Tuesday, August 8, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/8/2023 G1 Climax 33 Day 15

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/8/2023 G1 Climax 33 Day 15

Here's what I saw here:

Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa vs. United Empire (Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb)

Cobb has his hair tied up like a little 5 year old girl.

Khan and Kaito start us off with some amateur wrestling. Khan fireman's carry takeovers him. Kaito hits a dropkick and armdrag. Oiwa gets in and armlocks Khan. Oiwa then armbars him. Khan throws Oiwa over the top then throws him over the rail. Oiwa is then thrown into chairs.

Khan sits on Oiwa's head on the top rope. Cobb dropkicks Oiwa then stands on his back. Oiwa slams Cobb then Kaito gets in. Kaito dropkicks Cobb in the knee then 2nd rope forearms him. Kaito dropkicks off the buckles for 2 and gets his crossbody caught. Kaito spinning forearms him then Cobb hits a tour of the islands backdrop.

Oiwa hits dropkicks on Khan then hiptosses him. Oiwa splashes him the karelin's lifts him. Khan racks Oiwa then does a torture rack neckbreaker on him for 2. Khan takes a double dropkick. Oiwa fisherman suplexes Khan then takes a pump kick. Khan then hits a chokeslam on Oiwa and wins it.

Kaito loses in the opener again. It'd be embarrassing but he's been booked so bad that I'm not even surprised by it at this point. It was a midcard style match and wasn't anything special.

Tomoaki Honma & Toru Yano vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd)

This had the usual stuff with the faces getting beaten up long before they got in the ring and before the match even started.

Gabe whipped Honma with Honma's jacket and Alex stood on Honma. Yano was tied to the rail outside during the early part of this. Gabe raked Honma's eyes and Alex choked Honma over the 2nd rope. Honma reversed Alex's suplex in to finally get some offense then Yano got the tag in. Yano took off the turnbuckle pad and Alex hit his head off the exposed buckle. Alex shouldered over and then hit a karelin's lift on Yano. Yano tagged in Homa and he traded forearms with Gabe. Gabe bit him in the head and Honma shouldered him over.

Honma missed his falling headbutt then hit a lariat. Honma hit his falling headbutt on Gabe for 2 then took chops fromn both opponents. Honma took a double fisherman's suplex for 2 then Honma caught Gabe off the buckles with a headbutt. Honma then battering rammed Gabe. Honma missed a 2nd rope falling headbutt. Gabe pushed the ref and nailed honma for the win.

It was a joke of a match as expected with the match starting way before the bell rang and the ref allowing this to go on with someone taped to the rail.

The heels beat up Yano and Honma after and nailed the ref too.

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Master Wato & Togi Makabe vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji)

Tana is jumped from behind to start then Tana dragon screws Bushi and Yota. Naito hits him from behind then Tana knee dropkicks him. Togi gets in and works on Naito's knee then Naito takes a double shoulder from Togi and Wato. Tana gets in and hits gut punches on Naito then slams him. Naito rolls away on Tana's 2nd rope flipping senton.

Naito camel clutches Tana then Bushi stomps Tana. Yota slams Tana and hits a splash for 2. Naito neckbreakers Tana then chinlocks him. Naito basement dropkicks Tana in the corner on the combinacion cabron. Tana hits forearms on Naito then takes back elbows. Naito step up enzugiri's him and both go down after Tana slaps him.

Wato hits some shots on Bushi as both get in then Wato leg lariats him. Wato bulldogs Bushi then hurricanrana's Yota. Wato then plancha's Yota and Bushi outside. Wato springboard euros Bushi. Togi and Yota get in and Togi powerslams Yota. Yota takes running corner moves from his opponents then Tana sling blades Yota for 2. Bushi sunset flips Tana into a Natio sliding kick. Wato takes an atomic drop into a Bushi backcracker then Togi double lariats Naito and Wato. Togi lariats Yota and northern lights suplexes him for 2. Togi misses a top rope knee and Yota hits a botched curb stomp on Togi. Yota falcon arrows Togi for 2. Yota hits a big spear on Togi and picks up the win.

This was just an average trios match and was nothing special. It didn't have enough time for much to develop and people were coming in and out quick.

Naito puts Tana in a texas cloverleaf outside after.

G1 Climax 33 Block C - Tomohiro Ishii vs Mikey Nicholls

Ishii and Mikey trade forearms. Ishii is thrown out and they trade forearms outside. Mikey is thrown into the rails then lariats Ishii. They trade chops and Ishii goes down. Ishii suplexes Mikey then hits a forearm + chop combo in the corner.

Ishii shoulders Mikey over and kicks him in the back. Mikey fires up and they trade forearms. Mikey drops him with a slap and then Mikey's head starts to bleed. Mikey ddt's Ishii then does a delayed suplex for 2. Ishii backdrops Mikey then takes a high death valley driver.

Mikey superplexes Ishii for 2 then tornado ddt's him from the 2nd rope. Mikey death valley drivers Ishii and sliding lariats him for 2. Ishii hits a nice german on Mikey. They lariat each other and Ishii hits a stiff lariat for 2. They each hit enzugiri's and Ishii sliding lariats him.

Mikey does an odd slam on Ishii's body then top rope moonsaults him for 2. Ishii chest headbutts him and hits a lariat. Ishii then brainbusters him and picks up the win.

