say he is one of their trainees. Jensen and Gulak start us off. Gulak hits chops in the corner then Jensen hits chops and lariats in the corner. Jensen slams him then misses an elbow. Demp headlock takeovers him and Gulak asks Myles for water. Myles said he doesn't have water and is told to go to the back and get out of here. Gulak says he needs to know his place. Demp shoulders Jensen then hiptosses him. Jensen armdrags Demp then Briggs slams Demp for 2.

Demp escapes a double team then Gulak ends up taking a double team slam. Briggs gorilla press slams Gulak then Jensen and Briggs slide out and punch Gulak. Demp arm wringers Briggs' arm over the top rope then euros him. Demp goes for the armbar on Briggs then Briggs deadlift powerbombs him from the mat. Jensen gets in and beats up the heels. Jensen spinning punches Demp and slams Gulak. Jensen powerslams Demp and Gulak is thrown out. All 4 men are fighting then Damon Kemp exploder suplexes Jensen on the floor and throws him in. Demp then dragon suplexes Jensen and picks up the win.

It was short and it didn't get enough time. Kemp helping Demp win was an interesting turn of events.

Kelani Jordan is in the back. Dana goes up to her and says she is waiting for her killer instinct. Dana says people are out there making fun of Kelani and says that has happened to her. She said she doesn't want that for her. Kelani says she doesn't know what killer instinct looks like yet. Dana says she wants what's best for her and can't want it more than her. Dana says she will face Blair next week and show her what killer instinct needs to look like. 

Ivy Nile vs Kiana James

KJ says she can tap into her wild side when she needs it and says Ivy will be the first of many to see a different side of KJ. KJ throws her bag at Ivy and front kicks it hard into her. KJ rams Ivy's shoulder into the exposed buckle then pulls her out. Ivy is pushed into the post then KJ suplexes her on the floor.

Ivy misses an enzugiri but it is sold anyway. KJ pulls her neck over the top rope and kicks her in the back. KJ slaps on an armlock and we go to break. We return from PiP break and Schism is out watching. KJ kicks Ivy and Schism's masked guys surround the ring. KJ bangs Ivy's arm off the mat and the masked guys do a weird clap on the mat. Ivy hits leg kicks and a high kick. Ivy hits shoulders then headscissors her. Ivy does her flying kick in the corner but KJ basically no sells it and spinebusters her soon after. Ivy gutwrench slams her for 2 and goes for her dragon sleeper. Ivy stares down Gacy as she lets go then KJ does a weird single leg side codebreaker and wins the match.

I liked KJ being aggressive early but the break hurt this one and it lost some of its momentum when Schism came out.

Schism let KJ go free after. Schism grab Ivy and ask her where the Creed's are. Tony D and sTacks then come down with crowbars and run off Schism. 

Angel Garza is at home an texting with Humberto Carillo. Carillo says they are a joke and talks about their grandfather. Carillo says they are embarrassing him and should be honoring him.

Tyler Bate is with the cup in the back. Meta-Four go up to him and says Dar needs his property back. Bate says the decision stands. Bate says he can't just give a championship back. Nathan Frazer then walks in with his Heritage Cup. Frazer says he can maybe get Tyler to give it up if Dar says that Cup is not real. Frazer says he will give him a shot at the cup if Dar admits it is fake. Dar pleads his case and says he never lost the cup. Bate gives Dar the cup back and Frazer says they will settle this at Heatwave. Frazer then tells Bate he owes him one. This was a weird segment and I don't get why they gave Dar the cup back.

Tiffany Stratton is interviewed. She says she has a lot on her mind and said she went on a shopping spree this weekend. She says pink is so her and so Barbie. She says whatever she wears, she will take tons of pictures in it. She says pink is so "Tiff Tiff" and the announcer wants to know who her next opponent is. Tiff says nobody is her next opponent and she hasn't thought that far ahead.

Trick Williams is interviewed outside. He said he is just getting warmed up. Wes tells Trick when he's done with Dijak, he's coming for Melo. Kemp, Gulak and Dempsey they walk up to him. Trick calls Kemp chunky. Gulak says there isn't a fight camp that can help him beat Drag. Trick calls them oompa loompas and says he has something special for them next week. Myles Borne then shows up and Gulak says he is late.

NXT North American Title - Dominik Mysterio vs Dragon Lee

Rey Mysterio comes out and introduces Dragon Lee as the future North American champion. Lee and Dom lock up. Dom hits a big chop and kicks him after backing off. Lee hurricanranas him. Lee hits Naito's combinacion cabron and dropkicks him. Rey, Dom and Rhea argue outside and Lee dropkicks Dom through the ropes. We go to PiP break and return. Dom brings Lee's neck down over the ropes and slingshot swantons him. Dom hits three amigos then hits mounted punches. Dom tries to take off Lee's mask. Lee hits punches and back elbows. Dom is backdropped up and superkicked in the same motion then takes a hard ride over the top from a lariat. Lee then topes him into the commentary table.

Lee goes up top and is stopped. Dom gets stuck up there with him and takes a double stomp off the top as he hangs from the ropes. Dom neckbreakers him for 2 then takes a rebound german. Lee pumping knees him and Dom 619's Lee. Dom goes up top for a splash but Lee gets his knees up. Lee hits a stiff sitout powerbomb for 2.

Rhea throws a title in the ring in front of the ref. Rey then gets on the apron and takes the title away. Lee runs the ropes and is hit with Rhea's title then Dom wins with a michinoku driver.

The crowd was really hot for this which helped it out. They had a couple of decent spots here but it was mostly average.

Rhea pokes her finger into Rey's chest then Lyra Valkyria spinning high kicks Rhea out. Lyra, Rey and Lee then pose.

Overall thoughts: It was a strong show with some good wrestling and some good promos. They have a bunch of different storylines going on right now and there's some real direction to the show.

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