It was a fun strong-style match with some stiff shots and high impact moves. I thought they could have maybe shaved a minute or two off of it but they put out a good effort for what was a midcard match on the card.

G1 Climax 33 Block C - HENARE vs Tama Tonga

Henare takes armdrags early then is back body dropped. Henare 2nd rope twisting enzugiri's him then sentons him. Henare exposes the top buckle then puts him between the top and middle rope then running knees him. Henare does a grounded cobra twist.

Henare spinning back elbows him and Tama hits a nice dropkick. Tama back elbows himn in the corner and lariats him. Tama exploders him and they trade forearms. Tama rolling death valley drivers him. Tama goes up top and Henare step up knees him, sending both guys down.

Henare kicks him in the chest. Henare botches some odd corkscrew kick then PK's him. Henare hits the berzerker bomb for 2 and gets ddt'd for 2. Tama top rope splashes him then Henare pop-up samoan rops him. Henare knees him then does a step up knee in the corner. Tama cutters him then is headbutted in the chest. Tama has his gun stun blocked then is slammed down on the 2nd attempt. Henare uranages him and Tama punches him when he tries to headbutt him. Tama double underhook piledrivers him on his head and wins it.

The finish was rushed here and happened too fast for the crowd to react. I felt like these two could have had a really good one in them but the timing and pace just wasn't there. Henare should have had the edge, Tama should have made his comeback and then won it from there. Instead it was a lot more even.

G1 Climax 33 Block C - Eddie Kingston vs David Finlay

Eddie takes him down early and goes for slaps. DF goes out and gets chopped and thrown into the rails. DF suplexes Eddie on the floor. Eddie beats the count in just to be thrown outside and put into the rails. Eddie's back is rammed into the post.

They get back in and Eddie hits chops. Eddie is sent into the buckles then DF butt drops his back. DF backbreakers Eddie then Eddie flips him with a lariat. Eddie corner lariats him and hits machine gun chops. Eddie exploders him and hits a backdrop for 2.

DF half-nelson backbreakers him twice for 2. We're past 10 minutes now and DF lariats him in the back of the neck for 2. Eddie sits on top and is pushed down to the floor. Eddie gets his head banged off the post. Eddie gets back in and half-nelson suplexes him and uraken's him for 2. Eddie hits uraken's then suplexes him. DF hits oblivion and both go down.

They trade forearms on their knees past 15 minutes and headbutt each other. DF hits spinning forearms then spears him. DF hits oblivion and wins it.

The first half was better than the last half. I didn't like Eddie being out for a while due to his head being banged off the post then up at full energy. They then both went down again which messed up the pace more and I think it just went too long for them. Neither guy is a super worker and naturally, the match was not going to be as good as it could have been.

G1 Climax 33 Block C - EVIL vs Shingo Takagi

If Shingo wins this one, he has to have a match against Tama Tonga after this to decide the winner of the block.

Shingo is nailed as he enters and choked with something in front of the ref, who could care less. Shingo shoulders him over then hits a punch flurry in the corner. Togo goes to trip Shingo but Shingo avoids it. Shingo is then thrown out. Shingo tries not to go into the ring announcer but is pushed into him anyway.

Shingo is thrown out again and Togo hits shots on him. Shingo gets chopped and fires up. Evil eye rakes him then Shingo ddt's him. Shingo slams, sentons and suplexes him. Shingo hits a noshigami then sliding lariats him. Shingo charges the corner and goes into the exposed buckle.

Evil suplexes him and throws him out. Shingo is stomped outside by 3 people then put in the scorpion deathlock. Evil hits darkness falls for 2. Togo gets in the ring to help Evil while Yujiro grabs the ref. Shingo somehow thwarts it and the ref has to do the most asinine motions to pretend like he didn't see it.

Shingo lariats Evil then hits a made in Japan for 2. Shingo lariats Evil then hits a forearm combo. Shingo goes into the exposed buckle then hits a last falconry. The ref was thrown out and Dick Togo counted the pin while Yujiro rang the bell. Shingo thinks he has it won. Shingo then gets jumped by the HoT and Togo chokes Shingo with a weapon. Yota Tsuji and BUSHI come out to help.

Yujiro hits Shingo with a stick then Shingo is chaired. Hiromu then comes out and everyone fights one after the other. Shingo hits a double lcothesline and Yota moonaults off the 2nd rope outside to people. Shingo lariats Evil and Evil lariats him. They collide with lariats and Shingo headbutts him. Evil low blows Shingo in front of the ref who doesn't see it then Evil wins it.

This was total garbage and some of the most preposterous stuff I've ever seen. Just the worst of HoT all in one. They had 8 people in the ring at times and the ref didn't see it. Evil cheated right in front of the ref and he didn't care. The ref had to do the silliest poses to pretend he couldn't see what happened and Shingo's own partners let him get cheated on and just watched. And to make it worse, Shingo doesn't even win at the end, so there is no bonus match which is a special f*ck you to the fans.

HoT wants to shave Shingo's hair after but LIJ makes the save. 

Overall thoughts: The main was trash as expected, Finlay/Eddie was what you would expect and Henare/Tama underperformed. Ishii vs Mikey was a good one though. Kaito again was on the losing team in the opener. This was another below average G-1 Climax show..

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